在程序在pydev / eclipse中终止之前获取消息“此时无法显示控制台”

时间:2022-05-07 21:06:38

I have a project in pydev / eclipse that has multiple python files in the /src folder.

我在pydev / eclipse中有一个项目,在/ src文件夹中有多个python文件。

When I run the first program I created, it runs fine and I am able to interact with it in the console pane.


When I try to run any of the others


no consoles to display at this time


flashes up but then the program quickly terminates before I can type anything. I can't reproduce it, but sometimes my first input question will flash by too.


If I go back to the first program I wrote, it runs fine even though it failed previously on the other programs.


When I run in debug mode, it usually works fine.


How do I fix it so I can interact w/ my program in the console when I hit "run"?


This is what I have tried:


(1) closed eclipse and then restarted it


(2) checked that the "allocate console" was selected under run > run configurations > common menu option


(3) unchecked the "allocate console" option, ran the program, then selected the "allocate console" option again

(3)取消选中“allocate console”选项,运行程序,然后再次选择“allocate console”选项

(4) tried window > show view > console menu option


(5) restarted my computer


(6) closed eclipse, moved my python files to the desktop, deleted the .metadata folder, deleted the project folder, restarted eclipse, changed the perspective, created a new project, imported my files into the newly created project


(7) tried the stuff mentioned on the stack overflow page at No console output in Eclipse Juno. However, I did not understand the server suggestions. Where would I find that? I didn't think I was running one.

(7)尝试在Eclipse Juno中没有控制台输出的堆栈溢出页面上提到的东西。但是,我不明白服务器的建议。我会在哪里找到的?我不认为我在跑一个。

I have not uninstalled eclipse and python and then reinstalled both, but I am getting desperate so I might. Or I may just try to live with using debug to run the program.


I would like to know what is wrong though. I have used other workspaces with multiple python programs in the project with no problem.


Thanks in advance for your help.


1 个解决方案



I had the exact same problem. Reading about the OP attempts I went to Run => Run configurations. Under Ruby scripts it lists all my classes. If I select the class that "starts" everything as the "Launch script' it works. I love it when that happens. As for how the other classes' "Launch scripts" relate or what that is all about I have no clue. What I can tell you for sure is Eclipse "launches" whatever "tab" is open for the script your are editing and fails except in debug where it seems to be able to find what you want for some reason. Of course then in debug I find the console fails, but I digress.

我有同样的问题。阅读OP尝试我去Run =>运行配置。在Ruby脚本下,它列出了我的所有类。如果我选择“启动”所有内容的类作为“启动脚本”它可以工作。当发生这种情况时,我喜欢它。至于其他类的“启动脚本”如何关联或者是什么,我不知道。我可以肯定地告诉你,Eclipse“启动”任何“tab”都是为你正在编辑的脚本打开并失败,除了在调试中它似乎能够找到你想要的东西。当然然后在调试中找到控制台失败了,但我离题了。

Playing around with this a bit more I find once I start attempting to launch various other class scripts as if I expected them to work (in Run configurations); When I am in the edit tab of the script that is supposed to start everything... now it puts up choices for the one that starts everything or the others that should never work. It never did that when it was just flat out failing. This "fail forward" I find typical of Eclipse where you get nothing and then you stumble on something eventually (some times days later) it gives you a hint what you need to do.


I am sure this is all working as documented but the takeaway in this case is if it is not working it is because you are doing it wrong.


Update: Not being able to use the eclipse console in debug was my lack of knowledge. Here is the code that works as expected:


def user_options(text_area)
  puts <<-DELIMITER
  1. Include additional search pattern
  2. Delete all excluded text
  3. Delete all not excluded text
  4. Write! to file\n
  ARGF.each do |selection| 
    # increase scope to instance variable if needed!        
    @selection = selection.chomp!
    # only read one line                                                          
  case @selection
    when "1"                  
    @file_manager = FileManager.new
    current_file = @file_manager.send(:file_history_current)                                  
    when "2"

ARGF is your friend. It is not clear in the documentation but it works just like you would expect it to in 'C' (this is Ruby however). Remember that Ruby loves [] and you should be able to figure out most anything.


arguments = [arg1, arg2, arg3]
text_lines = @file_manager.send(:file_open, *arguments) 

def file_open(arg1, arg2, arg2)



I had the exact same problem. Reading about the OP attempts I went to Run => Run configurations. Under Ruby scripts it lists all my classes. If I select the class that "starts" everything as the "Launch script' it works. I love it when that happens. As for how the other classes' "Launch scripts" relate or what that is all about I have no clue. What I can tell you for sure is Eclipse "launches" whatever "tab" is open for the script your are editing and fails except in debug where it seems to be able to find what you want for some reason. Of course then in debug I find the console fails, but I digress.

我有同样的问题。阅读OP尝试我去Run =>运行配置。在Ruby脚本下,它列出了我的所有类。如果我选择“启动”所有内容的类作为“启动脚本”它可以工作。当发生这种情况时,我喜欢它。至于其他类的“启动脚本”如何关联或者是什么,我不知道。我可以肯定地告诉你,Eclipse“启动”任何“tab”都是为你正在编辑的脚本打开并失败,除了在调试中它似乎能够找到你想要的东西。当然然后在调试中找到控制台失败了,但我离题了。

Playing around with this a bit more I find once I start attempting to launch various other class scripts as if I expected them to work (in Run configurations); When I am in the edit tab of the script that is supposed to start everything... now it puts up choices for the one that starts everything or the others that should never work. It never did that when it was just flat out failing. This "fail forward" I find typical of Eclipse where you get nothing and then you stumble on something eventually (some times days later) it gives you a hint what you need to do.


I am sure this is all working as documented but the takeaway in this case is if it is not working it is because you are doing it wrong.


Update: Not being able to use the eclipse console in debug was my lack of knowledge. Here is the code that works as expected:


def user_options(text_area)
  puts <<-DELIMITER
  1. Include additional search pattern
  2. Delete all excluded text
  3. Delete all not excluded text
  4. Write! to file\n
  ARGF.each do |selection| 
    # increase scope to instance variable if needed!        
    @selection = selection.chomp!
    # only read one line                                                          
  case @selection
    when "1"                  
    @file_manager = FileManager.new
    current_file = @file_manager.send(:file_history_current)                                  
    when "2"

ARGF is your friend. It is not clear in the documentation but it works just like you would expect it to in 'C' (this is Ruby however). Remember that Ruby loves [] and you should be able to figure out most anything.


arguments = [arg1, arg2, arg3]
text_lines = @file_manager.send(:file_open, *arguments) 

def file_open(arg1, arg2, arg2)