OverflowError: Python int太大,不能转换为C长

时间:2022-06-24 18:20:06

I have this class:


class MetricInt(int):
    """Int wrapper that adds only during the observation window."""
    def __new__(cls, _, initial):
        return int.__new__(cls, initial)

    def __init__(self, sim, initial):
        self.sim = sim

    def __add__(self, val):
        if self.sim.in_observe_window():
            self = MetricInt(self.sim, super(MetricInt, self).__add__(int(val)))
        return self

Which basically overwrite the __add__ method in order to only to the addition if self.sim.in_observe_window() returns True.

它基本上覆盖__add__方法,以便仅在self. sim_observe_window()返回True时添加。

However, if the initial value is too big, I have OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long.

但是,如果初始值太大,就会出现OverflowError: Python int太大,无法转换为C long。

What is the correct way to do what I'm trying to do and also handle big numbers?


3 个解决方案



Are you on Python 2.6? You could try subclassing long instead.

您使用的是Python 2.6吗?你可以尝试代入long。

But in general I strongly suggest not subclassing Python built-in types; CPython reserves the right to skip calls to special methods on such types, and for example will not call __str__ on a subclass of str. Your example here works, but you might be asking for bugs.


Consider delegating instead, and delegating the operators you want. (You may also want __int__, of course.)




I like Eevee's answer about delegating instead. He has not provided any code so I'm doing it:


class MetricInt(object):
    """Int wrapper that adds only during the observation window."""
    def __init__(self, sim, initial):
        self.sim = sim
        self.val = int(initial)

    def __add__(self, val):
        if self.sim.in_observe_window():
            self.val += int(val)
        return self

    def __int__(self):
        return self.val

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.val)

This way, the problem is solved. When I decided to subclass the int type, it was because I already had a few int variables in my code and did not wanted to change my code too much. However, if I define __int__ and __float__, I only need to add some casts to int. It's not that bad I guess if it avoids weird bugs.




I solved a similar problem casting it to int with int(bigNumber) but in think that is trivial in your case. You can try with the numpy:


numpy.int32(Your big number)

And these that I found somewhere that now I can't remember:


def int_overflow(val):
  if not -sys.maxint-1 <= val <= sys.maxint:
    val = (val + (sys.maxint + 1)) % (2 * (sys.maxint + 1)) - sys.maxint - 1
  return val

Credits to the author.


You can pass the overflowed value throught this function and get it normalized.


Best regards




Are you on Python 2.6? You could try subclassing long instead.

您使用的是Python 2.6吗?你可以尝试代入long。

But in general I strongly suggest not subclassing Python built-in types; CPython reserves the right to skip calls to special methods on such types, and for example will not call __str__ on a subclass of str. Your example here works, but you might be asking for bugs.


Consider delegating instead, and delegating the operators you want. (You may also want __int__, of course.)




I like Eevee's answer about delegating instead. He has not provided any code so I'm doing it:


class MetricInt(object):
    """Int wrapper that adds only during the observation window."""
    def __init__(self, sim, initial):
        self.sim = sim
        self.val = int(initial)

    def __add__(self, val):
        if self.sim.in_observe_window():
            self.val += int(val)
        return self

    def __int__(self):
        return self.val

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.val)

This way, the problem is solved. When I decided to subclass the int type, it was because I already had a few int variables in my code and did not wanted to change my code too much. However, if I define __int__ and __float__, I only need to add some casts to int. It's not that bad I guess if it avoids weird bugs.




I solved a similar problem casting it to int with int(bigNumber) but in think that is trivial in your case. You can try with the numpy:


numpy.int32(Your big number)

And these that I found somewhere that now I can't remember:


def int_overflow(val):
  if not -sys.maxint-1 <= val <= sys.maxint:
    val = (val + (sys.maxint + 1)) % (2 * (sys.maxint + 1)) - sys.maxint - 1
  return val

Credits to the author.


You can pass the overflowed value throught this function and get it normalized.


Best regards
