是否有另一种方法可以在C中释放动态分配的内存 - 不使用free()函数?

时间:2022-06-07 21:18:10

I am studying for a test, and I was wondering if any of these are equivalent to free(ptr):




 realloc(NULL, ptr); 

 calloc(ptr, 0); 

 realloc(ptr, 0);

From what I understand, none of these will work because the free() function actually tells C that the memory after ptr is available again for it to use. Sorry that this is kind of a noob question, but help would be appreciated.

根据我的理解,这些都不会起作用,因为free()函数实际上告诉C ptr之后的内存再次可供它使用。对不起,这是一个菜鸟问题,但是将不胜感激。

3 个解决方案


Actually, the last of those is equivalent to a call to free(). Read the specification of realloc() very carefully, and you will find it can allocate data anew, or change the size of an allocation (which, especially if the new size is larger than the old, might move the data around), and it can release memory too. In fact, you don't need the other functions; they can all be written in terms of realloc(). Not that anyone in their right mind would do so...but it could be done.


See Steve Maguire's "Writing Solid Code" for a complete dissection of the perils of the malloc() family of functions. See the ACCU web site for a complete dissection of the perils of reading "Writing Solid Code". I'm not convinced it is as bad as the reviews make it out to be - though its complete lack of a treatment of const does date it (back to the early 90s, when C89 was still new and not widely implemented in full).

请参阅Steve Maguire的“编写实体代码”,以全面剖析malloc()函数族的危险。请参阅ACCU网站,以全面剖析阅读“编写固体代码”的危险。我不相信它与评论的结果一样糟糕 - 尽管它完全缺乏对const的处理确实可以追溯到它(回到90年代早期,当时C89仍然是新的并且没有全面实施)。

D McKee's notes about MacOS X 10.5 (BSD) are interesting...

D McKee关于MacOS X 10.5(BSD)的说明很有意思......

The C99 standard says:

C99标准说: The malloc function


#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);


The malloc function allocates space for an object whose size is specified by size and whose value is indeterminate.



The malloc function returns either a null pointer or a pointer to the allocated space.

malloc函数返回空指针或指向已分配空间的指针。 The realloc function


#include <stdlib.h>
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);


The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr and returns a pointer to a new object that has the size specified by size. The contents of the new object shall be the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation, up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. Any bytes in the new object beyond the size of the old object have indeterminate values.


If ptr is a null pointer, the realloc function behaves like the malloc function for the specified size. Otherwise, if ptr does not match a pointer earlier returned by the calloc, malloc, or realloc function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to the free or realloc function, the behavior is undefined. If memory for the new object cannot be allocated, the old object is not deallocated and its value is unchanged.



The realloc function returns a pointer to the new object (which may have the same value as a pointer to the old object), or a null pointer if the new object could not be allocated.


Apart from editorial changes because of extra headers and functions, the ISO/IEC 9899:2011 standard says the same as C99, but in section 7.22.3 instead of 7.20.3.

除了由于额外的标题和功能而进行的编辑更改外,ISO / IEC 9899:2011标准与C99相同,但在第7.22.3节而不是7.20.3中。

The Solaris 10 (SPARC) man page for realloc says:

realloc的Solaris 10(SPARC)手册页说:

The realloc() function changes the size of the block pointer to by ptr to size bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block. The contents will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. If the new size of the block requires movement of the block, the space for the previous instantiation of the block is freed. If the new size is larger, the contents of the newly allocated portion of the block are unspecified. If ptr is NULL, realloc() behaves like malloc() for the specified size. If size is 0 and ptr is not a null pointer, the space pointed to is freed.


That's a pretty explicit 'it works like free()' statement.


However, that MacOS X 10.5 or BSD says anything different reaffirms the "No-one in their right mind" part of my first paragraph.

然而,MacOS X 10.5或者BSD说不同的东西重申了我的第一段中的“他们正确的思想中没有人”的一部分。

There is, of course, the C99 Rationale...It says:


7.20.3 Memory management functions

The treatment of null pointers and zero-length allocation requests in the definition of these functions was in part guided by a desire to support this paradigm:


OBJ * p; // pointer to a variable list of OBJs
    /* initial allocation */
p = (OBJ *) calloc(0, sizeof(OBJ));
     /* ... */
     /* reallocations until size settles */
 while(1) {
    p = (OBJ *) realloc((void *)p, c * sizeof(OBJ));
         /* change value of c or break out of loop */

This coding style, not necessarily endorsed by the Committee, is reported to be in widespread use.


Some implementations have returned non-null values for allocation requests of zero bytes. Although this strategy has the theoretical advantage of distinguishing between “nothing” and “zero” (an unallocated pointer vs. a pointer to zero-length space), it has the more compelling theoretical disadvantage of requiring the concept of a zero-length object. Since such objects cannot be declared, the only way they could come into existence would be through such allocation requests.


