
时间:2020-12-04 16:55:08

In C# to use a TcpClient or generally to connect to a socket how can I first check if a certain port is free on my machine?


more info: This is the code I use:


TcpClient c;
//I want to check here if port is free.
c = new TcpClient(ip, port);

16 个解决方案



Since you're using a TcpClient, that means you're checking open TCP ports. There are lots of good objects available in the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace.


Use the IPGlobalProperties object to get to an array of TcpConnectionInformation objects, which you can then interrogate about endpoint IP and port.


 int port = 456; //<--- This is your value
 bool isAvailable = true;

 // Evaluate current system tcp connections. This is the same information provided
 // by the netstat command line application, just in .Net strongly-typed object
 // form.  We will look through the list, and if our port we would like to use
 // in our TcpClient is occupied, we will set isAvailable to false.
 IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
 TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();

 foreach (TcpConnectionInformation tcpi in tcpConnInfoArray)
   if (tcpi.LocalEndPoint.Port==port)
     isAvailable = false;

 // At this point, if isAvailable is true, we can proceed accordingly.



You're on the wrong end of the Intertube. It is the server that can have only one particular port open. Some code:


  IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];
  try {
    TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, 666);
  catch (SocketException ex) {
    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "kaboom");

Fails with:


Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.




When you set up a TCP connection, the 4-tuple (source-ip, source-port, dest-ip, dest-port) has to be unique - this is to ensure packets are delivered to the right place.


There is a further restriction on the server side that only one server program can bind to an incoming port number (assuming one IP address; multi-NIC servers have other powers but we don't need to discuss them here).


So, at the server end, you:


  • create a socket.
  • 创建一个套接字。
  • bind that socket to a port.
  • 将该套接字绑定到端口。
  • listen on that port.
  • 监听端口。
  • accept connections on that port. and there can be multiple connections coming in (one per client).
  • 接受该端口上的连接。而且可以有多个连接(每个客户端一个)。

On the client end, it's usually a little simpler:


  • create a socket.
  • 创建一个套接字。
  • open the connection. When a client opens the connection, it specifies the ip address and port of the server. It can specify its source port but usually uses zero which results in the system assigning it a free port automatically.
  • 打开连接。当客户端打开连接时,它指定服务器的ip地址和端口。它可以指定它的源端口,但通常使用0,这导致系统自动分配一个空闲端口。

There is no requirement that the destination IP/port be unique since that would result in only one person at a time being able to use Google, and that would pretty well destroy their business model.


This means you can even do such wondrous things as multi-session FTP since you set up multiple sessions where the only difference is your source port, allowing you to download chunks in parallel. Torrents are a little different in that the destination of each session is usually different.


And, after all that waffling (sorry), the answer to your specific question is that you don't need to specify a free port. If you're connecting to a server with a call that doesn't specify your source port, it'll almost certainly be using zero under the covers and the system will give you an unused one.




TcpClient c;

//I want to check here if port is free.
c = new TcpClient(ip, port);

...how can I first check if a certain port is free on my machine?


I mean that it is not in use by any other application. If an application is using a port others can't use it until it becomes free. – Ali

我的意思是它不被任何其他应用程序使用。如果一个应用程序使用一个端口,其他人就不能使用它,直到它变得免费为止。- - - - - -阿里

You have misunderstood what's happening here.


TcpClient(...) parameters are of server ip and server port you wish to connect to.


The TcpClient selects a transient local port from the available pool to communicate to the server. There's no need to check for the availability of the local port as it is automatically handled by the winsock layer.


In case you can't connect to the server using the above code fragment, the problem could be one or more of several. (i.e. server ip and/or port is wrong, remote server not available, etc..)




