如何可靠地获取twistd衍生过程的pid ?

时间:2023-01-26 16:49:18

I have a Python program that uses psutil to run some various twistd ... commands. twistd spawns and daemonizes a process and writes a foo.pid from which I can read the pid.


It also sets up so that this pid-file is cleaned up when the process terminates, which means that it is possible for the spawned process to finish so fast that I cannot read the pid.


twistd does return with an error code if it cannot write a pid file, so I can assume that no pid file and no twisted error code means the process was spawned successfully and very quickly terminated, but this whole process seems so flaky. Not to mention having to wait for the pid file to be filled with content while also handling the possibility that it is filled but removed again in one go.

如果twistd不能编写pid文件,那么它会返回一个错误代码,因此我可以假设没有pid文件和twisted error代码意味着进程被成功地并且很快地终止了,但是整个过程看起来是如此的脆弱。更不用说要等待pid文件被内容填充,同时还要处理它被填充但一次又被删除的可能性。

Is there a better way?


2 个解决方案



There isn't a better way (or if there is, it's very difficult or impossible to know what it is, since you haven't described the general problem you're solving, you've just described a problem you have with a solution you've already selected).


There's an open feature request for making twistd more amenable to this sort of use, though. If you help resolve it, then you'll be able to do this how you want.




I'm not sure what part you're using psutil for, but just calling spawnProcess from Twisted will fire with an IReactorProcess that knows its pid.


If it's twistd you're calling out to, there's definitely a way to do what you'd be doing within the same process too if you'd like.




There isn't a better way (or if there is, it's very difficult or impossible to know what it is, since you haven't described the general problem you're solving, you've just described a problem you have with a solution you've already selected).


There's an open feature request for making twistd more amenable to this sort of use, though. If you help resolve it, then you'll be able to do this how you want.




I'm not sure what part you're using psutil for, but just calling spawnProcess from Twisted will fire with an IReactorProcess that knows its pid.


If it's twistd you're calling out to, there's definitely a way to do what you'd be doing within the same process too if you'd like.
