是否可以在没有stdlibs的情况下写入控制台? C / C ++

时间:2022-12-05 20:49:45

I am programming on an arm microprocessor and am trying to debug using print statements via UART. I do not want to add stdlibs just for debugging. Is there a way to print to the console without stdio.h/iostream.h ? Is it possible for me to write my own printf()?

我正在使用arm微处理器进行编程,并尝试通过UART使用print语句进行调试。我不想仅为调试添加stdlibs。有没有办法在没有stdio.h / iostream.h的情况下打印到控制台?我可以自己编写printf()吗?

Alternatively I can do this using a DMA controller and writing to the UART directly. However I would like to avoid that is possible. Using the built in test function "echo" or "remote loop-back" I know I have the UART configured properly.

或者,我可以使用DMA控制器直接写入UART。但是,我想避免这是可能的。使用内置测试功能“echo”或“remote loop-back”我知道我已正确配置UART。

4 个解决方案



Short answer: Yes, it's entirely possible to do both of your solutions.


The printf function is quite complex if you want to support all of the data types and formats. But it's not that hard to write something that can output a string or an integer in a few different bases (most people only need decimal and hex, but octal probably only adds another 3-4 lines of code once you have decimal and hex).


Typically, printf is written like this:


 int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
     int ret;
     va_list args; 

     va_start(args, fmt)
     ret = do_xprintf(outputfunc, NULL, fmt, args); 
     return ret;

And then the do_xprintf() does all the hard work for all variants (printf, sprintf, fprintf, etc)


int do_xprintf(void (*outputfunc)(void *extra, char c), void *extra, const char *fmt, va_list args)
    char *ptr = fmt;
       char c = *ptr++;

       if (c == '%')
            c = *ptr++; // Get next character from format string. 
               case 's': 
                  char *str = va_arg(args, const char *);
                      outputfunc(extra, *str);
               case 'x': 
                  base = 16;
                  goto output_number;

               case 'd':
                  base = 10;
                  int i = va_arg(args, int);
                  // magical code to output 'i' in 'base'. 

                  outputfunc(extra, c);
             outputfunc(extra, c);
     return count;

Now, all you need to do is fill in a few bits of the above code and write an outputfunc() that outputs to your serial port.


Note that this is rough sketch, and I'm sure there are some bugs in the code - and if you want to support floating point or "widths", you will have to work a bit more at it...

请注意,这是粗略的草图,我确信代码中有一些错误 - 如果你想支持浮点或“宽度”,你将需要更多地工作...

(Note on the extra parameter - for output to a FILE * that would be the filepointer, for sprintf, you can pass a structure for the buffer and position in the buffer, or something like that)

(关于额外参数的注意事项 - 输出到文件指针的FILE *,对于sprintf,你可以传递缓冲区的结构和缓冲区中的位置,或类似的东西)



The concept of "console" does not have much meaning outside of the context of the specific system you are using. Generally in embedded program there is no real concept of a console.


What you are looking for is a way to get data out of your system. If you want to use the UART, and you are not using a high-level OS like GNU/linux, you will need to write your own I/O drivers. Generally this means first configuring the UART for the desired butrate/parity/flow control via register writes. For any type of robust IO you will want it to be interrupt driven, so you will need to write ISRs for tx and rx that utilize circular buffers.

您正在寻找的是一种从您的系统中获取数据的方法。如果您想使用UART,并且您没有使用像GNU / linux这样的高级操作系统,则需要编写自己的I / O驱动程序。通常,这意味着首先通过寄存器写操作将UART配置为所需的分配/奇偶校验/流控制。对于任何类型的强大IO,您都希望它是中断驱动的,因此您需要为使用循环缓冲区的tx和rx编写ISR。

After you have that done, you can write your own printf like Mats indicated.




I have found for background debugging, enqueuing characters into a circular buffer which is then drained by a polling routine on the uart transmit register, is my method of choice.


The enqueuing routines are based around a character, string and the variable size (to either hex or fixed width decimal). And a deluxe buffer routine could indicate an overflow with a reserved character.


The approach has the lowest overhead/impact on target operation, can be used (with care) in interrupt routine and the idea is easily transferable, so I have ignored the debugger on all the systems I have used.




Since printing out information through a serial port in an embedded system modifies the main program's timing, the best solution I've found is to send a small message encoded in 2 bytes (sometimes 1 byte works fine), and then using a program in the PC to decode those messages and provide the necessary information, which can include statistics and everything you may need. This way, I'm adding just a little bit of overhead to the main program, and letting the PC do the hard work to process the messages. Maybe something like this:


  • 1 byte message: bits 7:4 = module ID, bits 3:0 = debug info.

    1字节消息:位7:4 =模块ID,位3:0 =调试信息。

  • 2 bytes message: bits 15:12 = module ID, bits 11:8 = debug info, bits 7:0 = data.