The C89 Committee decided not to accept the idea of zero-length objects. The allocation functions may therefore return a null pointer for an allocation request of zero bytes. Note that this treatment does not preclude the paradigm outlined above.




A program which relies on size-zero allocation requests returning a non-null pointer will behave differently.


[...] The realloc function

A null first argument is permissible. If the first argument is not null, and the second argument is 0, then the call frees the memory pointed to by the first argument, and a null argument may be returned; C99 is consistent with the policy of not allowing zero-sized objects.

null第一个参数是允许的。如果第一个参数不为null,并且第二个参数为0,则调用将释放第一个参数指向的内存,并且可能返回null参数; C99与不允许零大小对象的策略一致。

A new feature of C99: the realloc function was changed to make it clear that the pointed-to object is deallocated, a new object is allocated, and the content of the new object is the same as that of the old object up to the lesser of the two sizes. C89 attempted to specify that the new object was the same object as the old object but might have a different address. This conflicts with other parts of the Standard that assume that the address of an object is constant during its lifetime. Also, implementations that support an actual allocation when the size is zero do not necessarily return a null pointer for this case. C89 appeared to require a null return value, and the Committee felt that this was too restrictive.

C99的一个新功能:更改了realloc函数,以清楚地指出了指向的对象被释放,分配了一个新对象,并且新对象的内容与旧对象的内容相同,直到较小的对象这两种尺寸。 C89尝试指定新对象与旧对象是同一个对象,但可能具有不同的地址。这与标准的其他部分冲突,这些部分假定对象的地址在其生命周期内是不变的。此外,当大小为零时支持实际分配的实现不一定返回此情况的空指针。 C89似乎要求无效返回值,委员会认为这个限制性太强。

Thomas Padron-McCarthy observed:

Thomas Padron-McCarthy观察到:

C89 explicitly says: "If size is zero and ptr is not a null pointer, the object it points to is freed." So they seem to have removed that sentence in C99?


Yes, they have removed that sentence because it is subsumed by the opening sentence:


The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr


There's no wriggle room there; the old object is deallocated. If the requested size is zero, then you get back whatever malloc(0) might return, which is often (usually) a null pointer but might be a non-null pointer that can also be returned to free() but which cannot legitimately be dereferenced.



realloc(ptr, 0);

is equivalent to free(ptr); (although I wouldn't recommended its use as such!)

相当于免费(ptr); (虽然我不建议使用它!)

Also: these two calls are equivalent to each other (but not to free):




The last one--realloc(ptr, 0)--comes close. It will free any allocated block and replace it with a minimal allocation (says my Mac OS X 10.5 manpage). Check your local manpage to see what it does on your system.

最后一个 - realloc(ptr,0) - 接近尾声。它将释放任何已分配的块并用最小的分配替换它(我的Mac OS X 10.5联机帮助页)。检查您的本地联机帮助页以查看它在您的系统上执行的操作。

That is, if ptr pointed at a substantial object, you'll get back most of its memory.


The man page on Debian Lenny agrees with Mitch and Jonathan...does BSD really diverge from Linux on this?

Debian Lenny的手册页与Mitch和Jonathan一致...... BSD真的与Linux有分歧吗?

From the offending man page:


The realloc() function tries to change the size of the allocation pointed to by ptr to size, and returns ptr. [...] If size is zero and ptr is not NULL, a new, minimum sized object is allocated and the original object is freed.

realloc()函数尝试将ptr指向的分配大小更改为size,并返回ptr。 [...]如果size为零且ptr不为NULL,则会分配一个新的最小大小的对象,并释放原始对象。

The linux and solaris man pages are very clean, and the '89 standard: realloc(ptr,0) works like free(ptr). The Mac OS manpage above, and the standard as quoted by Jonathan are less clear but seems to leave room to break the equivalence.

linux和solaris手册页非常干净,'89标准:realloc(ptr,0)就像free(ptr)一样工作。上面的Mac OS手册页和Jonathan引用的标准不太清楚,但似乎留下了打破等价的空间。

I've been wondering why the difference: the "act like free" interpretation seems very natural to me. Both of the implementations I have access to include some environment variable driven tunablity, but the BSD version accepts many more options Some examples:


 MallocGuardEdges             If set, add a guard page before and after
                              each large block.  
 MallocDoNotProtectPrelude    If set, do not add a guard page before large
                              blocks, even if the MallocGuardEdges envi-
                              ronment variable is set.

 MallocDoNotProtectPostlude   If set, do not add a guard page after large
                              blocks, even if the MallocGuardEdges envi-
                              ronment variable is set.


