
时间:2021-04-01 20:49:32

I'm trying to write a small Java command-line application that will create a new file, and then open it with the systems default editor stored in $EDITOR, and then exit after the editor is closed.

我正在尝试编写一个小的Java命令行应用程序,它将创建一个新文件,然后使用存储在$ EDITOR中的系统默认编辑器打开它,然后在编辑器关闭后退出。

So far, without luck, I've tried the following:


Desktop dt = Desktop.getDesktop();

This method resulted in an UnsupportedOperationException, which sort of makes sense as I'm running my program from the terminal, not as a Java appliacation from the desktop.


Right now, I have this:


Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = rt.exec(commandString); // "vim newfile"

This is working, but not how I need it to. When I run


ps a | grep vim

I can see that it is indeed running in the background, with the filename I've given it:


1000 pts/1    S+     0:00 vim 2014-07-16.23-02

Any ideas on how to make this run in the foreground?


1 个解决方案



vim, like many interactive programs, expects its stdin to be a real terminal that it can send ioctl calls to. But when executing through Runtime.exec() stdin will be redirected to the parent process (see the Javadoc on Process for more information).


In Java 7, you should be able to use ProcessBuilder.inheritIO() to pass along the file handles. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried it, YMMV.)

在Java 7中,您应该能够使用ProcessBuilder.inheritIO()传递文件句柄。 (免责声明:我没试过,YMMV。)



vim, like many interactive programs, expects its stdin to be a real terminal that it can send ioctl calls to. But when executing through Runtime.exec() stdin will be redirected to the parent process (see the Javadoc on Process for more information).


In Java 7, you should be able to use ProcessBuilder.inheritIO() to pass along the file handles. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried it, YMMV.)

在Java 7中,您应该能够使用ProcessBuilder.inheritIO()传递文件句柄。 (免责声明:我没试过,YMMV。)