
时间:2022-11-25 18:59:31

C++11 (and C++14) introduces additional language constructs and improvements that target generic programming. These include features such as;

c++ 11(和c++ 14)引入了针对通用编程的其他语言构造和改进。这些特征包括:

  • R-value references
  • 热阻的引用
  • Reference collapsing
  • 参考崩溃
  • Perfect forwarding
  • 完美的转发
  • Move semantics, variadic templates and more
  • 移动语义、可变模板等等

I was browsing an earlier draft of the C++14 specification (now with updated text) and the code in an example in §20.5.1, Compile-time integer sequences, that I found interesting and peculiar.

我之前浏览一个c++ 14规范的草案(现在更新文本)和一个示例中的代码在§20.5.1,编译时整数序列,我发现有趣和独特的。

template<class F, class Tuple, std::size_t... I>
decltype(auto) apply_impl(F&& f, Tuple&& t, index_sequence<I...>) {
  return std::forward<F>(f)(std::get<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);

template<class F, class Tuple>
decltype(auto) apply(F&& f, Tuple&& t) {
  using Indices = make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>;
  return apply_impl(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(t), Indices());

Online here [intseq.general]/2.

在线(intseq.general)/ 2。



  • Why was the function f in apply_impl being forwarded, i.e. why std::forward<F>(f)(std::get...?
  • 为什么apply_impl中的函数f被转发,即为什么std: forward< f >(f)(std::get…)?
  • Why not just apply the function as f(std::get...?
  • 为什么不直接应用函数f(std::get…?)

2 个解决方案



In Brief...

The TL;DR, you want to preserve the value category (r-value/l-value nature) of the functor because this can affect the overload resolution, in particular the ref-qualified members.


Function definition reduction

To focus on the issue of the function being forwarded, I've reduced the sample (and made it compile with a C++11 compiler) to;

为了关注正在转发的函数的问题,我将示例(并让它使用c++ 11编译器进行编译)简化为;

template<class F, class... Args>
auto apply_impl(F&& func, Args&&... args) -> decltype(std::forward<F>(func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
  return std::forward<F>(func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

And we create a second form, where we replace the std::forward(func) with just func;

我们创建了第二个表单,用func替换std: forward(func);

template<class F, class... Args>
auto apply_impl_2(F&& func, Args&&... args) -> decltype(func(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
  return func(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Sample evaluation

Evaluating some empirical evidence of how this behaves (with conforming compilers) is a neat starting point for evaluating why the code example was written as such. Hence, in addition we will define a general functor;


struct Functor1 {
  int operator()(int id) const
    std::cout << "Functor1 ... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;

Initial sample


Run some sample code;


int main()
  Functor1 func1;
  apply_impl_2(func1, 1);
  apply_impl_2(Functor1(), 2);
  apply_impl(func1, 3);
  apply_impl(Functor1(), 4);

And the output is as expected, independent of whether an r-value is used Functor1() or an l-value func when making the call to apply_impl and apply_impl_2 the overloaded call operator is called. It is called for both r-values and l-values. Under C++03, this was all you got, you could not overload member methods based on the "r-value-ness" or "l-value-ness" of the object.

输出如预期的那样,独立于调用apply_impl和apply_imp_2时是否使用了一个r值Functor1()或一个l-value func。它同时需要r值和l值。在c++ 03下,这就是您所得到的全部,您不能基于对象的“r-值性”或“l-值性”重载成员方法。

Functor1 ... 1
Functor1 ... 2
Functor1 ... 3
Functor1 ... 4

Functor1……1 Functor1…2 Functor1…3 Functor1…4

Ref-qualified samples


We now need to overload that call operator to stretch this a little further...


struct Functor2 {
  int operator()(int id) const &
    std::cout << "Functor2 &... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;
  int operator()(int id) &&
    std::cout << "Functor2 &&... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;

We run another sample set;


int main()
  Functor2 func2;
  apply_impl_2(func2, 5);
  apply_impl_2(Functor2(), 6);
  apply_impl(func2, 7);
  apply_impl(Functor2(), 8);

And the output is;


Functor2 &... 5
Functor2 &... 6
Functor2 &... 7
Functor2 &&... 8

Functor2 &……5 Functor2 &……6 Functor2 &……7 Functor2 & &……8



In the case of apply_impl_2 (id 5 and 6), the output is not as may have been initially been expected. In both cases, the l-value qualified operator() is called (the r-value is not called at all). It may have been expected that since Functor2(), an r-value, is used to call apply_impl_2 the r-value qualified operator() would have been called. The func, as a named parameter to apply_impl_2, is an r-value reference, but since it is named, it is itself an l-value. Hence the l-value qualified operator()(int) const& is called in both the case of the l-value func2 being the argument and the r-value Functor2() being used as the argument.

