
时间:2022-07-18 20:46:57

How can i create multiple joomla websites with the same users/passwords ? if someone creates a user on any of these websites , hes user can be used in all of them , if someone changes password/any data they will be updated on the other websites also.


2 个解决方案


By default, Joomla has several authentification methods. So if you're able to use a LDAP server or OpenID, you can enable the related plugins - and you'll have all credentials on one server.

默认情况下,Joomla有几种身份验证方法。因此,如果您能够使用LDAP服务器或OpenID,则可以启用相关插件 - 并且您将在一台服务器上拥有所有凭据。


Assuming you're using 1.5, look at the files in your plugins/authentication folder. Basically you create a class which extends the JPlugin class and implement the method with this header:

假设您使用的是1.5,请查看plugins / authentication文件夹中的文件。基本上,您创建了一个扩展JPlugin类的类,并使用此标头实现该方法:

function onAuthenticate( $credentials, $options, &$response );

It should return a bool and any extra information can go in the response object. You can do whatever database lookups you need.


So, once you have that set up, what you could do is create a new database which just holds user account details. Your new authentication plugin could then connect to that database to check the password, and perhaps even copy over any updated account information.



By default, Joomla has several authentification methods. So if you're able to use a LDAP server or OpenID, you can enable the related plugins - and you'll have all credentials on one server.

默认情况下,Joomla有几种身份验证方法。因此,如果您能够使用LDAP服务器或OpenID,则可以启用相关插件 - 并且您将在一台服务器上拥有所有凭据。


Assuming you're using 1.5, look at the files in your plugins/authentication folder. Basically you create a class which extends the JPlugin class and implement the method with this header:

假设您使用的是1.5,请查看plugins / authentication文件夹中的文件。基本上,您创建了一个扩展JPlugin类的类,并使用此标头实现该方法:

function onAuthenticate( $credentials, $options, &$response );

It should return a bool and any extra information can go in the response object. You can do whatever database lookups you need.


So, once you have that set up, what you could do is create a new database which just holds user account details. Your new authentication plugin could then connect to that database to check the password, and perhaps even copy over any updated account information.
