
时间:2022-06-28 01:36:08

Say I have a Ruby class, Flight. Flight has an attr_accessor :key on it. If there's an array of instances of this class: flights = [flight1, flight2, flight3], I have a "target key", say "2jf345", and I want to find a flight based on it's key, from that array - what sort of code should I use?

假设我有一个Ruby类,Flight。 Flight上有一个attr_accessor:键。如果有这个类的实例数组:flights = [flight1,flight2,flight3],我有一个“目标键”,比如说“2jf345”,我想找一个基于它的键的飞行,从那个数组 - 什么我应该使用哪种代码?

This is the code I was going to use:


flights[flights.map { |s| s.key }.index(target_key)]

航班[flights.map {| s | s.key} .index(target_key)]

But it seems like with Ruby, there should be a simpler way. Also, the code above returns an error for me - `[]': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError). I assume this means that it's not returning an index at all.

但是看起来像Ruby,应该有一个更简单的方法。此外,上面的代码为我返回一个错误 - “[]”:没有从nil到整数的隐式转换(TypeError)。我认为这意味着它根本没有返回索引。

Thanks for any help.


1 个解决方案



You can just use find to get the Flight object, instead of trying to use index to get the index:


flights.find {|s| s.key == target_key }

However your error message suggests that index(target_key) returns nil, which means that you don't actually have a flight with the key you're looking for, which means that find will return nil as well.




You can just use find to get the Flight object, instead of trying to use index to get the index:


flights.find {|s| s.key == target_key }

However your error message suggests that index(target_key) returns nil, which means that you don't actually have a flight with the key you're looking for, which means that find will return nil as well.
