
时间:2023-01-13 16:02:34

I have the following PHP script that establishes a connection to a MySQL database and runs a SQL query to grab 4 fields, then creates a comma separated text file from the output. If I place this PHP file in my public_html folder and browse to it from my web browser, it functions correctly. However I want place this PHP script in a unique folder on the same level as public_html, and call it via a CRON job in my Cpanel. When I do this, I get the attached error.


script location /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

脚本的位置/我/ mywebsite / whereIam / myscript.php

text file output location /home2/mywebsite/public_html/text.txt


Cron Job 0 0 * * * /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

Cron作业0 * * * /home2/mywebsite/where eiam /myscript.php

Error Message
/home2/mysite/whereiam/myscript.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home2/mysite/whereiam/myscript.php: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token (' /home2/mysite/whereiam/myscript.php: line 2: $fh = fopen("/home2
/mywebsite/public_html/text.txt", "w");'

错误消息/我/ mysite / whereiam / myscript。php:没有这样的文件或目录/home2/mysite/whereiam/myscript。php:第2行:语法错误接近意外令牌(' /home2/mysite/whereiam/myscript)。php:第2行:$fh = fopen("/home2 /mywebsite/public_html/text ")。txt”、“w”);

    $fh = fopen("/home2/mywebsite/public_html/test.txt", "w");
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","user_readoly","SomePassword");
    mysql_select_db("nameofDatabase", $con);

    /* insert field values into data.txt */

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT `field_129`, `field_131`,`field_26` FROM  `a_custom_database_5` WHERE `field_129` <> ''");   
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {          
        $num = mysql_num_fields($result) ;    
        $last = $num - 1;
        for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {            
            fwrite($fh, $row[$i]);                       
            if ($i != $last) {
                fwrite($fh, ",");
        fwrite($fh, "\n");

2 个解决方案



There are two possibilities:


  • Change the cronjob to:


    0 0 * * * php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

    Notice that the php command has been added with as argument the filename. Otherwise, cron tries to execute the PHP file, but it doesn't know it should be executed as PHP.


  • There's a way to tell the OS the PHP file should be executed as PHP. Add this as a first line to the script:



    Also set the permissions such that the file is executable. Now, you could execute it from a shell as if it's a command - and also the cronjob works without modification.


    This is of course assuming the PHP executable is in /usr/bin/php. You can use the command which php to find the location on your system.

    当然,这是假设PHP可执行文件在/usr/bin/ PHP中可以使用php命令找到系统上的位置。

Which to choose is a matter of personal preference I suppose. I like the second option because it allows you to execute the file from the command line without explicitly using the php command. However, with the second option moving to another server with possibly a different path to php means you have to edit the file - which isn't needed with the first option.




Try this


0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

0 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/where eiam /myscript.php

And I would also redirect the output to a log file so then change it to this


0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php >> /path/to/log.php 2&>1

0 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript。php >路径> / / /日志。php 2 & > 1

This is assuming that php is at /usr/bin/php




There are two possibilities:


  • Change the cronjob to:


    0 0 * * * php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

    Notice that the php command has been added with as argument the filename. Otherwise, cron tries to execute the PHP file, but it doesn't know it should be executed as PHP.


  • There's a way to tell the OS the PHP file should be executed as PHP. Add this as a first line to the script:



    Also set the permissions such that the file is executable. Now, you could execute it from a shell as if it's a command - and also the cronjob works without modification.


    This is of course assuming the PHP executable is in /usr/bin/php. You can use the command which php to find the location on your system.

    当然,这是假设PHP可执行文件在/usr/bin/ PHP中可以使用php命令找到系统上的位置。

Which to choose is a matter of personal preference I suppose. I like the second option because it allows you to execute the file from the command line without explicitly using the php command. However, with the second option moving to another server with possibly a different path to php means you have to edit the file - which isn't needed with the first option.




Try this


0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php

0 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/where eiam /myscript.php

And I would also redirect the output to a log file so then change it to this


0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript.php >> /path/to/log.php 2&>1

0 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home2/mywebsite/whereIam/myscript。php >路径> / / /日志。php 2 & > 1

This is assuming that php is at /usr/bin/php
