
时间:2022-11-27 13:51:22

How can I print the output to terminal and file at the same time?


$ perl foo.pl > foout.txt

does not allow me to see live process.


Is there any way I can see the output process real time and getting at the end the output of the screen on a file?


4 个解决方案


perl foo.pl | tee foout.txt

perl foo.pl | tee foout.txt


The utility tee will do that.



See IO::Tee. This module will allow you to do this selectively with fine grained control within your program (there is also a less mature module called File::Tee which worked for me once but I would not recommend that for any serious project).

见IO :: Tee。这个模块允许你有选择地在你的程序中进行细粒度控制(还有一个不太成熟的模块,名为File :: Tee,它曾经为我工作过一次,但我不建议任何严肃的项目)。

See also Log4perl for really fine grained control over what gets logged where and how.


For one off usage from the command line, as others have recommended, you can, of course, utilize the command line utility tee if you have access to it.



Or you could pipe it into a perl programs to print to the screen and a log file (that is if you are not on Unix or have a tee program)


perl foo.pl | perl myPipe.pl myFile.txt

perl foo.pl | perl myPipe.pl myFile.txt

where the data is captureed to myFile.txt and


myPipe.pl is

open OUTFILE,">$ARGV[0]" or die "Unable to open file: $ARGV[0]\n";

    print OUTFILE;
close OUTFILE;

This reads a line of input from STDIN and prints it to the screen and then to the file. When the end is reached, it will close the file



perl foo.pl | tee foout.txt

perl foo.pl | tee foout.txt


The utility tee will do that.



See IO::Tee. This module will allow you to do this selectively with fine grained control within your program (there is also a less mature module called File::Tee which worked for me once but I would not recommend that for any serious project).

见IO :: Tee。这个模块允许你有选择地在你的程序中进行细粒度控制(还有一个不太成熟的模块,名为File :: Tee,它曾经为我工作过一次,但我不建议任何严肃的项目)。

See also Log4perl for really fine grained control over what gets logged where and how.


For one off usage from the command line, as others have recommended, you can, of course, utilize the command line utility tee if you have access to it.



Or you could pipe it into a perl programs to print to the screen and a log file (that is if you are not on Unix or have a tee program)


perl foo.pl | perl myPipe.pl myFile.txt

perl foo.pl | perl myPipe.pl myFile.txt

where the data is captureed to myFile.txt and


myPipe.pl is

open OUTFILE,">$ARGV[0]" or die "Unable to open file: $ARGV[0]\n";

    print OUTFILE;
close OUTFILE;

This reads a line of input from STDIN and prints it to the screen and then to the file. When the end is reached, it will close the file
