
时间:2023-02-14 18:08:22

I have this code:


test=['--23456789TJQKA'.index(a) for a, b in hand]
print (test)

result is :


[10, 14]

How does this snippet work? Is it a built-in function for [a for a, b in list] to get the first letter of each 2-letter word in list in python?

这个代码段如何工作?它是[a for a,b in list]的内置函数来获取python中列表中每个2个字母单词的第一个字母吗?

4 个解决方案


First, let's turn the code into a for loop:


hand = ["TS","AD"]
test = []
for a,b in hand:
# note that we didn't use b


So what's happening here?
Well, each element in hand is an iterable with two elements. This means that for a,b in hand iterates through each string in hand, assigning the first character to a and the second to b. This is effectively the same as:


for mystr in hand:
    a = mystr[0]
    b = mystr[1]
    # or equivalently, a,b = mystr

The next piece is '--23456789TJQKA'.index(a), which simply returns the index of the first occurrence of a in string '--23456789TJQKA'.


So the output ends up being a list of two numbers - the indices of the first character of each string in hand, namely, 'T' and 'A'

所以输出最终是两个数字的列表 - 手中每个字符串的第一个字符的索引,即'T'和'A'


This is a normal list comprehension that is splitting the two letter strings in hand into tuple of letters


for the first element of hand:


a, b in 'TS'
# a == 'T'
# b == 'S'

# 10

for the second element of hand:


a, b in 'AD'
# a == 'A'
# b == 'D'

# 14


Here for a, b in hand part actually unpacks the strings TS and AD. loop variable a and b is assigned to a hand element. Which is like

这里a,b in hand部分实际上解包了字符串TS和AD。循环变量a和b分配给手元素。这是什么样的

(a, b) = 'TS'

here a is assigned to T and b is set to S.


After that .index method just looks for a and returns the index of it.


Note: This will not work if hand contains a non-two letter word.



The code has something to do with poker or some other card game using a standard 52 card deck. test will be a list of the ordinal "ranks" of a player's hand (the "suit" is not saved). It uses tuple unpacking to put the "rank" of the hand into a and the "suit" into b within the list comprehension.

该代码与扑克或其他使用标准52卡牌组的纸牌游戏有关。 test将是玩家手牌的序数“等级”列表(“套装”未保存)。它使用元组解包将手的“等级”放入a中,并将“套装”放入列表理解中的b中。


First, let's turn the code into a for loop:


hand = ["TS","AD"]
test = []
for a,b in hand:
# note that we didn't use b


So what's happening here?
Well, each element in hand is an iterable with two elements. This means that for a,b in hand iterates through each string in hand, assigning the first character to a and the second to b. This is effectively the same as:


for mystr in hand:
    a = mystr[0]
    b = mystr[1]
    # or equivalently, a,b = mystr

The next piece is '--23456789TJQKA'.index(a), which simply returns the index of the first occurrence of a in string '--23456789TJQKA'.


So the output ends up being a list of two numbers - the indices of the first character of each string in hand, namely, 'T' and 'A'

所以输出最终是两个数字的列表 - 手中每个字符串的第一个字符的索引,即'T'和'A'


This is a normal list comprehension that is splitting the two letter strings in hand into tuple of letters


for the first element of hand:


a, b in 'TS'
# a == 'T'
# b == 'S'

# 10

for the second element of hand:


a, b in 'AD'
# a == 'A'
# b == 'D'

# 14


Here for a, b in hand part actually unpacks the strings TS and AD. loop variable a and b is assigned to a hand element. Which is like

这里a,b in hand部分实际上解包了字符串TS和AD。循环变量a和b分配给手元素。这是什么样的

(a, b) = 'TS'

here a is assigned to T and b is set to S.


After that .index method just looks for a and returns the index of it.


Note: This will not work if hand contains a non-two letter word.



The code has something to do with poker or some other card game using a standard 52 card deck. test will be a list of the ordinal "ranks" of a player's hand (the "suit" is not saved). It uses tuple unpacking to put the "rank" of the hand into a and the "suit" into b within the list comprehension.

该代码与扑克或其他使用标准52卡牌组的纸牌游戏有关。 test将是玩家手牌的序数“等级”列表(“套装”未保存)。它使用元组解包将手的“等级”放入a中,并将“套装”放入列表理解中的b中。