处理异常的最佳实践,它在catch块中抛出,在一个线程中。 (。净)

时间:2021-01-25 20:29:38

What's your opinion in handling exceptions within a thread's execution? More specifically, what if the exception is thrown inside catch block of an try-catch clause? And what happen to the thread if the exception is unhandled?


6 个解决方案


What's your opinion in handling exceptions within a thread's execution?


You should handle exceptions whenever possible and whenever you expect exceptions. Clarification: I totally agree with John that you should not handle exceptions everywhere - only where you can do something about them. However, you should never let an exception go unhandled in a thread as this will cause serious problems. Have a root exception handler and let your thread die gracefully (after logging the problem etc...)

您应该尽可能地处理异常,并且只要您预期异常。澄清:我完全赞同约翰,你不应该处理各地的例外情况 - 只有你可以对它们做些什么。但是,您永远不应该在线程中处理异常,因为这会导致严重的问题。有一个root异常处理程序,让你的线程正常死亡(在记录问题之后......)

More specifically, what if the thread is thrown inside catch block of an try-catch clause?


Did you mean: What if the exception is thrown within the catch block? Well, then it goes unhandled by the current try-catch block. It's best not to put too much processing in a catch block to avoid this situation as much as possible.


And what happen to the thread if the the the thread is unhandled?


Did you mean: What happens to the thread if the exception is unhandled? It dies.


And as Ben mentioned:


An uncaught exception in a thread triggers an UnhandledException in the thread's AppDomain. You can watch for these by adding an event handler:


AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;


I have to disagree with ren, or at least with what it sounds like he meant.


Only handle exceptions if you can actually handle them. Only if you can do something about what went wrong, or add information. Don't handle them just because you can.


try {
    // ..
} catch (Exception ex) {

The above is very bad. First, you don't display the entire exception, but only the Message. Second, you let things continue, and you don't know what state the process is in.



An uncaught exception in a thread triggers an UnhandledException in the thread's AppDomain. You can watch for these by adding an event handler:


AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException + = CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;


Unhandled exceptions in a thread cause your process to die, and die with an unhelpful message in your event log.


Having top level exception handlers in every thread that log (and maybe re-throw) is a good practice, as is installing an appdomain exception handler as the other responses mention.



If you think you can handle an exception, you should catch it. All other exceptions that can not be dealt with should bubble up to the surface of the stack where if along the way no appropriate handler is found, will let the thread die.

You should not write any code in a catch block that could throw another exception, but if you need to you could nest another try catch block around it.

如果您认为可以处理异常,则应该抓住它。所有其他无法处理的异常应该冒泡到堆栈的表面,如果找不到合适的处理程序,将让线程死掉。你不应该在catch块中编写任何可能引发另一个异常的代码,但如果你需要,你可以在它周围嵌套另一个try catch块。


The .net exception mechanisms fundamentally do not provide any good way to handle an exception occurs during the execution of a catch block, or during the execution of a "finally" block while another exception is pending. Proper handling would require that .net support a composite exception type which could be caught by "catch" blocks for any of its constituents, but which would be automatically rethrown up the call stack until all constituent parts had been dealt with. Unfortunately, .net doesn't provide any such composite exception types; while one could define and use custom types in such a way as to obtain such semantics, the code for using them would be rather ugly, and they wouldn't integrate well with exceptions other code might throw.


Consequently, one is faced with a choice: stifle the new exception and let the old one propagate, let the new one propagate and lose the old one, or make a composite exception object which can only be handled by code that knows to look for it. None of those are particularly pleasant choices. Which one is best will depend upon an understanding of conditions what the different exception types represent, and what calling code will expect to do with them.



What's your opinion in handling exceptions within a thread's execution?


You should handle exceptions whenever possible and whenever you expect exceptions. Clarification: I totally agree with John that you should not handle exceptions everywhere - only where you can do something about them. However, you should never let an exception go unhandled in a thread as this will cause serious problems. Have a root exception handler and let your thread die gracefully (after logging the problem etc...)

您应该尽可能地处理异常,并且只要您预期异常。澄清:我完全赞同约翰,你不应该处理各地的例外情况 - 只有你可以对它们做些什么。但是,您永远不应该在线程中处理异常,因为这会导致严重的问题。有一个root异常处理程序,让你的线程正常死亡(在记录问题之后......)

More specifically, what if the thread is thrown inside catch block of an try-catch clause?


Did you mean: What if the exception is thrown within the catch block? Well, then it goes unhandled by the current try-catch block. It's best not to put too much processing in a catch block to avoid this situation as much as possible.


And what happen to the thread if the the the thread is unhandled?


Did you mean: What happens to the thread if the exception is unhandled? It dies.


And as Ben mentioned:


An uncaught exception in a thread triggers an UnhandledException in the thread's AppDomain. You can watch for these by adding an event handler:


AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;


I have to disagree with ren, or at least with what it sounds like he meant.


Only handle exceptions if you can actually handle them. Only if you can do something about what went wrong, or add information. Don't handle them just because you can.


try {
    // ..
} catch (Exception ex) {

The above is very bad. First, you don't display the entire exception, but only the Message. Second, you let things continue, and you don't know what state the process is in.



An uncaught exception in a thread triggers an UnhandledException in the thread's AppDomain. You can watch for these by adding an event handler:


AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException + = CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;


Unhandled exceptions in a thread cause your process to die, and die with an unhelpful message in your event log.


Having top level exception handlers in every thread that log (and maybe re-throw) is a good practice, as is installing an appdomain exception handler as the other responses mention.



If you think you can handle an exception, you should catch it. All other exceptions that can not be dealt with should bubble up to the surface of the stack where if along the way no appropriate handler is found, will let the thread die.

You should not write any code in a catch block that could throw another exception, but if you need to you could nest another try catch block around it.

如果您认为可以处理异常,则应该抓住它。所有其他无法处理的异常应该冒泡到堆栈的表面,如果找不到合适的处理程序,将让线程死掉。你不应该在catch块中编写任何可能引发另一个异常的代码,但如果你需要,你可以在它周围嵌套另一个try catch块。


The .net exception mechanisms fundamentally do not provide any good way to handle an exception occurs during the execution of a catch block, or during the execution of a "finally" block while another exception is pending. Proper handling would require that .net support a composite exception type which could be caught by "catch" blocks for any of its constituents, but which would be automatically rethrown up the call stack until all constituent parts had been dealt with. Unfortunately, .net doesn't provide any such composite exception types; while one could define and use custom types in such a way as to obtain such semantics, the code for using them would be rather ugly, and they wouldn't integrate well with exceptions other code might throw.


Consequently, one is faced with a choice: stifle the new exception and let the old one propagate, let the new one propagate and lose the old one, or make a composite exception object which can only be handled by code that knows to look for it. None of those are particularly pleasant choices. Which one is best will depend upon an understanding of conditions what the different exception types represent, and what calling code will expect to do with them.
