如何使用Capistrano 2部署Rails 4并在本地预编译资产

时间:2022-11-06 20:37:56

Recently I upgraded an application from Rails 3 to Rails 4. In the deploy scripts I precompile the assets locally and then rsync them up to the server(s). In Rails 4 the asset pipeline now produces manifest- < random > .json instead of a manifest.yml. Since the manifest files are named differently, this adds multiple manifest.json files to the shared assets directory. The application then picks up the wrong manifest file, and serves old assets.

最近,我将一个应用程序从Rails 3升级到Rails 4。在部署脚本中,我在本地预编译资产,然后将它们同步到服务器。在Rails 4中,资产管道现在生成manifest- < random > .json,而不是manifest.yml。由于清单文件的命名方式不同,这增加了多个清单。json文件到共享资产目录。然后应用程序获取错误的清单文件,并服务于旧的资产。

I have read about various issues related to this in some github pull request threads:


My options seem to be:


  1. Don't share the asset directory.


    This would break old clients asking for old resources.


  2. Switch to compiling assets on the servers.


    This would add complexity to the server.


  3. Move the manifest file outside of the shared asset directory.


    I have since learned that this option was removed in Rails 4.

    我后来了解到这个选项在Rails 4中被删除了。

Are there other solutions to this problem?


1 个解决方案



I found the best answer after looking at the standard capistrano rails asset precompile task. I added a command to the local precompile task that moves the old asset manifest to the current release as asset_manifest.json. This leaves only one manifest when the new one is uploaded.

在查看了标准的capistrano rails资产预编译任务之后,我找到了最好的答案。我向本地预编译任务添加了一个命令,该任务将旧的资产清单作为asset_manifest.json移动到当前版本。这只留下一个显式,当新显式被上载时。

run "mv -- #{shared_manifest_path.shellescape} #{current_path.to_s.shellescape}/assets_manifest#{File.extname(shared_manifest_path)}".compact

“mv——# { shared_manifest_path运行。shellescape } # { current_path.to_s.shellescape } / assets_manifest # { File.extname(shared_manifest_path)}”.compact

Moving the manifest-.json to the current_dir as asset_manifest.json allows capistrano to restore the correct manifest file on rollback.




I found the best answer after looking at the standard capistrano rails asset precompile task. I added a command to the local precompile task that moves the old asset manifest to the current release as asset_manifest.json. This leaves only one manifest when the new one is uploaded.

在查看了标准的capistrano rails资产预编译任务之后,我找到了最好的答案。我向本地预编译任务添加了一个命令,该任务将旧的资产清单作为asset_manifest.json移动到当前版本。这只留下一个显式,当新显式被上载时。

run "mv -- #{shared_manifest_path.shellescape} #{current_path.to_s.shellescape}/assets_manifest#{File.extname(shared_manifest_path)}".compact

“mv——# { shared_manifest_path运行。shellescape } # { current_path.to_s.shellescape } / assets_manifest # { File.extname(shared_manifest_path)}”.compact

Moving the manifest-.json to the current_dir as asset_manifest.json allows capistrano to restore the correct manifest file on rollback.
