
时间:2021-02-26 16:51:30

I'm trying to use sed to replace template strings in files of the form %XXX% with the value of a variable called XXX in my shell script.


e.g. The following works perfectly


sed "s/%user_home%/$user_home/gi"

So if user_home=fred the following,

所以如果user_home = fred以下,

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName %server_name%

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/%user_home%_webapp_error.log
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/%user_home%_webapp.log common

  DocumentRoot /home/%user_home%/web_app/public


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName %server_name%

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/fred_webapp_error.log
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/fred_webapp.log common

  DocumentRoot /home/fred/web_app/public

The problem is that I want to run the sed command without explicitly knowing the template strings and their variables up front. That is, it looks for %XXX% and then replaces that with the contents of $XXX without caring what the actual name of the variable is.

问题是我想在没有事先明确知道模板字符串及其变量的情况下运行sed命令。也就是说,它会查找%XXX%,然后用$ XXX的内容替换它,而不关心变量的实际名称是什么。

I know its got something to do with back-references but I can't figure out how to use the content of a back-reference as the variable name.


I tried,

sed "s/%\([a-z_]\)%/$(\1)/gi"

but this failed to work because it seems to be a looking for a variable called $\1.

但这没有奏效,因为它似乎是在寻找一个名为$ \ 1的变量。

4 个解决方案



The problem here is that by the time the sed command is actually run (and therefore by the time it retrieves the variable-name), the sed command must have been fully assembled (including substituting the Bash variable's value into the replacement string); so everything happens in the wrong order.


Or, taking a higher-level view, the problem is that sed doesn't know about Bash variables, so you need Bash to provide the details of the variables, but Bash doesn't know about sed replacements, so it doesn't have any way of knowing what variables you need the details of.


The fix, as long as you want to use Bash variables, is to use more Bash: you need to identify the relevant variable-names before you first call sed. The below shows how you can do that.


To get the list of all variable-names in your file, you can write something like this:


grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' FILE | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u

(The first grep gets all expressions of the form %...%. The second grep filters out the percent-signs; or you can use sed for that, if you prefer. The sort -u eliminates the duplicates, since you only need the list of distinct variable-names.)


Armed with that, you can assemble a sed command that performs all the necessary replacements:


while read varname ; do
    sed_args+=(-e "s/%$varname%/${!varname}/g")
done < <(grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' FILE | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u)
sed "${sed_args[@]}" FILE

(Note the use of ${!varname} to mean "take the value of $varname as a variable-name, and return the value of that variable." This is what §3.5.3 "Shell Parameter Expansion" of the Bash Reference Manual calls "indirect expansion".)

(注意使用$ {!varname}来表示“将$ varname的值作为变量名,并返回该变量的值。”这就是Bash参考的§3.5.3“Shell参数扩展”手动调用“间接扩展”。)

You can wrap this in a function:


function replace_bash_variables () {
    local file="$1"
    local sed_args=()
    local varname
    while read varname ; do
        sed_args+=(-e "s/%$varname%/${!varname}/g")
    done < <(grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' "$file" | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u)
    if [[ "${#sed_args[@]}" = 0 ]] ; then
        # if no variables to replace, just cat the file:
        cat -- "$file"
        sed "${sed_args[@]}" -- "$file"

replace_bash_variables OLD_FILE > NEW_FILE

You can also adjust the above to do line-by-line processing, so that it doesn't need to read the file twice. (That gives you more flexibility, since reading the file twice means you have to pass in the actual file, and can't (say) apply this to the output of a pipeline.)

您还可以调整上述内容以进行逐行处理,这样就不需要两次读取文件。 (这为您提供了更大的灵活性,因为读取文件两次意味着您必须传入实际文件,并且不能(比方说)将此应用于管道的输出。)



Use this:

sed -E "s/%(\w+)%/\$\1/g"

For example this:


echo "abcdef %variable% blah" | sed -E "s/%(\w+)%/\$\1/g"


abcdef $variable blah



Using awk you can do this


awk '{gsub(/%user_home%/,"${user_home}")}1' file
NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName %server_name%

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/${user_home}_webapp_error.log
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/${user_home}_webapp.log common

  DocumentRoot /home/${user_home}/web_app/public

This replace the %user_home% to the variable ${user_home}

这将%user_home%替换为变量$ {user_home}



try with 1 sed but still need previously to catch the "set" content to know variables name and value

尝试使用1 sed但仍需要先捕获“set”内容以了解变量名称和值

# YourFilename contain the file name of your file to treat (here passed as 1st parameter to a script)

(set | sed 's/.*/#V0r:&:r0V#/'; cat ${YourFileName}) | sed -n "