Thanks for this tip. I needed the same functionality but on the Server side to check if a Port was in use so I modified it to this code.


 private bool CheckAvailableServerPort(int port) {
    LOG.InfoFormat("Checking Port {0}", port);
    bool isAvailable = true;

    // Evaluate current system tcp connections. This is the same information provided
    // by the netstat command line application, just in .Net strongly-typed object
    // form.  We will look through the list, and if our port we would like to use
    // in our TcpClient is occupied, we will set isAvailable to false.
    IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
    IPEndPoint[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners();

    foreach (IPEndPoint endpoint in tcpConnInfoArray) {
        if (endpoint.Port == port) {
            isAvailable = false;

    LOG.InfoFormat("Port {0} available = {1}", port, isAvailable);

    return isAvailable;



string hostname = "localhost";
int portno = 9081;
IPAddress ipa = (IPAddress) Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)[0];

    System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);
    sock.Connect(ipa, portno);
    if (sock.Connected == true)  // Port is in use and connection is successful
            MessageBox.Show("Port is Closed");

catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
    if (ex.ErrorCode == 10061)  // Port is unused and could not establish connection 
        MessageBox.Show("Port is Open!");



thanks for the answer jro. I had to tweak it for my usage. I needed to check if a port was being listened on, and not neccessarily active. For this I replaced


TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();


IPEndPoint[] objEndPoints = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners();.  

I iterated the array of endpoints checking that my port value was not found.




netstat! That's a network command line utility which ships with windows. It shows all current established connections and all ports currently being listened to. You can use this program to check, but if you want to do this from code look into the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace? It's a new namespace as of 2.0. There's some goodies there. But eventually if you wanna get the same kind of information that's available through the command netstat you'll need to result to P/Invoke...

netstat !这是一个带有windows的网络命令行实用程序。它显示所有当前建立的连接和当前正在监听的所有端口。您可以使用这个程序进行检查,但是如果您想要从代码中检查System.Net。NetworkInformation名称空间?它是2.0的一个新的命名空间。那里有一些好吃的。但是最终如果你想通过命令netstat获得同样的信息,你需要生成P/Invoke。

Update: System.Net.NetworkInformation

That namespace contains a bunch of classes you can use for figuring out things about the network.


I wasn't able to find that old pice of code but I think you can write something similar yourself. A good start is to check out the IP Helper API. Google MSDN for the GetTcpTable WINAPI function and use P/Invoke to enumerate until you have the information you need.

我找不到那些旧的代码,但我认为你可以自己写一些类似的东西。一个好的开始是检查IP Helper API。谷歌MSDN用于GetTcpTable WINAPI函数,并使用P/Invoke枚举,直到获得所需的信息。



You say


I mean that it is not in use by any other application. If an application is using a port others can't use it until it becomes free.


But you can always connect to a port while others are using it if something's listening there. Otherwise, http port 80 would be a mess.


If your


   c = new TcpClient(ip, port);

fails, then nothing's listening there. Otherwise, it will connect, even if some other machine/application has a socket open to that ip and port.




If I'm not very much mistaken, you can use System.Network.whatever to check.


However, this will always incur a race condition.


The canonical way of checking is try to listen on that port. If you get an error that port wasn't open.


I think this is part of why bind() and listen() are two separate system calls.




ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections() doesn't return connections in Listen State.


Port can be used for listening, but with no one connected to it the method described above will not work.




Be aware the time window between you make check and the moment you try to make connection some process may take the port - classical TOCTOU. Why don't you just try to connect? If it fails then you know the port is not available.




You don't have to know what ports are open on your local machine to connect to some remote TCP service (unless you want to use a specific local port, but usually that is not the case).


Every TCP/IP connection is identified by 4 values: remote IP, remote port number, local IP, local port number, but you only need to know remote IP and remote port number to establish a connection.


When you create tcp connection using


TcpClient c;
c = new TcpClient(remote_ip, remote_port);

Your system will automatically assign one of many free local port numbers to your connection. You don't need to do anything. You might also want to check if a remote port is open. but there is no better way to do that than just trying to connect to it.




    public static bool TestOpenPort(int Port)
        var tcpListener = default(TcpListener);

            var ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];

            tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, Port);

            return true;
        catch (SocketException)
            if (tcpListener != null)

        return false;



test_connection("ip", port);

public void test_connection(String hostname, int portno) {
  IPAddress ipa = (IPAddress)Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)[0];
  try {
    System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);
   sock.Connect(ipa, portno);
   if (sock.Connected == true) {
     MessageBox.Show("Port is in use");

 catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex) {
   if (ex.ErrorCode == 10060) {
     MessageBox.Show("No connection.");



try this, in my case the port number for the created object wasn't available so I came up with this


IPEndPoint endPoint;
int port = 1;
while (true)
        endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
    catch (SocketException)



Since you're using a TcpClient, that means you're checking open TCP ports. There are lots of good objects available in the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace.


