如何在中显示元素?[英]How to display a element inside a ? 本文翻译自  Harish Kurup  查看原文  2011-03-25  44378    html

时间:2023-02-14 21:02:23

My container element is a <span> and I want to display a <div> element inside it. How can I add a <div> inside a <span> without making the <div> display: inline;?


元素。如何在 中添加

    <div>Content goes here</div>

3 个解决方案



Change the span to display block? But it makes no sense at all, if you need a block inside, then replace the span with a div. Your document won't validate this way either and behavior in different browsers is kinda unpredictable...




What I ended up doing when I first thought I needed this was changed the span to a div. But instead of leaving the div as a display:block (default) I specified the style to be display:inline-block, this allowed the block so the inner div could be used, but still allowed me to put more then one of the divs on the same line.


<div style="display:inline-block">
  <div>context on top</div>
  <div>context on bottom</div>
<div style="display:inline-block">
  <div>context on top</div>
  <div>context on bottom</div>

This should put 2 blocks next to each other (with out the use of float) and inside of each block there should be 2 blocks one on top of each other. Also you can specify the width on the style to get it to look the way you want.




According to given vague description:


.A {
  position: relative;
.B {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
<span class="A">text<div class="B">div</div></span>



Change the span to display block? But it makes no sense at all, if you need a block inside, then replace the span with a div. Your document won't validate this way either and behavior in different browsers is kinda unpredictable...




What I ended up doing when I first thought I needed this was changed the span to a div. But instead of leaving the div as a display:block (default) I specified the style to be display:inline-block, this allowed the block so the inner div could be used, but still allowed me to put more then one of the divs on the same line.


<div style="display:inline-block">
  <div>context on top</div>
  <div>context on bottom</div>
<div style="display:inline-block">
  <div>context on top</div>
  <div>context on bottom</div>

This should put 2 blocks next to each other (with out the use of float) and inside of each block there should be 2 blocks one on top of each other. Also you can specify the width on the style to get it to look the way you want.




According to given vague description:


.A {
  position: relative;
.B {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
<span class="A">text<div class="B">div</div></span>