sed命令给出错误:sed: -e表达式#1,char 50:未终止的“s”命令。

时间:2021-03-21 15:30:44

I used grep to find out whether a particular line exists in a file or not like this:


my $grepval=`grep "$conn[$i]" filename`; 

which is correct but after this I now want to delete the grepval from the file using sed like this:


sed -i "s/$grepval//g" filename`; 

which gives me error sed: -e expression #1, char 50: unterminateds' command`. Please help on how to resolve it.thanks

它给了我错误sed: -e表达式#1,char 50: unterminateds'命令'。请帮忙解决,谢谢。

there's probably a / in $grepval also it can be multilines – RC. 39 mins ago

也有可能是a / in $grepval也可以是multilines - RC。39分钟前

SA291 ERROR CODE---->>> -3 ERROR_NO_RESULT_FOUND .this is my $grepval.I used a different delimiter also like this :sed -i "s|$grepval||g" /home/abc/Desktop/xyz.txt.but its still giving me the same error.

SA291错误代码——>>> -3 ERROR_NO_RESULT_FOUND,这是我的$grepval。我使用了一个不同的分隔符,也像这样:sed -i ' s|$grepval| g" /home/ abc/desktop/xyz.txt。但它还是给了我同样的错误。

5 个解决方案



U'll have to use sed -i instead of sed -e to make the changes in the file .. -e is used for expressions whereas -i is required when u need to modify the files and save 'em after the modifications.. also chomp would also work to resolve this issue.. The grepval var might ave a newline character at the end.

你将不得不使用sed -i而不是sed -e来对文件进行更改。-e用于表达式,而当需要修改文件并在修改后保存时,我是需要的。同时chomp也将致力于解决这个问题。grepval var在最后可能会有一个换行符。





Put this in your code just before the sed invocation:


print "[$grepval]\n";

and I guarantee there'll be a / in there somewhere, probably around character number 48.


One way to solve it is to preprocess $grepval so that you turn it into a properly formatted search string for sed or, if possible, choose a delimiter that you know won't appear in the string (sed allows different delimiters):


sed -i "s?$grepval??g" filename



If the replacement/pattern contain /, then you can't use / as the delimiter.


Use a different delimiter:


sed -i "s|$grepval||g" filename



you could get a list of file names that contain the string in question


my @files = qx#grep -l $search_string $filenameExpression#;

foreach my $f ( @files )
    # make sure your input doesn't have slash "/" then use hash "#"
  my $ret = `perl -pi -e's#$search_string##g' $f`;  



There's a newline in $grepval (or another "hidden" character). Get rid of it with chomp.


Also you might consider using the list form of system() to avoid problems with shell metacharacters (just putting arguments into "" does not help always) and try to escape possible regexp metacharacters with quotemeta() to get the script more robust. Even better to do the whole thing completely in Perl. For example, sed -i is not portable and works probably only on Linux systems.

您还可以考虑使用system()的列表形式来避免shell元字符的问题(只是将参数放入“”并不总是有效),并尝试使用quotemeta()来避免可能的regexp元字符,从而使脚本更加健壮。更好的做法是完全用Perl完成整个事情。例如,sed -i不能移植,而且可能只在Linux系统上工作。



U'll have to use sed -i instead of sed -e to make the changes in the file .. -e is used for expressions whereas -i is required when u need to modify the files and save 'em after the modifications.. also chomp would also work to resolve this issue.. The grepval var might ave a newline character at the end.

你将不得不使用sed -i而不是sed -e来对文件进行更改。-e用于表达式,而当需要修改文件并在修改后保存时,我是需要的。同时chomp也将致力于解决这个问题。grepval var在最后可能会有一个换行符。





Put this in your code just before the sed invocation:


print "[$grepval]\n";

and I guarantee there'll be a / in there somewhere, probably around character number 48.


One way to solve it is to preprocess $grepval so that you turn it into a properly formatted search string for sed or, if possible, choose a delimiter that you know won't appear in the string (sed allows different delimiters):


sed -i "s?$grepval??g" filename



If the replacement/pattern contain /, then you can't use / as the delimiter.


Use a different delimiter:


sed -i "s|$grepval||g" filename



you could get a list of file names that contain the string in question


my @files = qx#grep -l $search_string $filenameExpression#;

foreach my $f ( @files )
    # make sure your input doesn't have slash "/" then use hash "#"
  my $ret = `perl -pi -e's#$search_string##g' $f`;  



There's a newline in $grepval (or another "hidden" character). Get rid of it with chomp.


Also you might consider using the list form of system() to avoid problems with shell metacharacters (just putting arguments into "" does not help always) and try to escape possible regexp metacharacters with quotemeta() to get the script more robust. Even better to do the whole thing completely in Perl. For example, sed -i is not portable and works probably only on Linux systems.

您还可以考虑使用system()的列表形式来避免shell元字符的问题(只是将参数放入“”并不总是有效),并尝试使用quotemeta()来避免可能的regexp元字符,从而使脚本更加健壮。更好的做法是完全用Perl完成整个事情。例如,sed -i不能移植,而且可能只在Linux系统上工作。