Use the IPGlobalProperties object to get to an array of TcpConnectionInformation objects, which you can then interrogate about endpoint IP and port.


 int port = 456; //<--- This is your value
 bool isAvailable = true;

 // Evaluate current system tcp connections. This is the same information provided
 // by the netstat command line application, just in .Net strongly-typed object
 // form.  We will look through the list, and if our port we would like to use
 // in our TcpClient is occupied, we will set isAvailable to false.
 IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
 TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();

 foreach (TcpConnectionInformation tcpi in tcpConnInfoArray)
   if (tcpi.LocalEndPoint.Port==port)
     isAvailable = false;

 // At this point, if isAvailable is true, we can proceed accordingly.



You're on the wrong end of the Intertube. It is the server that can have only one particular port open. Some code:


  IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];
  try {
    TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, 666);
  catch (SocketException ex) {
    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "kaboom");

Fails with:


Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.




When you set up a TCP connection, the 4-tuple (source-ip, source-port, dest-ip, dest-port) has to be unique - this is to ensure packets are delivered to the right place.


There is a further restriction on the server side that only one server program can bind to an incoming port number (assuming one IP address; multi-NIC servers have other powers but we don't need to discuss them here).


So, at the server end, you:


  • create a socket.
  • 创建一个套接字。
  • bind that socket to a port.
  • 将该套接字绑定到端口。
  • listen on that port.
  • 监听端口。
  • accept connections on that port. and there can be multiple connections coming in (one per client).
  • 接受该端口上的连接。而且可以有多个连接(每个客户端一个)。

On the client end, it's usually a little simpler:


  • create a socket.
  • 创建一个套接字。
  • open the connection. When a client opens the connection, it specifies the ip address and port of the server. It can specify its source port but usually uses zero which results in the system assigning it a free port automatically.
  • 打开连接。当客户端打开连接时,它指定服务器的ip地址和端口。它可以指定它的源端口,但通常使用0,这导致系统自动分配一个空闲端口。

There is no requirement that the destination IP/port be unique since that would result in only one person at a time being able to use Google, and that would pretty well destroy their business model.


This means you can even do such wondrous things as multi-session FTP since you set up multiple sessions where the only difference is your source port, allowing you to download chunks in parallel. Torrents are a little different in that the destination of each session is usually different.


And, after all that waffling (sorry), the answer to your specific question is that you don't need to specify a free port. If you're connecting to a server with a call that doesn't specify your source port, it'll almost certainly be using zero under the covers and the system will give you an unused one.




TcpClient c;

//I want to check here if port is free.
c = new TcpClient(ip, port);

...how can I first check if a certain port is free on my machine?


I mean that it is not in use by any other application. If an application is using a port others can't use it until it becomes free. – Ali

我的意思是它不被任何其他应用程序使用。如果一个应用程序使用一个端口,其他人就不能使用它,直到它变得免费为止。- - - - - -阿里

You have misunderstood what's happening here.


TcpClient(...) parameters are of server ip and server port you wish to connect to.


The TcpClient selects a transient local port from the available pool to communicate to the server. There's no need to check for the availability of the local port as it is automatically handled by the winsock layer.


In case you can't connect to the server using the above code fragment, the problem could be one or more of several. (i.e. server ip and/or port is wrong, remote server not available, etc..)




Thanks for this tip. I needed the same functionality but on the Server side to check if a Port was in use so I modified it to this code.


 private bool CheckAvailableServerPort(int port) {
    LOG.InfoFormat("Checking Port {0}", port);
    bool isAvailable = true;

    // Evaluate current system tcp connections. This is the same information provided
    // by the netstat command line application, just in .Net strongly-typed object
    // form.  We will look through the list, and if our port we would like to use
    // in our TcpClient is occupied, we will set isAvailable to false.
    IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
    IPEndPoint[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners();

    foreach (IPEndPoint endpoint in tcpConnInfoArray) {
        if (endpoint.Port == port) {
            isAvailable = false;