在apply_imp_2 (id 5和6)的情况下,输出并不像最初预期的那样。在这两种情况下,都调用了l值限定运算符()(不调用r值)。由于函数2()是一个r值,它被用来调用apply_impl_2,所以应该调用r-value限定操作符()。func作为apply_impl_2的命名参数,是一个r值引用,但由于它已命名,所以它本身是一个l值。因此,l-value限定操作符()(int) const&在以l-value func2为参数和以r-value Functor2()为参数的情况下都被调用。

In the case of apply_impl (id 7 and 8) the std::forward<F>(func) maintains or preserves the r-value/l-value nature of the argument provided for func. Hence the l-value qualified operator()(int) const& is called with the l-value func2 used as the argument and the r-value qualified operator()(int)&& when the r-value Functor2() is used as the argument. This behaviour is what would have been expected.

在apply_impl (id 7和8)中,std::forward (func)维护或保留为func提供的参数的r值/l值性质。因此,调用l-value限定操作符()(int) const&时使用l-value func2作为参数,当使用r-value Functor2()作为参数时,调用r-value限定操作符()&。这种行为是预料之中的。


The use of std::forward, via perfect forwarding, ensures that we preserve the r-value/l-value nature of the original argument for func. It preserves their value category.


It is required, std::forward can and should be used for more than just forwarding arguments to functions, but also when the use of an argument is required where the r-value/l-value nature must be preserved. Note; there are situations where the r-value/l-value cannot or should not be preserved, in these situations std::forward should not be used (see the converse below).


There are many examples popping up that inadvertently lose the r-value/l-value nature of the arguments via a seemingly innocent use of an r-value reference.


It has always been hard to write well defined and sound generic code. With the introduction of r-value references, and reference collapsing in particular, it has become possible to write better generic code, more concisely, but we need to be ever more aware of what the original nature of the arguments provided are and make sure that they are maintained when we use them in the generic code we write.


Full sample code can be found here


Corollary and converse

  • A corollary of the question would be; given reference collapsing in a templated function, how is the r-value/l-value nature of the argument maintained? The answer - use std::forward<T>(t).
  • 这个问题的推论是;给定模板函数中崩溃的引用,参数的r-值/l-值性质是如何维护的?答案-使用std::forward (T)
  • Converse; does std::forward solve all your "universal reference" problems? No it doesn't, there are cases where it should not be used, such as forwarding the value more than once.
  • 交谈;std:向前解决你所有的“通用参考”问题吗?不,它不是,有些情况下不应该使用它,比如多次转发值。

Brief background to perfect forwarding

Perfect forwarding may be unfamiliar to some, so what is perfect forwarding?


In brief, perfect forwarding is there to ensure that the argument provided to a function is forwarded (passed) to another function with the same value category (basically r-value vs. l-value) as originally provided. It is typically used with template functions where reference collapsing may have taken place.

简而言之,完美转发的存在是为了确保向函数提供的参数被转发(传递)给具有相同值类别(基本上是r-value vs. l-value)的另一个函数。它通常与引用崩溃可能发生的模板函数一起使用。

Scott Meyers gives the following pseudo code in his Going Native 2013 presentation to explain the workings of std::forward (at approximately the 20 minute mark);

Scott Meyers在他的2013原生演示中给出了以下伪代码来解释std的工作原理:forward(大约20分钟);

template <typename T>
T&& forward(T&& param) { // T&& here is formulated to disallow type deduction
  if (is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
    return param; // return type T&& collapses to T& in this case
  else {
    return move(param);

Perfect forwarding depends on a handful of fundamental language constructs new to C++11 that form the bases for much of what we now see in generic programming:

