如何从C ++程序执行命令行命令

时间:2022-12-28 20:44:30

How can I execute the command line "asterisk -rx "reload"" in c++? Please help. I need an example. I am working on ubuntu server and I want to execute this command line from a user (inside a webservice).

如何在c ++中执行命令行“asterisk -rx”reload“”?请帮忙。我需要一个例子。我正在使用ubuntu服务器,我想从用户(在webservice内)执行此命令行。

Need help Appreciate


2 个解决方案



Sounds like a trivial use-case for the system() function:


system("asterisk -rx reload");

If you need very fine-grained control of the child process there are better ways, but this is simple to get going.


This call starts a shell (such as bash) to run the command, which is why I removed the quotes around reload; they're pointless for a single word and will be removed by the shell and never seen by the started program, anyway.




system("asterisk -rx \"reload\"") would probably work, if you don't need standard output or error from the process.

如果您不需要标准输出或过程中的错误,系统(“asterisk -rx \”reload \“”)可能会起作用。

If you need results from the process, here is an example of using C's popen(), or you could look at Boost.Process for a C++ approach.

如果你需要来自这个过程的结果,这里有一个使用C的popen()的例子,或者你可以看一下Boost.Process的C ++方法。



Sounds like a trivial use-case for the system() function:


system("asterisk -rx reload");

If you need very fine-grained control of the child process there are better ways, but this is simple to get going.


This call starts a shell (such as bash) to run the command, which is why I removed the quotes around reload; they're pointless for a single word and will be removed by the shell and never seen by the started program, anyway.




system("asterisk -rx \"reload\"") would probably work, if you don't need standard output or error from the process.

如果您不需要标准输出或过程中的错误,系统(“asterisk -rx \”reload \“”)可能会起作用。

If you need results from the process, here is an example of using C's popen(), or you could look at Boost.Process for a C++ approach.

如果你需要来自这个过程的结果,这里有一个使用C的popen()的例子,或者你可以看一下Boost.Process的C ++方法。