Ruby on rails - Mysql2 :: Error访问被拒绝用户'simple_cms'@'localhost'(使用密码:YES)

时间:2021-08-26 19:16:37

I am working through a RoR tutorial from for a week already & without changing anything today i was not able to see my content on localhost due to this error :


Mysql2::Error Access denied for user 'simple_cms'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I do know that this problem has been referred many times befored , i am still not able to find a confirmed solution .


To give you further information regarding my set up my working enviroment is Yosemite 10.10.4 - Rails 3.2.22 - 5.6.22 MySQL - WEBrick 1.3.1

为了向您提供有关我的设置的更多信息,我的工作环境是Yosemite 10.10.4 - Rails 3.2.22 - 5.6.22 MySQL - WEBrick 1.3.1

i have set up the SQL database as it looks below on the database.yml file on the config folder of the project


  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  database: simple_cms_development
  pool: 5
  username: simple_cms
  password: **********
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  database: simple_cms_test
  pool: 5
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  database: simple_cms_production
  pool: 5
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

Also i noticed that by trying to connect via terminal on the database with the password


§ mysql -u root -p

§mysql-u root -p

and again i get the error ::ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

我再次收到错误:: ERROR 1045(28000):拒绝访问用户'root'@'localhost'(使用密码:YES)。

I tried to restart manually MySQL server from menu & all i got was the same error!


What is the problem and it doesn't let me log in with the settings as i did all this time ?


Is it a problem with rails or with mysql settings?


While everything seems to be as it has to be,do i have to change something on the database.yml file?


3 个解决方案



The error-message

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

will Show up if you entered a wrong password. Reset your Password according to this link.




I finally solved this problem by uninstalling the current MySQL via terminal with the command brew uninstall MySQL & then reinstalling it with brew, from the beginning!

我终于通过使用命令brew uninstall MySQL卸载当前MySQL来解决这个问题,然后从一开始就用brew重新安装它!

After the installation, when i tried to login into MySQL i did it through the command :mysql -u root -p! At this point on the password request i added the one that has been set up before on the config file :database.yml and it logged in succesfully!

安装后,当我尝试登录MySQL时,我通过命令执行了:mysql -u root -p!此时在密码请求中我添加了之前在配置文件中设置的那个:database.yml并且它已成功登录!

Thanks for the help!




You need to do 3 things :


  1. Check if Mysql Server is On(or Started)
  2. 检查Mysql Server是否已打开(或已启动)

  3. Change the password logging in mysql from terminal.
  4. 从终端更改mysql中的密码登录。

  5. Create a database in your project folder using:


    $ rake db:create

    $ rake db:create

and that should do it for you so it did for me.




The error-message

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

will Show up if you entered a wrong password. Reset your Password according to this link.




I finally solved this problem by uninstalling the current MySQL via terminal with the command brew uninstall MySQL & then reinstalling it with brew, from the beginning!

我终于通过使用命令brew uninstall MySQL卸载当前MySQL来解决这个问题,然后从一开始就用brew重新安装它!

After the installation, when i tried to login into MySQL i did it through the command :mysql -u root -p! At this point on the password request i added the one that has been set up before on the config file :database.yml and it logged in succesfully!

安装后,当我尝试登录MySQL时,我通过命令执行了:mysql -u root -p!此时在密码请求中我添加了之前在配置文件中设置的那个:database.yml并且它已成功登录!

Thanks for the help!




You need to do 3 things :


  1. Check if Mysql Server is On(or Started)
  2. 检查Mysql Server是否已打开(或已启动)

  3. Change the password logging in mysql from terminal.
  4. 从终端更改mysql中的密码登录。

  5. Create a database in your project folder using:


    $ rake db:create

    $ rake db:create

and that should do it for you so it did for me.