完美的转发依赖于一些基本的语言结构,这些结构是c++ 11的新结构,它们构成了我们现在在泛型编程中看到的很多东西的基础:

  • Reference collapsing
  • 参考崩溃
  • Rvalue references
  • 右值引用
  • Move semantics
  • 移动语义

The use of std::forward is currently intended in the formulaic std::forward<T>, understanding how std::forward works helps understand why this is such, and also aids in identifying non-idiomatic or incorrect use of rvalues, reference collapsing and ilk.

std::forward的使用目前在公式化的std:::forward 中,理解std:::forward的工作有助于理解为什么会这样,也有助于识别非惯用或错误地使用rvalue、引用崩溃和ilk。

Thomas Becker provides a nice, but dense write up on the perfect forwarding problem and solution.


What are ref-qualifiers?

The ref-qualifiers (lvalue ref-qualifier & and rvalue ref-qualifier &&) are similar to the cv-qualifiers in that they (the ref-qualified members) are used during overload resolution to determine which method to call. They behave as you would expect them to; the & applies to lvalues and && to rvalues. Note: Unlike cv-qualification, *this remains an l-value expression.

ref-qualifier (lvalue ref-qualifier &和rvalue ref-qualifier &&)类似于cv-qualifier,它们(ref-qualified成员)在重载解析中使用,以决定调用哪个方法。他们的行为和你期望的一样;该&适用于lvalues和&& rvalues。注意:与cv限定值不同,*这仍然是一个l-value表达式。



Here is a practical example.


struct concat {
  std::vector<int> state;
  std::vector<int> const& operator()(int x)&{
    return state;
  std::vector<int> operator()(int x)&&{
    return std::move(state);
  std::vector<int> const& operator()()&{ return state; }
  std::vector<int> operator()()&&{ return std::move(state); }

This function object takes an x, and concatenates it to an internal std::vector. It then returns that std::vector.


If evaluated in an rvalue context it moves to a temporary, otherwise it returns a const& to the internal vector.


Now we call apply:


auto result = apply( concat{}, std::make_tuple(2) );

because we carefully forwarded our function object, only 1 std::vector buffer is allocated. It is simply moved out to result.

因为我们仔细地转发了函数对象,所以只分配了一个std::vector buffer。它被简单地移出结果。

Without the careful forwarding, we end up creating an internal std::vector, and we copy it to result, then discard the internal std::vector.


Because the operator()&& knows that the function object should be treated as a rvalue about to be destroyed, it can rip the guts out of the function object while doing its operation. The operator()& cannot do this.


Careful use of perfect forwarding of function objects enables this optimization.


Note, however, that there is very little use of this technique "in the wild" at this point. Rvalue qualified overloading is obscure, and doing so to operator() moreso.


I could easily see future versions of C++ automatically using the rvalue state of a lambda to implicitly move its captured-by-value data in certain contexts, however.




In Brief...

The TL;DR, you want to preserve the value category (r-value/l-value nature) of the functor because this can affect the overload resolution, in particular the ref-qualified members.


Function definition reduction

To focus on the issue of the function being forwarded, I've reduced the sample (and made it compile with a C++11 compiler) to;

为了关注正在转发的函数的问题,我将示例(并让它使用c++ 11编译器进行编译)简化为;

template<class F, class... Args>
auto apply_impl(F&& func, Args&&... args) -> decltype(std::forward<F>(func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
  return std::forward<F>(func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

And we create a second form, where we replace the std::forward(func) with just func;

我们创建了第二个表单,用func替换std: forward(func);

template<class F, class... Args>
auto apply_impl_2(F&& func, Args&&... args) -> decltype(func(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
  return func(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Sample evaluation

Evaluating some empirical evidence of how this behaves (with conforming compilers) is a neat starting point for evaluating why the code example was written as such. Hence, in addition we will define a general functor;


struct Functor1 {
  int operator()(int id) const
    std::cout << "Functor1 ... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;

Initial sample


Run some sample code;


int main()
  Functor1 func1;
  apply_impl_2(func1, 1);
  apply_impl_2(Functor1(), 2);
  apply_impl(func1, 3);
  apply_impl(Functor1(), 4);

And the output is as expected, independent of whether an r-value is used Functor1() or an l-value func when making the call to apply_impl and apply_impl_2 the overloaded call operator is called. It is called for both r-values and l-values. Under C++03, this was all you got, you could not overload member methods based on the "r-value-ness" or "l-value-ness" of the object.