    LOG.InfoFormat("Port {0} available = {1}", port, isAvailable);

    return isAvailable;



string hostname = "localhost";
int portno = 9081;
IPAddress ipa = (IPAddress) Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)[0];

    System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);
    sock.Connect(ipa, portno);
    if (sock.Connected == true)  // Port is in use and connection is successful
            MessageBox.Show("Port is Closed");

catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
    if (ex.ErrorCode == 10061)  // Port is unused and could not establish connection 
        MessageBox.Show("Port is Open!");



thanks for the answer jro. I had to tweak it for my usage. I needed to check if a port was being listened on, and not neccessarily active. For this I replaced


TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();


IPEndPoint[] objEndPoints = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners();.  

I iterated the array of endpoints checking that my port value was not found.




netstat! That's a network command line utility which ships with windows. It shows all current established connections and all ports currently being listened to. You can use this program to check, but if you want to do this from code look into the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace? It's a new namespace as of 2.0. There's some goodies there. But eventually if you wanna get the same kind of information that's available through the command netstat you'll need to result to P/Invoke...

netstat !这是一个带有windows的网络命令行实用程序。它显示所有当前建立的连接和当前正在监听的所有端口。您可以使用这个程序进行检查,但是如果您想要从代码中检查System.Net。NetworkInformation名称空间?它是2.0的一个新的命名空间。那里有一些好吃的。但是最终如果你想通过命令netstat获得同样的信息,你需要生成P/Invoke。

Update: System.Net.NetworkInformation

That namespace contains a bunch of classes you can use for figuring out things about the network.


I wasn't able to find that old pice of code but I think you can write something similar yourself. A good start is to check out the IP Helper API. Google MSDN for the GetTcpTable WINAPI function and use P/Invoke to enumerate until you have the information you need.

我找不到那些旧的代码,但我认为你可以自己写一些类似的东西。一个好的开始是检查IP Helper API。谷歌MSDN用于GetTcpTable WINAPI函数,并使用P/Invoke枚举,直到获得所需的信息。



You say


I mean that it is not in use by any other application. If an application is using a port others can't use it until it becomes free.


But you can always connect to a port while others are using it if something's listening there. Otherwise, http port 80 would be a mess.


If your


   c = new TcpClient(ip, port);

fails, then nothing's listening there. Otherwise, it will connect, even if some other machine/application has a socket open to that ip and port.




If I'm not very much mistaken, you can use System.Network.whatever to check.


However, this will always incur a race condition.


The canonical way of checking is try to listen on that port. If you get an error that port wasn't open.


I think this is part of why bind() and listen() are two separate system calls.




ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections() doesn't return connections in Listen State.


Port can be used for listening, but with no one connected to it the method described above will not work.




Be aware the time window between you make check and the moment you try to make connection some process may take the port - classical TOCTOU. Why don't you just try to connect? If it fails then you know the port is not available.




You don't have to know what ports are open on your local machine to connect to some remote TCP service (unless you want to use a specific local port, but usually that is not the case).


Every TCP/IP connection is identified by 4 values: remote IP, remote port number, local IP, local port number, but you only need to know remote IP and remote port number to establish a connection.


When you create tcp connection using


TcpClient c;
c = new TcpClient(remote_ip, remote_port);

Your system will automatically assign one of many free local port numbers to your connection. You don't need to do anything. You might also want to check if a remote port is open. but there is no better way to do that than just trying to connect to it.




    public static bool TestOpenPort(int Port)
        var tcpListener = default(TcpListener);

            var ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];

            tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, Port);

            return true;
        catch (SocketException)
            if (tcpListener != null)

        return false;



test_connection("ip", port);

public void test_connection(String hostname, int portno) {
  IPAddress ipa = (IPAddress)Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)[0];
  try {
    System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);
   sock.Connect(ipa, portno);
   if (sock.Connected == true) {
     MessageBox.Show("Port is in use");

 catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex) {
   if (ex.ErrorCode == 10060) {
     MessageBox.Show("No connection.");



try this, in my case the port number for the created object wasn't available so I came up with this


IPEndPoint endPoint;
int port = 1;
while (true)
        endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
    catch (SocketException)