假设x,y,z是Matlab数组,画出函数e ^(- x)在区间[0 sin(x)。4π)

时间:2021-10-03 20:26:31
x=linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);

Given that x, y, and z are already initialized, how do I write a function that plots exp(-x)sin(x) across the interval [0, 4pi] without additional calls to sin or exp? Just need some help getting started.


Thanks to @Rayryeng for getting me started. I believe the following command more closely satisfies the question's specifications.


plot(x+x, z.*z.*y)

1 个解决方案



Well, you've already created arrays for sin and exp stored in y and z respectively. These arrays were created on the same domain as x. You just need to multiply both arrays together element-wise and plot the graph. It's as simple as doing:


plot(x, z.*y);

Here, .* stands for element-wise multiplication. If you were to do z*y, MATLAB interprets this as matrix multiplication where z and y are interpreted to be matrices. This is obviously not what you want.

这里,*表示元素的乘法。如果你要做z*y, MATLAB将它解释为矩阵乘法,z和y被解释为矩阵。这显然不是你想要的。

However, your array of x only contains points from 0 to 2*pi. If you want to plot this from 0 to 4*pi, you have to modify your call to linspace:


x=linspace(0, 4*pi, 100); %// Change
plot(x, z.*y);

Now, x will contain 100 points between 0 to 4*pi. For more information on basic MATLAB operations, check out this link: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/array-vs-matrix-operations.html. What you have asked falls into the basic realms of array and matrix operations.



In the spirit of your question, we can't modify linspace. You did something clever where we can simply scale our values of x by 2 or adding with x so that we have points going from 0 to 2*pi to 0 to 4*pi. Also, if we scale our points by 2, this means that our input argument into the function must also be scaled by 2. So, the final function we need to plot is:


y = exp(-2x)*sin(2x)

Noting your hint, exp(-2x) = exp(-x-x) = exp(-x)exp(-x). Further, note that sin(2x) performs a compression by a factor of 2 (tip of the hat goes to knedlsepp for noticing my blunder). Due to the periodic nature of sin(x), we know that elements will repeat after 2*pi, and so if you want to go to 4*pi, simply subsample y by a factor of 2 and then append these same elements to a new vector. Therefore, our expression for the function simplifies to:

注意你的提示,exp(-2x) = exp(-x-x) = exp(-x)exp(-x)。此外,请注意,sin(2x)执行压缩的因子为2(由于注意到我的错误,这顶帽子的顶端被压在了膝盖上)。由于sin(x)的周期性质,我们知道元素会在2*pi之后重复,所以如果你想要到4*pi,简单地把y减去一个因子2然后将这些相同的元素附加到一个新的向量中。因此,函数的表达式简化为:

y = exp(-x)exp(-x)sin(2x)

This leads to the answer alluded to knedlsepp:


plot(x+x, z.*z.*[y(1:2:end) y(1:2:end)]);

As such, you should consider changing your edits to match this answer instead. It isn't quite right with respect to the sin(x) part in your code.




Well, you've already created arrays for sin and exp stored in y and z respectively. These arrays were created on the same domain as x. You just need to multiply both arrays together element-wise and plot the graph. It's as simple as doing:


plot(x, z.*y);

Here, .* stands for element-wise multiplication. If you were to do z*y, MATLAB interprets this as matrix multiplication where z and y are interpreted to be matrices. This is obviously not what you want.

这里,*表示元素的乘法。如果你要做z*y, MATLAB将它解释为矩阵乘法,z和y被解释为矩阵。这显然不是你想要的。

However, your array of x only contains points from 0 to 2*pi. If you want to plot this from 0 to 4*pi, you have to modify your call to linspace:


x=linspace(0, 4*pi, 100); %// Change
plot(x, z.*y);

Now, x will contain 100 points between 0 to 4*pi. For more information on basic MATLAB operations, check out this link: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/array-vs-matrix-operations.html. What you have asked falls into the basic realms of array and matrix operations.



In the spirit of your question, we can't modify linspace. You did something clever where we can simply scale our values of x by 2 or adding with x so that we have points going from 0 to 2*pi to 0 to 4*pi. Also, if we scale our points by 2, this means that our input argument into the function must also be scaled by 2. So, the final function we need to plot is:


y = exp(-2x)*sin(2x)

Noting your hint, exp(-2x) = exp(-x-x) = exp(-x)exp(-x). Further, note that sin(2x) performs a compression by a factor of 2 (tip of the hat goes to knedlsepp for noticing my blunder). Due to the periodic nature of sin(x), we know that elements will repeat after 2*pi, and so if you want to go to 4*pi, simply subsample y by a factor of 2 and then append these same elements to a new vector. Therefore, our expression for the function simplifies to:

注意你的提示,exp(-2x) = exp(-x-x) = exp(-x)exp(-x)。此外,请注意,sin(2x)执行压缩的因子为2(由于注意到我的错误,这顶帽子的顶端被压在了膝盖上)。由于sin(x)的周期性质,我们知道元素会在2*pi之后重复,所以如果你想要到4*pi,简单地把y减去一个因子2然后将这些相同的元素附加到一个新的向量中。因此,函数的表达式简化为:

y = exp(-x)exp(-x)sin(2x)

This leads to the answer alluded to knedlsepp:


plot(x+x, z.*z.*[y(1:2:end) y(1:2:end)]);

As such, you should consider changing your edits to match this answer instead. It isn't quite right with respect to the sin(x) part in your code.
