PHP XML和具有相同名称的节点。

时间:2021-10-18 16:54:07

I am having some difficulty wrapping my brain around this, since I am new to PHP.


XML Document contains:


    <ID> theid </id>
     <OwnerDetails id = 23212>
          <name> the name </name>

And I can access The Owner Name via $current["OwnerDetails"]["Name"] ok

我可以通过$current["Owner details "]["Name"]来访问所有者名称

However sometimes there are multiple ownerdetails:


    <ID> theid </id>
     <OwnerDetails id = 23212>
          <name> the name </name>
     <OwnerDetails id = 23233>
          <name> other name </name>

I can use a


foreach($current["OwnerDetails"] as $row) 
    echo $row["Name"]

and I see both names. But if there is only ONE OwnerDetails it won't display the name correctly.... How Do I reliably access this data even if I don't know if there will be one or multiple items?


2 个解决方案



The easiest way to deal with this might be something like the following, depending on your XML parsing library:


// make sure you have an array containing OwnerDetails elements
$ownerDetails = isset($current["OwnerDetails"][0])
              ? $current["OwnerDetails"]
              : array($current["OwnerDetails"]);

// now iterate over it
foreach ($ownerDetails as $row) {
    echo $row["Name"];

However, SimpleXML can take care of this for you; SimpleXMLElement objects implement the Traversable interface, so you could use foreach in either scenario.




I'm not sure what XML parsing function you're using, so it's hard to debug its precise behaviour.


If you use SimpleXML, then foreach ( $current->OwnerDetails as $row ) should work in both cases. Similarly, both $current->OwnerDetails->Name and $current->OwnerDetails[0]->Name will get you the Name of the first child. SimpleXML overloads functionality to work smoothly in cases like this.

如果您使用SimpleXML,那么foreach ($current->OwnerDetails as $row)应该在这两种情况下都有效。同样,$current->OwnerDetails->名称和$current->OwnerDetails[0]->名称都将获得第一个孩子的名字。SimpleXML会重载功能,以便在这种情况下正常工作。

Note the -> notation (property access) to refer to a child node. In SimpleXML, the ['string'] notation accesses attributes, e.g. $current->OwnerDetails['id'].




The easiest way to deal with this might be something like the following, depending on your XML parsing library:


// make sure you have an array containing OwnerDetails elements
$ownerDetails = isset($current["OwnerDetails"][0])
              ? $current["OwnerDetails"]
              : array($current["OwnerDetails"]);

// now iterate over it
foreach ($ownerDetails as $row) {
    echo $row["Name"];

However, SimpleXML can take care of this for you; SimpleXMLElement objects implement the Traversable interface, so you could use foreach in either scenario.




I'm not sure what XML parsing function you're using, so it's hard to debug its precise behaviour.


If you use SimpleXML, then foreach ( $current->OwnerDetails as $row ) should work in both cases. Similarly, both $current->OwnerDetails->Name and $current->OwnerDetails[0]->Name will get you the Name of the first child. SimpleXML overloads functionality to work smoothly in cases like this.

如果您使用SimpleXML,那么foreach ($current->OwnerDetails as $row)应该在这两种情况下都有效。同样,$current->OwnerDetails->名称和$current->OwnerDetails[0]->名称都将获得第一个孩子的名字。SimpleXML会重载功能,以便在这种情况下正常工作。

Note the -> notation (property access) to refer to a child node. In SimpleXML, the ['string'] notation accesses attributes, e.g. $current->OwnerDetails['id'].
