
时间:2022-11-02 21:16:28

I generate a PDF file using Prawn and the Prawnto plugin in my rails application.


I create a standard form with a standard textarea, and submit that as the body of the PDF file.


However, I need to be able to format words and sentences with:


  • bold
  • underline
  • maybe different type sizes
  • 可能是不同的类型

I want to be able to do it from within the textarea input box. Right now, because I use prawnto, I basically am genering a view which outputs what is in the textarea.


But if I put, say, bold in the text area, it doesn't format, it just renders.


How do I do this?


2 个解决方案



we may have similar apps...


Prawn can do basic inline formatting based on (simple) HTML - take a look at the text/inline_format.rb example on github. In fact, take a look at the whole Prawn Example Gallery if you haven't - it's one of the best I've seen.

Prawn可以基于(简单)HTML进行基本的内联格式化 - 看一下github上的text / inline_format.rb示例。事实上,看看整个Prawn示例库,如果你还没有 - 这是我见过的最好的之一。

To get the HTML you need you can either type HTML straight into the textarea (a bit ugly - might not be a good idea if anyone besides you will be entering text) or use something like Markdown to interpret more user-friendly "style codes" like * does. I think BlueCloth is the best-known ruby implementation, but I've never used it myself.

要获得所需的HTML,您可以直接在textarea中输入HTML(有点难看 - 如果除了你之外的任何人都会输入文本可能不是一个好主意)或使用像Markdown这样的东西来解释更加用户友好的“样式代码”像*那样。我认为BlueCloth是最着名的ruby实现,但我自己从未使用它。

Bold and underline? No problem. Font size might be harder - I imagine it would be tricky to get BlueCloth to emit something like the (deprecated) < font > tag they use in the Prawn example...

大胆并强调?没问题。字体大小可能更难 - 我想让BlueCloth发出类似他们在Prawn示例中使用的(不赞成的)标签会很棘手......

Hope this helps - cheers!

希望这会有所帮助 - 干杯!



In response to bold text...


In controller:

respond_to do |format| format.pdf {render :layout => false} prawnto :filename => @current_project+".pdf", :prawn => {:font => 'Times-Roman'}, :inline=>false

respond_to do | format | format.pdf {render:layout => false} prawnto:filename => @current_project +“。pdf”,:prawn => {:font =>'Times-Roman'},:inline => false end

Then in pdf.prawn file you can use:


in a text box:


pdf.text_box "Document Revisions", :size => 16, :style => :bold, :at => [0.mm,10.mm], :width => 100.mm, :height => 15.mm;

pdf.text_box“文档修订版”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold,:at => [0.mm,10.mm],:width => 100.mm,:height => 15.mm ;

or in a line of text on its own:


pdf.text "Document Contents", :size => 16, :style => :bold;

pdf.text“文档内容”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold;

As I understand it - but not tried it - to underline you need to do:

据我了解 - 但没试过 - 强调你需要这样做:

:styles => [:bold, :underline];

:styles => [:bold,:underline];

refence this link for more


This is not a feature of version 0.8.4 but version 0.10.2 - not sure how you would do underline in 0.8.4. I am not currently using 0.10.2 so can not confirm that this is works.

这不是0.8.4版本的功能,但是版本0.10.2 - 不确定如何在0.8.4中进行下划线。我目前没有使用0.10.2因此无法确认这是否有效。

Based on what you have said I think this is what you want to for bold:


pdf.text_box "#{@yourtext.text}", :size => 16, :style => :bold, :at => [0.mm,10.mm], :width => 100.mm, :height => 15.mm;

pdf.text_box“#{@yourtext.text}”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold,:at => [0.mm,10.mm],:width => 100.mm,:height => 15.mm;



we may have similar apps...


Prawn can do basic inline formatting based on (simple) HTML - take a look at the text/inline_format.rb example on github. In fact, take a look at the whole Prawn Example Gallery if you haven't - it's one of the best I've seen.

Prawn可以基于(简单)HTML进行基本的内联格式化 - 看一下github上的text / inline_format.rb示例。事实上,看看整个Prawn示例库,如果你还没有 - 这是我见过的最好的之一。

To get the HTML you need you can either type HTML straight into the textarea (a bit ugly - might not be a good idea if anyone besides you will be entering text) or use something like Markdown to interpret more user-friendly "style codes" like * does. I think BlueCloth is the best-known ruby implementation, but I've never used it myself.

要获得所需的HTML,您可以直接在textarea中输入HTML(有点难看 - 如果除了你之外的任何人都会输入文本可能不是一个好主意)或使用像Markdown这样的东西来解释更加用户友好的“样式代码”像*那样。我认为BlueCloth是最着名的ruby实现,但我自己从未使用它。

Bold and underline? No problem. Font size might be harder - I imagine it would be tricky to get BlueCloth to emit something like the (deprecated) < font > tag they use in the Prawn example...

大胆并强调?没问题。字体大小可能更难 - 我想让BlueCloth发出类似他们在Prawn示例中使用的(不赞成的)标签会很棘手......

Hope this helps - cheers!

希望这会有所帮助 - 干杯!



In response to bold text...


In controller:

respond_to do |format| format.pdf {render :layout => false} prawnto :filename => @current_project+".pdf", :prawn => {:font => 'Times-Roman'}, :inline=>false

respond_to do | format | format.pdf {render:layout => false} prawnto:filename => @current_project +“。pdf”,:prawn => {:font =>'Times-Roman'},:inline => false end

Then in pdf.prawn file you can use:


in a text box:


pdf.text_box "Document Revisions", :size => 16, :style => :bold, :at => [0.mm,10.mm], :width => 100.mm, :height => 15.mm;

pdf.text_box“文档修订版”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold,:at => [0.mm,10.mm],:width => 100.mm,:height => 15.mm ;

or in a line of text on its own:


pdf.text "Document Contents", :size => 16, :style => :bold;

pdf.text“文档内容”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold;

As I understand it - but not tried it - to underline you need to do:

据我了解 - 但没试过 - 强调你需要这样做:

:styles => [:bold, :underline];

:styles => [:bold,:underline];

refence this link for more


This is not a feature of version 0.8.4 but version 0.10.2 - not sure how you would do underline in 0.8.4. I am not currently using 0.10.2 so can not confirm that this is works.

这不是0.8.4版本的功能,但是版本0.10.2 - 不确定如何在0.8.4中进行下划线。我目前没有使用0.10.2因此无法确认这是否有效。

Based on what you have said I think this is what you want to for bold:


pdf.text_box "#{@yourtext.text}", :size => 16, :style => :bold, :at => [0.mm,10.mm], :width => 100.mm, :height => 15.mm;

pdf.text_box“#{@yourtext.text}”,:size => 16,:style =>:bold,:at => [0.mm,10.mm],:width => 100.mm,:height => 15.mm;