无法导入MySQLdb - python - Windows 8.1

时间:2022-06-07 18:25:02

I am trying to import MySQLdb in python. I checked and followed all possible solutions but I am still not able to import it. I have Windows 8.1.

我正在尝试用python导入MySQLdb。我检查了所有可能的解决方案,但是我仍然不能导入它。我有Windows 8.1。

So I started fresh, I installed the latest version of python (2.7.8), set the path and pythonpath variables, and then tried installing the MySQL-python-1.2.5.win-amd64-py2.7 from the link (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQL-python/)


This is the error I get


>>> import MySQLdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

I have tried searching and following many links. Nothing worked!! Can someone please help me with this.




1 个解决方案



Issue resolved. I dint have a C compiler / Visual Studio in my laptop - This link might help http://mysql-python.blogspot.com/2012/11/is-mysqldb-hard-to-install.html I installed MinGW - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/?source=typ_redirect Selected the c++ option

问题解决。我的笔记本上有一个C编译器/ Visual Studio——这个链接可能会对我安装的MinGW - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/?source=typ_redirect选择c++选项

I uninstalled Anaconda, Python and Installed anaconda again. So python 2.7.7 got installed along with Anaconda. Did a conda init,

我卸载了蟒蛇,又安装了蟒蛇。所以python 2。7和Anaconda一起安装。做了一个conda init,

conda install pip 

pip install mysql-python

and then import MySQLdb


No Error!! Hope this helps!!

没有错误!希望这有助于! !


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Update - Jan 2, 2015

更新- 2015年1月2日

If you want to try installing mysql-python package using conda instead of pip, you can try the following, which worked for me.


conda install binstar

binstar search -t conda mysql-python

This will show you 10 different packages for different OS. krisvanneste mysql-python is for Win-64

这将向您展示不同OS的10个不同的包。krisvanneste mysql-python是Win-64

To know more about this package use the command


 binstar show krisvanneste/mysql-python

This will show you the command to install the mysql-python package which happens to be


conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/krisvanneste mysql-python

This will install the required package. Now trying import MySQLdb in python wont throw error.




Issue resolved. I dint have a C compiler / Visual Studio in my laptop - This link might help http://mysql-python.blogspot.com/2012/11/is-mysqldb-hard-to-install.html I installed MinGW - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/?source=typ_redirect Selected the c++ option

问题解决。我的笔记本上有一个C编译器/ Visual Studio——这个链接可能会对我安装的MinGW - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/?source=typ_redirect选择c++选项

I uninstalled Anaconda, Python and Installed anaconda again. So python 2.7.7 got installed along with Anaconda. Did a conda init,

我卸载了蟒蛇,又安装了蟒蛇。所以python 2。7和Anaconda一起安装。做了一个conda init,

conda install pip 

pip install mysql-python

and then import MySQLdb


No Error!! Hope this helps!!

没有错误!希望这有助于! !


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Update - Jan 2, 2015

更新- 2015年1月2日

If you want to try installing mysql-python package using conda instead of pip, you can try the following, which worked for me.


conda install binstar

binstar search -t conda mysql-python

This will show you 10 different packages for different OS. krisvanneste mysql-python is for Win-64

这将向您展示不同OS的10个不同的包。krisvanneste mysql-python是Win-64

To know more about this package use the command


 binstar show krisvanneste/mysql-python

This will show you the command to install the mysql-python package which happens to be


conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/krisvanneste mysql-python

This will install the required package. Now trying import MySQLdb in python wont throw error.
