
时间:2022-11-26 20:18:49

I've started using the intern library to write functional tests in js, and I realized that I couldn't understand this syntax:


var assert = require('intern/chai!assert');
var registerSuite = require('intern!object');

What is the purpose of the ! character in the argument of the require() method?

这是什么目的! require()方法的参数中的字符?

2 个解决方案



Short answer


It identifies a resource that is part of a plugin.
The structure of the identifier is: [plugin]![resource].


Long answer


In the documentation, you can find that:


Intern is built on top of a standard amd loader, which means that its modules are also normally written in the AMD module format.


That's why and how the require function is actually injected, so it's clear that you are not using the require module provided along with Node.JS.


It states also that:


[AMD format] Allows modules and other assets to be asynchronously or conditionally resolved by writing simple loader plugins


If you follow the link provided with the documentation when it cites the loaders, you find that:


Loader plugins extend an AMD implementation by allowing loading of resources that are not traditional JavaScript dependencies.


In particular, you can find that a dependency has the following form:


[Plugin Module ID]![resource ID]

It goes without saying that the default implementation of the loader you get by using intern adheres to the above mentioned standard.


That said, it follows that, if we consider:



You can read it as inter/chai as plugin module and assert as actually required resource.

您可以将其读作inter / chai作为插件模块并断言为实际所需的资源。

The purpose of the ! character in the argument of the require() method is to satisfy the requirements of the syntax used to identify a resource that is itself part of a plugin.

的目的! require()方法的参数中的字符是满足用于标识资源的语法要求,该资源本身是插件的一部分。



I got this answer for you extracted from this similiar question and very well explained by explunit:


The exclamation point syntax is reserved for plugins. Typically there would be something else following the exclamation point which indicates the resource that the plugin would load, e.g. text!myTemplate.html, but in the case of domReady! the plugin exists just as a way to wait until DOM loaded before invoking your callback function, so nothing needs to follow the exclamation point.

感叹号语法是为插件保留的。通常,在感叹号之后会有其他东西指示插件将加载的资源,例如, text!myTemplate.html,但是在domReady的情况下!插件的存在只是一种在调用回调函数之前等待DOM加载的方式,所以没有什么需要遵循感叹号。



Short answer


It identifies a resource that is part of a plugin.
The structure of the identifier is: [plugin]![resource].


Long answer


In the documentation, you can find that:


Intern is built on top of a standard amd loader, which means that its modules are also normally written in the AMD module format.


That's why and how the require function is actually injected, so it's clear that you are not using the require module provided along with Node.JS.


It states also that:


[AMD format] Allows modules and other assets to be asynchronously or conditionally resolved by writing simple loader plugins


If you follow the link provided with the documentation when it cites the loaders, you find that:


Loader plugins extend an AMD implementation by allowing loading of resources that are not traditional JavaScript dependencies.


In particular, you can find that a dependency has the following form:


[Plugin Module ID]![resource ID]

It goes without saying that the default implementation of the loader you get by using intern adheres to the above mentioned standard.


That said, it follows that, if we consider:



You can read it as inter/chai as plugin module and assert as actually required resource.

您可以将其读作inter / chai作为插件模块并断言为实际所需的资源。

The purpose of the ! character in the argument of the require() method is to satisfy the requirements of the syntax used to identify a resource that is itself part of a plugin.

的目的! require()方法的参数中的字符是满足用于标识资源的语法要求,该资源本身是插件的一部分。



I got this answer for you extracted from this similiar question and very well explained by explunit:


The exclamation point syntax is reserved for plugins. Typically there would be something else following the exclamation point which indicates the resource that the plugin would load, e.g. text!myTemplate.html, but in the case of domReady! the plugin exists just as a way to wait until DOM loaded before invoking your callback function, so nothing needs to follow the exclamation point.

感叹号语法是为插件保留的。通常,在感叹号之后会有其他东西指示插件将加载的资源,例如, text!myTemplate.html,但是在domReady的情况下!插件的存在只是一种在调用回调函数之前等待DOM加载的方式,所以没有什么需要遵循感叹号。