 MallocPreScribble            If set, fill memory that has been allocated
                              with 0xaa bytes.  This increases the likeli-
                              hood that a program making assumptions about
                              the contents of freshly allocated memory
                              will fail.
 MallocScribble               If set, fill memory that has been deallo-
                              cated with 0x55 bytes.  This increases the
                              likelihood that a program will fail due to
                              accessing memory that is no longer allo-

Possibly the "minimum sized object" is nothing (i.e. equivalent to free) in the normal modes, but something with some of the guards in place. Take that for what it's worth.



Actually, the last of those is equivalent to a call to free(). Read the specification of realloc() very carefully, and you will find it can allocate data anew, or change the size of an allocation (which, especially if the new size is larger than the old, might move the data around), and it can release memory too. In fact, you don't need the other functions; they can all be written in terms of realloc(). Not that anyone in their right mind would do so...but it could be done.


See Steve Maguire's "Writing Solid Code" for a complete dissection of the perils of the malloc() family of functions. See the ACCU web site for a complete dissection of the perils of reading "Writing Solid Code". I'm not convinced it is as bad as the reviews make it out to be - though its complete lack of a treatment of const does date it (back to the early 90s, when C89 was still new and not widely implemented in full).

请参阅Steve Maguire的“编写实体代码”,以全面剖析malloc()函数族的危险。请参阅ACCU网站,以全面剖析阅读“编写固体代码”的危险。我不相信它与评论的结果一样糟糕 - 尽管它完全缺乏对const的处理确实可以追溯到它(回到90年代早期,当时C89仍然是新的并且没有全面实施)。

D McKee's notes about MacOS X 10.5 (BSD) are interesting...

D McKee关于MacOS X 10.5(BSD)的说明很有意思......

The C99 standard says:

C99标准说: The malloc function


#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);


The malloc function allocates space for an object whose size is specified by size and whose value is indeterminate.



The malloc function returns either a null pointer or a pointer to the allocated space.

malloc函数返回空指针或指向已分配空间的指针。 The realloc function


#include <stdlib.h>
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);


The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr and returns a pointer to a new object that has the size specified by size. The contents of the new object shall be the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation, up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. Any bytes in the new object beyond the size of the old object have indeterminate values.


If ptr is a null pointer, the realloc function behaves like the malloc function for the specified size. Otherwise, if ptr does not match a pointer earlier returned by the calloc, malloc, or realloc function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to the free or realloc function, the behavior is undefined. If memory for the new object cannot be allocated, the old object is not deallocated and its value is unchanged.



The realloc function returns a pointer to the new object (which may have the same value as a pointer to the old object), or a null pointer if the new object could not be allocated.


Apart from editorial changes because of extra headers and functions, the ISO/IEC 9899:2011 standard says the same as C99, but in section 7.22.3 instead of 7.20.3.

除了由于额外的标题和功能而进行的编辑更改外,ISO / IEC 9899:2011标准与C99相同,但在第7.22.3节而不是7.20.3中。

The Solaris 10 (SPARC) man page for realloc says:

realloc的Solaris 10(SPARC)手册页说:

The realloc() function changes the size of the block pointer to by ptr to size bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block. The contents will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. If the new size of the block requires movement of the block, the space for the previous instantiation of the block is freed. If the new size is larger, the contents of the newly allocated portion of the block are unspecified. If ptr is NULL, realloc() behaves like malloc() for the specified size. If size is 0 and ptr is not a null pointer, the space pointed to is freed.


That's a pretty explicit 'it works like free()' statement.


However, that MacOS X 10.5 or BSD says anything different reaffirms the "No-one in their right mind" part of my first paragraph.

然而,MacOS X 10.5或者BSD说不同的东西重申了我的第一段中的“他们正确的思想中没有人”的一部分。

There is, of course, the C99 Rationale...It says:


7.20.3 Memory management functions

The treatment of null pointers and zero-length allocation requests in the definition of these functions was in part guided by a desire to support this paradigm:


OBJ * p; // pointer to a variable list of OBJs
    /* initial allocation */
p = (OBJ *) calloc(0, sizeof(OBJ));
     /* ... */
     /* reallocations until size settles */
 while(1) {
    p = (OBJ *) realloc((void *)p, c * sizeof(OBJ));
         /* change value of c or break out of loop */

This coding style, not necessarily endorsed by the Committee, is reported to be in widespread use.


Some implementations have returned non-null values for allocation requests of zero bytes. Although this strategy has the theoretical advantage of distinguishing between “nothing” and “zero” (an unallocated pointer vs. a pointer to zero-length space), it has the more compelling theoretical disadvantage of requiring the concept of a zero-length object. Since such objects cannot be declared, the only way they could come into existence would be through such allocation requests.


The C89 Committee decided not to accept the idea of zero-length objects. The allocation functions may therefore return a null pointer for an allocation request of zero bytes. Note that this treatment does not preclude the paradigm outlined above.




A program which relies on size-zero allocation requests returning a non-null pointer will behave differently.