输出如预期的那样,独立于调用apply_impl和apply_imp_2时是否使用了一个r值Functor1()或一个l-value func。它同时需要r值和l值。在c++ 03下,这就是您所得到的全部,您不能基于对象的“r-值性”或“l-值性”重载成员方法。

Functor1 ... 1
Functor1 ... 2
Functor1 ... 3
Functor1 ... 4

Functor1……1 Functor1…2 Functor1…3 Functor1…4

Ref-qualified samples


We now need to overload that call operator to stretch this a little further...


struct Functor2 {
  int operator()(int id) const &
    std::cout << "Functor2 &... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;
  int operator()(int id) &&
    std::cout << "Functor2 &&... " << id << std::endl;
    return id;

We run another sample set;


int main()
  Functor2 func2;
  apply_impl_2(func2, 5);
  apply_impl_2(Functor2(), 6);
  apply_impl(func2, 7);
  apply_impl(Functor2(), 8);

And the output is;


Functor2 &... 5
Functor2 &... 6
Functor2 &... 7
Functor2 &&... 8

Functor2 &……5 Functor2 &……6 Functor2 &……7 Functor2 & &……8



In the case of apply_impl_2 (id 5 and 6), the output is not as may have been initially been expected. In both cases, the l-value qualified operator() is called (the r-value is not called at all). It may have been expected that since Functor2(), an r-value, is used to call apply_impl_2 the r-value qualified operator() would have been called. The func, as a named parameter to apply_impl_2, is an r-value reference, but since it is named, it is itself an l-value. Hence the l-value qualified operator()(int) const& is called in both the case of the l-value func2 being the argument and the r-value Functor2() being used as the argument.

在apply_imp_2 (id 5和6)的情况下,输出并不像最初预期的那样。在这两种情况下,都调用了l值限定运算符()(不调用r值)。由于函数2()是一个r值,它被用来调用apply_impl_2,所以应该调用r-value限定操作符()。func作为apply_impl_2的命名参数,是一个r值引用,但由于它已命名,所以它本身是一个l值。因此,l-value限定操作符()(int) const&在以l-value func2为参数和以r-value Functor2()为参数的情况下都被调用。

In the case of apply_impl (id 7 and 8) the std::forward<F>(func) maintains or preserves the r-value/l-value nature of the argument provided for func. Hence the l-value qualified operator()(int) const& is called with the l-value func2 used as the argument and the r-value qualified operator()(int)&& when the r-value Functor2() is used as the argument. This behaviour is what would have been expected.

在apply_impl (id 7和8)中,std::forward (func)维护或保留为func提供的参数的r值/l值性质。因此,调用l-value限定操作符()(int) const&时使用l-value func2作为参数,当使用r-value Functor2()作为参数时,调用r-value限定操作符()&。这种行为是预料之中的。


The use of std::forward, via perfect forwarding, ensures that we preserve the r-value/l-value nature of the original argument for func. It preserves their value category.


It is required, std::forward can and should be used for more than just forwarding arguments to functions, but also when the use of an argument is required where the r-value/l-value nature must be preserved. Note; there are situations where the r-value/l-value cannot or should not be preserved, in these situations std::forward should not be used (see the converse below).


There are many examples popping up that inadvertently lose the r-value/l-value nature of the arguments via a seemingly innocent use of an r-value reference.


It has always been hard to write well defined and sound generic code. With the introduction of r-value references, and reference collapsing in particular, it has become possible to write better generic code, more concisely, but we need to be ever more aware of what the original nature of the arguments provided are and make sure that they are maintained when we use them in the generic code we write.


Full sample code can be found here


Corollary and converse

  • A corollary of the question would be; given reference collapsing in a templated function, how is the r-value/l-value nature of the argument maintained? The answer - use std::forward<T>(t).
  • 这个问题的推论是;给定模板函数中崩溃的引用,参数的r-值/l-值性质是如何维护的?答案-使用std::forward (T)
  • Converse; does std::forward solve all your "universal reference" problems? No it doesn't, there are cases where it should not be used, such as forwarding the value more than once.
  • 交谈;std:向前解决你所有的“通用参考”问题吗?不,它不是,有些情况下不应该使用它,比如多次转发值。

Brief background to perfect forwarding

Perfect forwarding may be unfamiliar to some, so what is perfect forwarding?


