
时间:2021-12-11 21:12:04

I am trying to create an image gallery. My scroll bar gets rough and slows down when i try to add some 20 different images. Any suggestions??


6 个解决方案



  • Make sure you add the width and height attributes. On my webpage when I added them, for some reason it loaded a little bit faster on Safari and Chrome but made no difference on the other browsers.


  • You can also try lazy loading your images. It really makes a difference.


  • Make sure you resize your images to the size they are going to be displayed on your webpage.




Try lazy loading your images using jQuery. Here's a plugin: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload


Here's an example of when I've used lazy loading: https://www.lunatickets.co.uk (scroll down the page and watch the images).


Also make sure the browser isn't resizing your images! Make sure you've optimised them for the web!




  • Make sure you add width/height attributes to your img tags - other wise your browser/website layout will "jump around" as it loads them.

    确保你的img标签添加宽度/高度属性 - 另外,你的浏览器/网站布局会在加载它们时“跳转”。

  • If your inserting images try resizing them to the appropriate width/height before you load them. Your browser will run slower if it is resizing the large images to display smaller.




Your question is vague, is it the images or scroll bars that are slow?


If images:

Never resize your images with css width height properties. This will load the entire image and be very slow. Instead resize images before uploading them, or have a thumb generator resize them on upload.


If the image is small (less than 100 pixels height or width) you can reduce it's quality when generating the thumb, so the file-size is smaller but to no noticable affect.


Use the correct file format. - gif for animation - png for small inconsequential graphics like logos and icons - jpg for higher quality graphics like images

使用正确的文件格式。 - 用于动画的gif - 用于标识和图标等小的无关紧要的图形的png - 用于图像等高质量图形的jpg

Are you gzipping content before sending it on the server?


Use a CDN for your images like AWS S3 yes, but DO NOT USE flick/picassa as they will 'look up' your image before serving it, which will be much slower. Using just a CDN (AWS S3) will be better than your current hosting as they've been optimised for quick look ups, reducing the wait time by 50-90% compared to most web hosts.

对像AWS S3这样的图像使用CDN是的,但不要使用flick / picassa,因为它们会在服务之前“查找”你的图像,这会慢得多。仅使用CDN(AWS S3)将比您当前的主机更好,因为它们已经过优化以便快速查找,与大多数Web主机相比,等待时间缩短了50-90%。

Use only one CDN, once the DNS look up has taken place for the domain your browser will cache it.


If your site uses cookies or sessions store the images on a different URL (this can be a subdomain of your site), so that the cookies and session data aren't sent with each image request (slowing it down).


If the graphics are re-used set a time out parameter on them (a couple of months in the future), so that the browser caches them locally.


EDIT: I would also agree that loading images on demand/visibility in webpage is a very good practice.


If scroll bars:


Are you using custom scroll bars and or a custom scroll event? If so, you may want to put a threshold (I recommend 100ms) for how often your resize event can be fired. Or manually fire the resize event after loading the images, as if in your scenario you know when the images have been loaded.




Try not to load all images at once.


Slideshows like this: http://sandbox.scriptiny.com/slideshow/, they only load the showed image plus some of the next. The gallery I last used loaded the current image and the next 10 images. I don't remember the name, but I think that is the way to do it.




Have you tried keeping your images on S3, Flickr or Picasso? Let their servers take the hit for the HTTP requests




  • Make sure you add the width and height attributes. On my webpage when I added them, for some reason it loaded a little bit faster on Safari and Chrome but made no difference on the other browsers.


  • You can also try lazy loading your images. It really makes a difference.


  • Make sure you resize your images to the size they are going to be displayed on your webpage.




Try lazy loading your images using jQuery. Here's a plugin: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload


Here's an example of when I've used lazy loading: https://www.lunatickets.co.uk (scroll down the page and watch the images).


Also make sure the browser isn't resizing your images! Make sure you've optimised them for the web!




  • Make sure you add width/height attributes to your img tags - other wise your browser/website layout will "jump around" as it loads them.

    确保你的img标签添加宽度/高度属性 - 另外,你的浏览器/网站布局会在加载它们时“跳转”。

  • If your inserting images try resizing them to the appropriate width/height before you load them. Your browser will run slower if it is resizing the large images to display smaller.




Your question is vague, is it the images or scroll bars that are slow?


If images:

Never resize your images with css width height properties. This will load the entire image and be very slow. Instead resize images before uploading them, or have a thumb generator resize them on upload.


If the image is small (less than 100 pixels height or width) you can reduce it's quality when generating the thumb, so the file-size is smaller but to no noticable affect.


Use the correct file format. - gif for animation - png for small inconsequential graphics like logos and icons - jpg for higher quality graphics like images

使用正确的文件格式。 - 用于动画的gif - 用于标识和图标等小的无关紧要的图形的png - 用于图像等高质量图形的jpg

Are you gzipping content before sending it on the server?


Use a CDN for your images like AWS S3 yes, but DO NOT USE flick/picassa as they will 'look up' your image before serving it, which will be much slower. Using just a CDN (AWS S3) will be better than your current hosting as they've been optimised for quick look ups, reducing the wait time by 50-90% compared to most web hosts.

对像AWS S3这样的图像使用CDN是的,但不要使用flick / picassa,因为它们会在服务之前“查找”你的图像,这会慢得多。仅使用CDN(AWS S3)将比您当前的主机更好,因为它们已经过优化以便快速查找,与大多数Web主机相比,等待时间缩短了50-90%。

Use only one CDN, once the DNS look up has taken place for the domain your browser will cache it.


If your site uses cookies or sessions store the images on a different URL (this can be a subdomain of your site), so that the cookies and session data aren't sent with each image request (slowing it down).


If the graphics are re-used set a time out parameter on them (a couple of months in the future), so that the browser caches them locally.


EDIT: I would also agree that loading images on demand/visibility in webpage is a very good practice.


If scroll bars:


Are you using custom scroll bars and or a custom scroll event? If so, you may want to put a threshold (I recommend 100ms) for how often your resize event can be fired. Or manually fire the resize event after loading the images, as if in your scenario you know when the images have been loaded.




Try not to load all images at once.


Slideshows like this: http://sandbox.scriptiny.com/slideshow/, they only load the showed image plus some of the next. The gallery I last used loaded the current image and the next 10 images. I don't remember the name, but I think that is the way to do it.




Have you tried keeping your images on S3, Flickr or Picasso? Let their servers take the hit for the HTTP requests
