为什么有些c ++编译器会让你获取文字的地址?

时间:2022-12-27 21:13:08

A C++ compiler that I will not name lets you take the address of a literal, int *p = &42;

我不会命名的C ++编译器允许你获取文字的地址,int * p =&42;

Clearly 42 is an r-value and most compilers refuse to do so.


Why would a compiler allow this? What could you do with this other than shoot yourself in the foot?


5 个解决方案


What if you needed a pointer to an integer with the value of 42? :)

如果你需要一个指向值为42的整数的指针怎么办? :)

C++ references are much like automatically dereferenced pointers. One can create a constant reference to a literal, like this:

C ++引用很像自动解引用指针。可以创建对文字的常量引用,如下所示:

const int &x = 42;

It effectively requires the compiler to initialize a pointer with the address of an integer with the value 42, as you might subsequently do this:


const int *y = &x;

Combine that with the fact that compilers need to have logic to distinguish between a value which has not had its address taken, and one which has, so it knows to store it in memory. The first need not have a memory location, as it can be entirely temporary and stored in a register, or it may be eliminated by optimization. Taking the address of the value potentially introduces an alias the compiler can't track and inhibits optimization. So, applying the & operator may force the value, whatever it is, into memory.


So, it's possible you found a bug that combined these two effects.



Because 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. When asked for its address it is the answer itself.



Tongue slightly (nut by no means totally) in cheek:


I'd say that in C++ application code taking the address of an integer whether lvalue or rvalue is almost always a mistake. Even using integers, for doing anything much more than controlling loops or counting is probably a design error, and if you need to pass an integer to a function which might change it, use a reference.

我会说在C ++应用程序代码中取一个整数的地址,无论是左值还是右值几乎总是一个错误。即使使用整数,除了控制循环或计数之外做任何事情都可能是设计错误,如果你需要将一个整数传递给可能改变它的函数,请使用引用。


Found something related to rvalue references in C++0x -- move semantics http://www.artima.com/cppsource/rvalue.html

在C ++ 0x中找到与rvalue引用相关的东西 - 移动语义http://www.artima.com/cppsource/rvalue.html


It effectively requires the compiler to initialize a pointer with the address of an integer with the value 42


Then why, in some compilers, we can't take the address of a literal directly ?


int* ptr = &10;

The reference:

int& ref = 10;

is almost the same thing as a pointer, though...



What if you needed a pointer to an integer with the value of 42? :)

如果你需要一个指向值为42的整数的指针怎么办? :)

C++ references are much like automatically dereferenced pointers. One can create a constant reference to a literal, like this:

C ++引用很像自动解引用指针。可以创建对文字的常量引用,如下所示:

const int &x = 42;

It effectively requires the compiler to initialize a pointer with the address of an integer with the value 42, as you might subsequently do this:


const int *y = &x;

Combine that with the fact that compilers need to have logic to distinguish between a value which has not had its address taken, and one which has, so it knows to store it in memory. The first need not have a memory location, as it can be entirely temporary and stored in a register, or it may be eliminated by optimization. Taking the address of the value potentially introduces an alias the compiler can't track and inhibits optimization. So, applying the & operator may force the value, whatever it is, into memory.


So, it's possible you found a bug that combined these two effects.



Because 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. When asked for its address it is the answer itself.



Tongue slightly (nut by no means totally) in cheek:


I'd say that in C++ application code taking the address of an integer whether lvalue or rvalue is almost always a mistake. Even using integers, for doing anything much more than controlling loops or counting is probably a design error, and if you need to pass an integer to a function which might change it, use a reference.

我会说在C ++应用程序代码中取一个整数的地址,无论是左值还是右值几乎总是一个错误。即使使用整数,除了控制循环或计数之外做任何事情都可能是设计错误,如果你需要将一个整数传递给可能改变它的函数,请使用引用。


Found something related to rvalue references in C++0x -- move semantics http://www.artima.com/cppsource/rvalue.html

在C ++ 0x中找到与rvalue引用相关的东西 - 移动语义http://www.artima.com/cppsource/rvalue.html


It effectively requires the compiler to initialize a pointer with the address of an integer with the value 42


Then why, in some compilers, we can't take the address of a literal directly ?


int* ptr = &10;

The reference:

int& ref = 10;

is almost the same thing as a pointer, though...
