
时间:2022-07-05 16:53:09

i want to replace url for example www.google.com or http://www.google.com with www.google.com i have a code for this


str = Regex.Replace(str,
                "<a target='_blank' href='$1'>$1</a>");

it is working with http://www.google.com but it is not working with www.google.com or subdomain.google.com which regex code matches with every url links. and when i wrote a long link it will write same of the url for example



. i want to write it as


<a href="http://www.google.com/search/asdadad/sdsdsd/sadasdx-sadasd-weqeqwe-zxcxzc.com">google.com/asdas... </a>

google.com/asdas ...

what is the best way to make this? i am new for regex


1 个解决方案



This will also catch www.test.com:



Just surround the part thats optional and append a questionmark. You can check it out here.


The first match in this regex (matches are defined with "(" and ")") is the whole url. So you could use replacing like this:


Regex rgxUrls = new Regex(pattern);
string result = rgxUrls.Replace(yourText, "<a href=\"$1\"> space for custom text </a>");
                                                      ↑ Inserts first match


Where I've used $1 you can also use $2 - $5. Check the image above thats showing which groups are capturing which part of the url.

在我使用1美元的地方你也可以使用2美元 - 5美元。检查上面的图像,显​​示哪些组正在捕获网址的哪个部分。

Full test can be found here.
Just click execute on the top.


Output: c#用正则表达式从字符串中查找并替换url

According the comments, how group caption works:


Text: "this is your text to search"  
Pattern: "text to"

Match[0] will always match your whole match text to. Every groups above like Match[1] or Match[2] has to be defined with "(" and ")".

匹配[0]将始终匹配您的整个匹配文本。像Match [1]或Match [2]这样的每个组都必须用“(”和“)”来定义。

Text: "this is your text to search"  
Pattern: "text (to)"  
Match[0]: "text to"  
Match[1]: "to"  

Pattern: "text (t(o))"  
Match[0]: "text to"  
Match[1]: "to"  
Match[2]: "o"  

The caption with "()" works from the outside to the inside.



$2 (http://)

$3 (http)

$4 (.com)

$5 (/appendedSubdirectory/anotherOne)

I cant explain everything about regex in here. This question looks solved for me. If you've got deeper questions according regex start a new one and show some effort you've done before.




This will also catch www.test.com:



Just surround the part thats optional and append a questionmark. You can check it out here.


The first match in this regex (matches are defined with "(" and ")") is the whole url. So you could use replacing like this:


Regex rgxUrls = new Regex(pattern);
string result = rgxUrls.Replace(yourText, "<a href=\"$1\"> space for custom text </a>");
                                                      ↑ Inserts first match


Where I've used $1 you can also use $2 - $5. Check the image above thats showing which groups are capturing which part of the url.

在我使用1美元的地方你也可以使用2美元 - 5美元。检查上面的图像,显​​示哪些组正在捕获网址的哪个部分。

Full test can be found here.
Just click execute on the top.


Output: c#用正则表达式从字符串中查找并替换url

According the comments, how group caption works:


Text: "this is your text to search"  
Pattern: "text to"

Match[0] will always match your whole match text to. Every groups above like Match[1] or Match[2] has to be defined with "(" and ")".

匹配[0]将始终匹配您的整个匹配文本。像Match [1]或Match [2]这样的每个组都必须用“(”和“)”来定义。

Text: "this is your text to search"  
Pattern: "text (to)"  
Match[0]: "text to"  
Match[1]: "to"  

Pattern: "text (t(o))"  
Match[0]: "text to"  
Match[1]: "to"  
Match[2]: "o"  

The caption with "()" works from the outside to the inside.



$2 (http://)

$3 (http)

$4 (.com)

$5 (/appendedSubdirectory/anotherOne)

I cant explain everything about regex in here. This question looks solved for me. If you've got deeper questions according regex start a new one and show some effort you've done before.
