
时间:2022-05-14 01:24:17

What is the purpose of a callable object? What problems do they solve?


3 个解决方案



They take parameters and return a result depending on those parameters.


A callable is just an abstract form of a function resp an interface that defines that an object acts like a function (i.e. accepts parameters).


As functions are first class objects, it is obvious that functions are callable objects. If you are talking about the __call__ method, this is just one of the many special methods with which you can overload the behavior of custom objects, e.g. for arithmetic operations or also defining what happens if you call an object.


One idea why to use such is to have some kind of factory object that itself creates other objects.




Many kinds of objects are callable in Python, and they can serve many purposes:


  • functions are callable, and they may carry along a "closure" from an outer function
  • 函数是可调用的,它们可以从外部函数携带一个“闭包”
  • classes are callable, and calling a class gets you an instance of that class
  • 类是可调用的,调用类可以获得该类的实例
  • methods are callable, for function-like behavior specifically pertaining to an instance
  • 方法是可调用的,用于特定于某个实例的功能类行为。
  • staticmethods and classmethods are callable, for method-like functionality when the functionality pertains to "a whole class" in some sense (staticmethods' usefulness is dubious, since a classmethod could do just as well;-)
  • 静态方法和类方法是可调用的,当功能在某种意义上属于“整个类”时,它是类方法的功能(静态方法的有用性是可疑的,因为类方法也可以这样做;-)
  • generators are callable, and calling a generator gets you an iterator object
  • 生成器是可调用的,并且调用生成器将获得迭代器对象。
  • finally, and this may be specifically what you were asking about (not realizing that all of the above are objects too...!!!), you can code a class whose instances are callable: this is often the simplest way to have calls that update an instance's state as well as depend on it (though a function with a suitable closure, and a bound method, offer alternatives, a callable instance is the one way to go when you need to perform both calling and some other specific operation on the same object: for example, an object you want to be able to call but also apply indexing to had better be an instance of a class that's both callable and indexable;-).
  • 最后,这可能是特别你询问(没有发现上述对象太…! ! !),您可以编写一个类的实例调用:这通常是最简单的方法调用,更新一个实例的状态以及依赖于它(尽管一个函数与一个合适的闭包,和一个绑定方法,提供替代品,可调用的实例是一个路要走当你需要执行两个调用和其他一些特定操作在同一对象:例如,您希望能够调用但也想要应用索引的对象最好是可调用和可索引的类的实例;-)

A great range of examples of the kind of "problems they solve" is offered by Python's standard library, which has many cases of each of the specific types I mention above.




There are areas, especially in the 'functions calling functions of function functions' where objects allow less nesting.


Consider making a classic decorator that checks an authorization level before calling a function. Using it is clear:


def update_price(Item, new_price):...

You could do this as nested functions:


def check_authorization(level):
     def take_params(function):
         def concrete(*args, **kwargs):
             if user_level_greater_than(level):
                 return function(*args, 
             return None
         return concrete
     return take_params

Or you could to this as a class, which might be clearer:


  class check_authorization(object):
      def __init__(level):
         self.level = level
      def __call__(function):
          self.function = function
          return self.dec
      def dec(self, *args, **kwargs):
          if user_level_greater_than(self.level):
             return self.function(*args,v**kwargs)
          return None

Many would find this flat method more clear. Of course, I believe in cheating, because I like the signatures and metadata correct:


from dectools.dectools import make_call_if

def check_authorization(function, arg, kwargs, level):
    return user_level_greater_than(level)

The callable object is a tool which is good for some known applications and may also be good for the bizarre problem real life throws at you.




They take parameters and return a result depending on those parameters.


A callable is just an abstract form of a function resp an interface that defines that an object acts like a function (i.e. accepts parameters).


As functions are first class objects, it is obvious that functions are callable objects. If you are talking about the __call__ method, this is just one of the many special methods with which you can overload the behavior of custom objects, e.g. for arithmetic operations or also defining what happens if you call an object.


One idea why to use such is to have some kind of factory object that itself creates other objects.




Many kinds of objects are callable in Python, and they can serve many purposes:


  • functions are callable, and they may carry along a "closure" from an outer function
  • 函数是可调用的,它们可以从外部函数携带一个“闭包”
  • classes are callable, and calling a class gets you an instance of that class
  • 类是可调用的,调用类可以获得该类的实例
  • methods are callable, for function-like behavior specifically pertaining to an instance
  • 方法是可调用的,用于特定于某个实例的功能类行为。
  • staticmethods and classmethods are callable, for method-like functionality when the functionality pertains to "a whole class" in some sense (staticmethods' usefulness is dubious, since a classmethod could do just as well;-)
  • 静态方法和类方法是可调用的,当功能在某种意义上属于“整个类”时,它是类方法的功能(静态方法的有用性是可疑的,因为类方法也可以这样做;-)
  • generators are callable, and calling a generator gets you an iterator object
  • 生成器是可调用的,并且调用生成器将获得迭代器对象。
  • finally, and this may be specifically what you were asking about (not realizing that all of the above are objects too...!!!), you can code a class whose instances are callable: this is often the simplest way to have calls that update an instance's state as well as depend on it (though a function with a suitable closure, and a bound method, offer alternatives, a callable instance is the one way to go when you need to perform both calling and some other specific operation on the same object: for example, an object you want to be able to call but also apply indexing to had better be an instance of a class that's both callable and indexable;-).
  • 最后,这可能是特别你询问(没有发现上述对象太…! ! !),您可以编写一个类的实例调用:这通常是最简单的方法调用,更新一个实例的状态以及依赖于它(尽管一个函数与一个合适的闭包,和一个绑定方法,提供替代品,可调用的实例是一个路要走当你需要执行两个调用和其他一些特定操作在同一对象:例如,您希望能够调用但也想要应用索引的对象最好是可调用和可索引的类的实例;-)

A great range of examples of the kind of "problems they solve" is offered by Python's standard library, which has many cases of each of the specific types I mention above.




There are areas, especially in the 'functions calling functions of function functions' where objects allow less nesting.


Consider making a classic decorator that checks an authorization level before calling a function. Using it is clear:


def update_price(Item, new_price):...

You could do this as nested functions:


def check_authorization(level):
     def take_params(function):
         def concrete(*args, **kwargs):
             if user_level_greater_than(level):
                 return function(*args, 
             return None
         return concrete
     return take_params

Or you could to this as a class, which might be clearer:


  class check_authorization(object):
      def __init__(level):
         self.level = level
      def __call__(function):
          self.function = function
          return self.dec
      def dec(self, *args, **kwargs):
          if user_level_greater_than(self.level):
             return self.function(*args,v**kwargs)
          return None

Many would find this flat method more clear. Of course, I believe in cheating, because I like the signatures and metadata correct:


from dectools.dectools import make_call_if

def check_authorization(function, arg, kwargs, level):
    return user_level_greater_than(level)

The callable object is a tool which is good for some known applications and may also be good for the bizarre problem real life throws at you.
