How to make navbar-links fill out 100% of the width of a page

时间:2022-10-19 21:17:46

Here's my struggle. So I've been wondering how I could make the navbar-links fill out 100% of the nav. So that they have an equal amount of spacing and the font-size will decrease if more links were added - this way it will always fill out 100%.

这是我的斗争。所以我一直想知道如何让导航栏链接填充100%的导航。因此,如果添加更多链接,它们具有相等的间距,字体大小将减少 - 这样它将始终填写100%。

As it is now, I cannot seem to achieve this. I've only got a set padding, but I've tried doing stuff like:


display: block;
float: left;
width: 100%;

but it's giving me all kind of effects that doesn't work at all :S


Anyone able to help me out on this?


Codepen example

3 个解决方案



Remove width from #main-navigation and add with to #main-navigation li with a value equal to the 100/the_numberof_elements_in_the list. Your css should be:

从#main-navigation中删除宽度,并使用等于100 / the_numberof_elements_in_the列表的值添加到#main-navigation li。你的CSS应该是:

#main-navigation {
    height: 54px;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;

#main-navigation ul {
    height: 54px;
    overflow: hidden;

#main-navigation li {
    font-size: 1.0em;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    list-style: none;
    float: left;
    width: 20%;

This way you'll have your nav occupying all the available width, but your font-size will not automatically resize. You'll should change it also in function of the number of elements (similar the way you have to do to the li's width). If your are generating this list dynamically at server side, you could do the same with the css and then calculate the right values for these two attributes. If your are using ajax to populate the list, you could do change the attributes with javascript.




A way of doing this is using display: table on the parent and display:table-cell on the children. I believe it won't work on some versions of IE (of course). Here's an exaple




You can use the nav tag instead and treat it as table. Treat the <ul> tag as table-row and <li> tag as table-cell. Ex:


  • 标记视为表格单元格。例如:

 display: table;
 text-align: center;
 width: 100%

nav ul{
 display: table-row;

nav ul li {
 display: table-cell;

This will stretch the contents of <li> 100%


  • 100%的内容

  • I learnt it from the following link:




    Remove width from #main-navigation and add with to #main-navigation li with a value equal to the 100/the_numberof_elements_in_the list. Your css should be:

    从#main-navigation中删除宽度,并使用等于100 / the_numberof_elements_in_the列表的值添加到#main-navigation li。你的CSS应该是:

    #main-navigation {
        height: 54px;
        overflow: hidden;
        border-bottom: 1px solid black;
    #main-navigation ul {
        height: 54px;
        overflow: hidden;
    #main-navigation li {
        font-size: 1.0em;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        list-style: none;
        float: left;
        width: 20%;

    This way you'll have your nav occupying all the available width, but your font-size will not automatically resize. You'll should change it also in function of the number of elements (similar the way you have to do to the li's width). If your are generating this list dynamically at server side, you could do the same with the css and then calculate the right values for these two attributes. If your are using ajax to populate the list, you could do change the attributes with javascript.




    A way of doing this is using display: table on the parent and display:table-cell on the children. I believe it won't work on some versions of IE (of course). Here's an exaple




    You can use the nav tag instead and treat it as table. Treat the <ul> tag as table-row and <li> tag as table-cell. Ex:


    • 标记视为表格单元格。例如:

     display: table;
     text-align: center;
     width: 100%
    nav ul{
     display: table-row;
    nav ul li {
     display: table-cell;

    This will stretch the contents of <li> 100%


  • 100%的内容

  • I learnt it from the following link:
