
时间:2022-12-10 18:22:34

I have a neural net model, it's last layer is fully connected layer with 9 output neurons.
To train my network correctly, I'm using softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits.
It trains ok, but when I want to evaluate my model, I want probabilities also.
So I take an evaluation sample and feed it to the network.
After that I apply softmax to the output and get
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]]


Here unnormalized probabilites also:


[[ -2710.10620117  -2914.37866211  -5045.04443359  -4361.91601562
-459.57000732   8843.65820312  -1871.62756348   5447.12451172

I'm also getting probility of 1 and rest are zeros. Could anyone please help to handle this issue?


EDIT: Input images are of shape 64 * 160.
All activation functions are relu.
Max poolings are 2x2.
In conv_plus_max_pool_layer(x_image, 5, 1, 96) 5 is kernel size.
Here is network layout:

编辑:输入图像的形状为64 * 160。所有激活函数都是relu。马克斯池2 x2。在conv_plus_max_pool_layer中(x_image, 5,1,96) 5是内核大小。这是网络布局:

hidden_block_1 = conv_plus_max_pool_layer(x_image, 5, 1, 96)
hidden_block_2 = conv_plus_max_pool_layer(hidden_block_1, 5, 96, 256)
hidden_block_3 = conv_plus_max_pool_layer(hidden_block_2, 3, 256, 384)
hidden_block_4 = conv_plus_max_pool_layer(hidden_block_3, 3, 384, 512)

fc1 = dropout_plus_fc(4 * 10 * 512, 512, hidden_block_4, keep_prob_drop1)
output = dropout_plus_fc(512, model_net10_train.class_num, fc1, keep_prob_drop2)

1 个解决方案



Looks like your network is pretty sure about the output ;)


In this case, I don't think we can do a lot for you without your network layout... Some gut feelings from my side: the layer leading up to your output layer has too many nodes (thus giving you these huuuge numbers), and I suspect that you don't use nonlinearities such as RELU, or tanh. Another thing you might want to check are the initial values for the weights (might be too big), and the learning rate you are using (might be too high).




Looks like your network is pretty sure about the output ;)


In this case, I don't think we can do a lot for you without your network layout... Some gut feelings from my side: the layer leading up to your output layer has too many nodes (thus giving you these huuuge numbers), and I suspect that you don't use nonlinearities such as RELU, or tanh. Another thing you might want to check are the initial values for the weights (might be too big), and the learning rate you are using (might be too high).