[...] The realloc function

A null first argument is permissible. If the first argument is not null, and the second argument is 0, then the call frees the memory pointed to by the first argument, and a null argument may be returned; C99 is consistent with the policy of not allowing zero-sized objects.

null第一个参数是允许的。如果第一个参数不为null,并且第二个参数为0,则调用将释放第一个参数指向的内存,并且可能返回null参数; C99与不允许零大小对象的策略一致。

A new feature of C99: the realloc function was changed to make it clear that the pointed-to object is deallocated, a new object is allocated, and the content of the new object is the same as that of the old object up to the lesser of the two sizes. C89 attempted to specify that the new object was the same object as the old object but might have a different address. This conflicts with other parts of the Standard that assume that the address of an object is constant during its lifetime. Also, implementations that support an actual allocation when the size is zero do not necessarily return a null pointer for this case. C89 appeared to require a null return value, and the Committee felt that this was too restrictive.

C99的一个新功能:更改了realloc函数,以清楚地指出了指向的对象被释放,分配了一个新对象,并且新对象的内容与旧对象的内容相同,直到较小的对象这两种尺寸。 C89尝试指定新对象与旧对象是同一个对象,但可能具有不同的地址。这与标准的其他部分冲突,这些部分假定对象的地址在其生命周期内是不变的。此外,当大小为零时支持实际分配的实现不一定返回此情况的空指针。 C89似乎要求无效返回值,委员会认为这个限制性太强。

Thomas Padron-McCarthy observed:

Thomas Padron-McCarthy观察到:

C89 explicitly says: "If size is zero and ptr is not a null pointer, the object it points to is freed." So they seem to have removed that sentence in C99?


Yes, they have removed that sentence because it is subsumed by the opening sentence:


The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr


There's no wriggle room there; the old object is deallocated. If the requested size is zero, then you get back whatever malloc(0) might return, which is often (usually) a null pointer but might be a non-null pointer that can also be returned to free() but which cannot legitimately be dereferenced.



realloc(ptr, 0);

is equivalent to free(ptr); (although I wouldn't recommended its use as such!)

相当于免费(ptr); (虽然我不建议使用它!)

Also: these two calls are equivalent to each other (but not to free):




The last one--realloc(ptr, 0)--comes close. It will free any allocated block and replace it with a minimal allocation (says my Mac OS X 10.5 manpage). Check your local manpage to see what it does on your system.

最后一个 - realloc(ptr,0) - 接近尾声。它将释放任何已分配的块并用最小的分配替换它(我的Mac OS X 10.5联机帮助页)。检查您的本地联机帮助页以查看它在您的系统上执行的操作。

That is, if ptr pointed at a substantial object, you'll get back most of its memory.


The man page on Debian Lenny agrees with Mitch and Jonathan...does BSD really diverge from Linux on this?

Debian Lenny的手册页与Mitch和Jonathan一致...... BSD真的与Linux有分歧吗?

From the offending man page:


The realloc() function tries to change the size of the allocation pointed to by ptr to size, and returns ptr. [...] If size is zero and ptr is not NULL, a new, minimum sized object is allocated and the original object is freed.

realloc()函数尝试将ptr指向的分配大小更改为size,并返回ptr。 [...]如果size为零且ptr不为NULL,则会分配一个新的最小大小的对象,并释放原始对象。

The linux and solaris man pages are very clean, and the '89 standard: realloc(ptr,0) works like free(ptr). The Mac OS manpage above, and the standard as quoted by Jonathan are less clear but seems to leave room to break the equivalence.

linux和solaris手册页非常干净,'89标准:realloc(ptr,0)就像free(ptr)一样工作。上面的Mac OS手册页和Jonathan引用的标准不太清楚,但似乎留下了打破等价的空间。

I've been wondering why the difference: the "act like free" interpretation seems very natural to me. Both of the implementations I have access to include some environment variable driven tunablity, but the BSD version accepts many more options Some examples:


 MallocGuardEdges             If set, add a guard page before and after
                              each large block.  
 MallocDoNotProtectPrelude    If set, do not add a guard page before large
                              blocks, even if the MallocGuardEdges envi-
                              ronment variable is set.

 MallocDoNotProtectPostlude   If set, do not add a guard page after large
                              blocks, even if the MallocGuardEdges envi-
                              ronment variable is set.


 MallocPreScribble            If set, fill memory that has been allocated
                              with 0xaa bytes.  This increases the likeli-
                              hood that a program making assumptions about
                              the contents of freshly allocated memory
                              will fail.
 MallocScribble               If set, fill memory that has been deallo-
                              cated with 0x55 bytes.  This increases the
                              likelihood that a program will fail due to
                              accessing memory that is no longer allo-

Possibly the "minimum sized object" is nothing (i.e. equivalent to free) in the normal modes, but something with some of the guards in place. Take that for what it's worth.