$  {
   s/^\(\n *\)*//
# also reset t flag
   t varxs

   t varxs
: tmpb

# clean the line when no more occurance in text
#   s/^#V0r:\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\)=\([^²]*\):r0V#²\n//

# and next
   t varxs

# clean the  marker

# display the result
  • limitation here due to the use of char "²" not escaped so if ² appear in the file, could be annoying (so change this char as marker or translate it in the file)
  • 限制在这里由于使用char“²”没有转义所以如果²出现在文件中,可能很烦人(所以将此char更改为标记或将其翻译在文件中)

  • #V0r: and :r0V# are marker also and could be changed without problem
  • #V0r:和:r0V#也是标记,可以毫无问题地更改



The problem here is that by the time the sed command is actually run (and therefore by the time it retrieves the variable-name), the sed command must have been fully assembled (including substituting the Bash variable's value into the replacement string); so everything happens in the wrong order.


Or, taking a higher-level view, the problem is that sed doesn't know about Bash variables, so you need Bash to provide the details of the variables, but Bash doesn't know about sed replacements, so it doesn't have any way of knowing what variables you need the details of.


The fix, as long as you want to use Bash variables, is to use more Bash: you need to identify the relevant variable-names before you first call sed. The below shows how you can do that.


To get the list of all variable-names in your file, you can write something like this:


grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' FILE | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u

(The first grep gets all expressions of the form %...%. The second grep filters out the percent-signs; or you can use sed for that, if you prefer. The sort -u eliminates the duplicates, since you only need the list of distinct variable-names.)


Armed with that, you can assemble a sed command that performs all the necessary replacements:


while read varname ; do
    sed_args+=(-e "s/%$varname%/${!varname}/g")
done < <(grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' FILE | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u)
sed "${sed_args[@]}" FILE

(Note the use of ${!varname} to mean "take the value of $varname as a variable-name, and return the value of that variable." This is what §3.5.3 "Shell Parameter Expansion" of the Bash Reference Manual calls "indirect expansion".)

(注意使用$ {!varname}来表示“将$ varname的值作为变量名,并返回该变量的值。”这就是Bash参考的§3.5.3“Shell参数扩展”手动调用“间接扩展”。)

You can wrap this in a function:


function replace_bash_variables () {
    local file="$1"
    local sed_args=()
    local varname
    while read varname ; do
        sed_args+=(-e "s/%$varname%/${!varname}/g")
    done < <(grep -o '%[a-z_][a-z_]*%' "$file" | grep -o '[a-z_][a-z_]*' | sort -u)
    if [[ "${#sed_args[@]}" = 0 ]] ; then
        # if no variables to replace, just cat the file:
        cat -- "$file"
        sed "${sed_args[@]}" -- "$file"

replace_bash_variables OLD_FILE > NEW_FILE

You can also adjust the above to do line-by-line processing, so that it doesn't need to read the file twice. (That gives you more flexibility, since reading the file twice means you have to pass in the actual file, and can't (say) apply this to the output of a pipeline.)

您还可以调整上述内容以进行逐行处理,这样就不需要两次读取文件。 (这为您提供了更大的灵活性,因为读取文件两次意味着您必须传入实际文件,并且不能(比方说)将此应用于管道的输出。)



Use this:

sed -E "s/%(\w+)%/\$\1/g"

For example this:


echo "abcdef %variable% blah" | sed -E "s/%(\w+)%/\$\1/g"


abcdef $variable blah



Using awk you can do this


awk '{gsub(/%user_home%/,"${user_home}")}1' file
NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName %server_name%

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/${user_home}_webapp_error.log
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/${user_home}_webapp.log common

  DocumentRoot /home/${user_home}/web_app/public

This replace the %user_home% to the variable ${user_home}

这将%user_home%替换为变量$ {user_home}



try with 1 sed but still need previously to catch the "set" content to know variables name and value

尝试使用1 sed但仍需要先捕获“set”内容以了解变量名称和值

# YourFilename contain the file name of your file to treat (here passed as 1st parameter to a script)

(set | sed 's/.*/#V0r:&:r0V#/'; cat ${YourFileName}) | sed -n "

$  {
   s/^\(\n *\)*//
# also reset t flag
   t varxs

   t varxs
: tmpb

# clean the line when no more occurance in text
#   s/^#V0r:\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\)=\([^²]*\):r0V#²\n//

# and next
   t varxs

# clean the  marker

# display the result
  • limitation here due to the use of char "²" not escaped so if ² appear in the file, could be annoying (so change this char as marker or translate it in the file)
  • 限制在这里由于使用char“²”没有转义所以如果²出现在文件中,可能很烦人(所以将此char更改为标记或将其翻译在文件中)

  • #V0r: and :r0V# are marker also and could be changed without problem
  • #V0r:和:r0V#也是标记,可以毫无问题地更改