
时间:2023-01-08 20:54:53

In my application i have to share various java-beans class among the activities.


In order to do that, i extended the Application class, in which i create an HashMap filled with all the java-beans. Each java-beans has its own Key.


Example code:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public static final String CLASSROOM_KEY = "Classroom";

    private HashMap<String, Object> myObjects;

    public void onCreate() {
        myObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        myObjects.put(CLASSROOM_KEY, new Classroom());

    public HashMap<String, Object> getMyObjects() {
        return myObjects;

This is usable in all the activities, and this is ok. BUT, i have two problems:


1) I need to get myObjets also in non-activity classes, like utils classes, but in these classes i can't do "getApplicationContext()" because they don't extend Activity.


For example, from my main activity i start a service (but it is in a normal class), and the service calls a query that in turn is in another normal class.


The query needs an object that is in myObjects!


I can't make myObjects public static i think.


2) In MyApplication i have to create all my java-beans in advance.


What if in the future i wanted to create a new classroom object in addition to the already present one? I should create a new key for it, but it is impossible!


Thanks for your help.



I change the question:


In this class:


public class ClassroomUtils {

    private static String result = null;
    private static String studentObjectID = null;

    public static void queryClassroom(String UUID, final Classroom classroom) {

        ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Classroom");
        query.whereEqualTo("BeaconUUID", UUID);
        query.getFirstInBackground(new GetCallback<ParseObject>() {
            public void done(ParseObject object, ParseException e) {
                if (e == null) {                        
                    try {
                        result = object.getString("Label");
                    } catch(Exception e1){

                    if(result != null) {
                        Log.i("Classroom", "Retrieved " + result );
                } else {
                    Log.e("Classroom", "Error: " + e.getMessage());

i want to avoid to pass the classroom to this method (called from another normal class). How can i access to global objects from this class?


2 个解决方案


I can't make myObjects public static i think.


Why not? myObjects is effectively global in scope already. There is nothing to be gained, from a memory management standpoint, by having myObjects be a private data member of Application. If you want Classroom to be a Java singleton, do so. You just have to watch your memory management, as you do with your current implementation.

为什么不? myObjects已经在范围内实际上是全局的。从内存管理的角度来看,通过让myObjects成为Application的私有数据成员,没有任何东西可以获得。如果您希望Classroom成为Java单例,请执行此操作。您只需要观察内存管理,就像使用当前的实现一样。

In MyApplication i have to create all my java-beans in advance


No, you do not.


What if in the future i wanted to create a new classroom object in addition to the already present one?


Then create another one. Perhaps the right singleton is a School, which holds onto a collection of Classroom objects. Again, your primary near-term issue is one of memory management, so you do not run out of memory because you are trying to keep these objects around all of the time.



1) I need to get myObjets also in non-activity classes, like utils classes, but in these classes i can't do "getApplicationContext()" because they don't extend Activity.


The best way, I think, is to create the MyApplication class as a singleton. There you can retrieve the data from anywhere by calling getInstance and the corresponding getter/setter for your attributes.

我认为最好的方法是将MyApplication类创建为单例。在那里,您可以通过调用getInstance和属性的相应getter / setter从任何地方检索数据。

Short example:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    private static MyApplication mInstance;

    public MyApplication getInstance(){
        // this means you have only one existing instance of this class.
        if(mInstance == null){
            // set the context to this MyApplication instance
            mInstance = this;
        // return the instance of this class
        return mInstance;

    // here your stuff for MyApplication
    public HashMap<String, Object> getMyObjects() {
        return myObjects;

Then you can call it from another class like this:


public class CFoo{

    public CFoo(){
        //retrieve myObjects from MyApplication


I can't make myObjects public static i think.


Why not? myObjects is effectively global in scope already. There is nothing to be gained, from a memory management standpoint, by having myObjects be a private data member of Application. If you want Classroom to be a Java singleton, do so. You just have to watch your memory management, as you do with your current implementation.

为什么不? myObjects已经在范围内实际上是全局的。从内存管理的角度来看,通过让myObjects成为Application的私有数据成员,没有任何东西可以获得。如果您希望Classroom成为Java单例,请执行此操作。您只需要观察内存管理,就像使用当前的实现一样。

In MyApplication i have to create all my java-beans in advance


No, you do not.


What if in the future i wanted to create a new classroom object in addition to the already present one?


Then create another one. Perhaps the right singleton is a School, which holds onto a collection of Classroom objects. Again, your primary near-term issue is one of memory management, so you do not run out of memory because you are trying to keep these objects around all of the time.



1) I need to get myObjets also in non-activity classes, like utils classes, but in these classes i can't do "getApplicationContext()" because they don't extend Activity.


The best way, I think, is to create the MyApplication class as a singleton. There you can retrieve the data from anywhere by calling getInstance and the corresponding getter/setter for your attributes.

我认为最好的方法是将MyApplication类创建为单例。在那里,您可以通过调用getInstance和属性的相应getter / setter从任何地方检索数据。

Short example:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    private static MyApplication mInstance;

    public MyApplication getInstance(){
        // this means you have only one existing instance of this class.
        if(mInstance == null){
            // set the context to this MyApplication instance
            mInstance = this;
        // return the instance of this class
        return mInstance;

    // here your stuff for MyApplication
    public HashMap<String, Object> getMyObjects() {
        return myObjects;

Then you can call it from another class like this:


public class CFoo{

    public CFoo(){
        //retrieve myObjects from MyApplication