    2字节消息:位15:12 =模块ID,位11:8 =调试信息,位7:0 =数据。

Then, in the PC software, you have to declare a table with the messages that map to a given module ID/debug info pair, and use them to be printed on the screen.

然后,在PC软件中,您必须声明一个表,其中包含映射到给定模块ID /调试信息对的消息,并使用它们在屏幕上打印。

Maybe it's not as flexible as the pseudo-printf function, since you need a fixed set of messages in the PC to decode, but it doesn't add too much overhead, as I mentioned before.


Hope it helps.





Short answer: Yes, it's entirely possible to do both of your solutions.


The printf function is quite complex if you want to support all of the data types and formats. But it's not that hard to write something that can output a string or an integer in a few different bases (most people only need decimal and hex, but octal probably only adds another 3-4 lines of code once you have decimal and hex).


Typically, printf is written like this:


 int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
     int ret;
     va_list args; 

     va_start(args, fmt)
     ret = do_xprintf(outputfunc, NULL, fmt, args); 
     return ret;

And then the do_xprintf() does all the hard work for all variants (printf, sprintf, fprintf, etc)


int do_xprintf(void (*outputfunc)(void *extra, char c), void *extra, const char *fmt, va_list args)
    char *ptr = fmt;
       char c = *ptr++;

       if (c == '%')
            c = *ptr++; // Get next character from format string. 
               case 's': 
                  char *str = va_arg(args, const char *);
                      outputfunc(extra, *str);
               case 'x': 
                  base = 16;
                  goto output_number;

               case 'd':
                  base = 10;
                  int i = va_arg(args, int);
                  // magical code to output 'i' in 'base'. 

                  outputfunc(extra, c);
             outputfunc(extra, c);
     return count;

Now, all you need to do is fill in a few bits of the above code and write an outputfunc() that outputs to your serial port.


Note that this is rough sketch, and I'm sure there are some bugs in the code - and if you want to support floating point or "widths", you will have to work a bit more at it...

请注意,这是粗略的草图,我确信代码中有一些错误 - 如果你想支持浮点或“宽度”,你将需要更多地工作...

(Note on the extra parameter - for output to a FILE * that would be the filepointer, for sprintf, you can pass a structure for the buffer and position in the buffer, or something like that)

(关于额外参数的注意事项 - 输出到文件指针的FILE *,对于sprintf,你可以传递缓冲区的结构和缓冲区中的位置,或类似的东西)



The concept of "console" does not have much meaning outside of the context of the specific system you are using. Generally in embedded program there is no real concept of a console.


What you are looking for is a way to get data out of your system. If you want to use the UART, and you are not using a high-level OS like GNU/linux, you will need to write your own I/O drivers. Generally this means first configuring the UART for the desired butrate/parity/flow control via register writes. For any type of robust IO you will want it to be interrupt driven, so you will need to write ISRs for tx and rx that utilize circular buffers.

您正在寻找的是一种从您的系统中获取数据的方法。如果您想使用UART,并且您没有使用像GNU / linux这样的高级操作系统,则需要编写自己的I / O驱动程序。通常,这意味着首先通过寄存器写操作将UART配置为所需的分配/奇偶校验/流控制。对于任何类型的强大IO,您都希望它是中断驱动的,因此您需要为使用循环缓冲区的tx和rx编写ISR。

After you have that done, you can write your own printf like Mats indicated.




I have found for background debugging, enqueuing characters into a circular buffer which is then drained by a polling routine on the uart transmit register, is my method of choice.


The enqueuing routines are based around a character, string and the variable size (to either hex or fixed width decimal). And a deluxe buffer routine could indicate an overflow with a reserved character.


The approach has the lowest overhead/impact on target operation, can be used (with care) in interrupt routine and the idea is easily transferable, so I have ignored the debugger on all the systems I have used.




Since printing out information through a serial port in an embedded system modifies the main program's timing, the best solution I've found is to send a small message encoded in 2 bytes (sometimes 1 byte works fine), and then using a program in the PC to decode those messages and provide the necessary information, which can include statistics and everything you may need. This way, I'm adding just a little bit of overhead to the main program, and letting the PC do the hard work to process the messages. Maybe something like this:


  • 1 byte message: bits 7:4 = module ID, bits 3:0 = debug info.

    1字节消息:位7:4 =模块ID,位3:0 =调试信息。

  • 2 bytes message: bits 15:12 = module ID, bits 11:8 = debug info, bits 7:0 = data.

    2字节消息:位15:12 =模块ID,位11:8 =调试信息,位7:0 =数据。

Then, in the PC software, you have to declare a table with the messages that map to a given module ID/debug info pair, and use them to be printed on the screen.

然后,在PC软件中,您必须声明一个表,其中包含映射到给定模块ID /调试信息对的消息,并使用它们在屏幕上打印。

Maybe it's not as flexible as the pseudo-printf function, since you need a fixed set of messages in the PC to decode, but it doesn't add too much overhead, as I mentioned before.


Hope it helps.