In brief, perfect forwarding is there to ensure that the argument provided to a function is forwarded (passed) to another function with the same value category (basically r-value vs. l-value) as originally provided. It is typically used with template functions where reference collapsing may have taken place.

简而言之,完美转发的存在是为了确保向函数提供的参数被转发(传递)给具有相同值类别(基本上是r-value vs. l-value)的另一个函数。它通常与引用崩溃可能发生的模板函数一起使用。

Scott Meyers gives the following pseudo code in his Going Native 2013 presentation to explain the workings of std::forward (at approximately the 20 minute mark);

Scott Meyers在他的2013原生演示中给出了以下伪代码来解释std的工作原理:forward(大约20分钟);

template <typename T>
T&& forward(T&& param) { // T&& here is formulated to disallow type deduction
  if (is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
    return param; // return type T&& collapses to T& in this case
  else {
    return move(param);

Perfect forwarding depends on a handful of fundamental language constructs new to C++11 that form the bases for much of what we now see in generic programming:

完美的转发依赖于一些基本的语言结构,这些结构是c++ 11的新结构,它们构成了我们现在在泛型编程中看到的很多东西的基础:

  • Reference collapsing
  • 参考崩溃
  • Rvalue references
  • 右值引用
  • Move semantics
  • 移动语义

The use of std::forward is currently intended in the formulaic std::forward<T>, understanding how std::forward works helps understand why this is such, and also aids in identifying non-idiomatic or incorrect use of rvalues, reference collapsing and ilk.

std::forward的使用目前在公式化的std:::forward 中,理解std:::forward的工作有助于理解为什么会这样,也有助于识别非惯用或错误地使用rvalue、引用崩溃和ilk。

Thomas Becker provides a nice, but dense write up on the perfect forwarding problem and solution.


What are ref-qualifiers?

The ref-qualifiers (lvalue ref-qualifier & and rvalue ref-qualifier &&) are similar to the cv-qualifiers in that they (the ref-qualified members) are used during overload resolution to determine which method to call. They behave as you would expect them to; the & applies to lvalues and && to rvalues. Note: Unlike cv-qualification, *this remains an l-value expression.

ref-qualifier (lvalue ref-qualifier &和rvalue ref-qualifier &&)类似于cv-qualifier,它们(ref-qualified成员)在重载解析中使用,以决定调用哪个方法。他们的行为和你期望的一样;该&适用于lvalues和&& rvalues。注意:与cv限定值不同,*这仍然是一个l-value表达式。



Here is a practical example.


struct concat {
  std::vector<int> state;
  std::vector<int> const& operator()(int x)&{
    return state;
  std::vector<int> operator()(int x)&&{
    return std::move(state);
  std::vector<int> const& operator()()&{ return state; }
  std::vector<int> operator()()&&{ return std::move(state); }

This function object takes an x, and concatenates it to an internal std::vector. It then returns that std::vector.


If evaluated in an rvalue context it moves to a temporary, otherwise it returns a const& to the internal vector.


Now we call apply:


auto result = apply( concat{}, std::make_tuple(2) );

because we carefully forwarded our function object, only 1 std::vector buffer is allocated. It is simply moved out to result.

因为我们仔细地转发了函数对象,所以只分配了一个std::vector buffer。它被简单地移出结果。

Without the careful forwarding, we end up creating an internal std::vector, and we copy it to result, then discard the internal std::vector.


Because the operator()&& knows that the function object should be treated as a rvalue about to be destroyed, it can rip the guts out of the function object while doing its operation. The operator()& cannot do this.


Careful use of perfect forwarding of function objects enables this optimization.


Note, however, that there is very little use of this technique "in the wild" at this point. Rvalue qualified overloading is obscure, and doing so to operator() moreso.


I could easily see future versions of C++ automatically using the rvalue state of a lambda to implicitly move its captured-by-value data in certain contexts, however.
