
时间:2022-11-11 13:31:49

What exactly does the (int) before the (Math.random()) do to it? I know it has to do with getting an integer out of the Math.random() but I can't really understand how it does that. I can't understand how this (int) works. I mean, for example, how do I use it in other ways?


4 个解决方案



The (int) casts the double result of Math.random() to an integer. So (int) Math.random() always is zero, because random() returns a number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0


int i = (int)Math.random();
double d =  Math.random();


If you need integer randoms, you need first to multyply the result of random


int factor = 100;
i = (int)(Math.random() * factor);



This syntax is a cast. It's a way of directly converting between types; the most usual use case is to convert a value of a particular type to a specific subtype when you know that the particular instance is really that subtype, e.g.:


abstract class Parent {...}
class Child extends Parent {...}

Parent myObject = ... //we know it's *really* a Child
Child myObject2 = (Child) myObject;

Note that this is an unsafe operation: if myObject is actually a different subclass of Parent, it will fail at runtime (by throwing ClassCastException). For this reason casts should usually be avoided. While the compiler may refuse to compile some provably wrong casts, most of the time you can override the type system, casting anything to anything, and failures will only happen at runtime.


Casts between primitive types are special-cased, and safer (although I would still advise avoiding them where possible, since they look like unsafe code; Double.valueOf(Math.random()).intValue() obtains the same result in a visibly safe way, and the performance cost, though real, is irrelevant to most programs). See section 5.1.3 of the JLS.

原始类型之间的转换是特殊的,更安全(尽管我仍然建议尽可能避免使用它们,因为它们看起来像不安全的代码; Double.valueOf(Math.random())。intValue()在可见的情况下获得相同的结果安全的方式,性能成本,虽然是真实的,与大多数程序无关)。请参阅JLS的5.1.3节。



The signature of Math.random() is public static double random() meaning it returns a double value.

Math.random()的签名是public static double random(),意味着它返回一个double值。

If for some reason you want an integer then you should cast this value to an int. To make it brief it cuts any digit after the point part in your double.


e.g. 1.2 would become 1
2.45 would become 2 etc

例如1.2将变为1 2.45将变为2等

P.S. you should really read about casting to get the general idea how and when to use it.



like @FlorentBayle commented casting the number generated by double() will always return 0 since it's range is [0,1) 0 inclusive, 1 exclusive that is. So, you must multiply it with an int which is equal to the max number of your desired range:


e.g. to get int into range [0,5) you should use:


int i = (int) (Math.random()*5);



Math.Random() is just a wrapper around java.util.Random();


So instead, make a


Random rnd = new java.util.Random(); //costly operation so use only once
rnd.nextInt();                       //keep using nextwhatever for further operations  



The (int) casts the double result of Math.random() to an integer. So (int) Math.random() always is zero, because random() returns a number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0


int i = (int)Math.random();
double d =  Math.random();


If you need integer randoms, you need first to multyply the result of random


int factor = 100;
i = (int)(Math.random() * factor);



This syntax is a cast. It's a way of directly converting between types; the most usual use case is to convert a value of a particular type to a specific subtype when you know that the particular instance is really that subtype, e.g.:


abstract class Parent {...}
class Child extends Parent {...}

Parent myObject = ... //we know it's *really* a Child
Child myObject2 = (Child) myObject;

Note that this is an unsafe operation: if myObject is actually a different subclass of Parent, it will fail at runtime (by throwing ClassCastException). For this reason casts should usually be avoided. While the compiler may refuse to compile some provably wrong casts, most of the time you can override the type system, casting anything to anything, and failures will only happen at runtime.


Casts between primitive types are special-cased, and safer (although I would still advise avoiding them where possible, since they look like unsafe code; Double.valueOf(Math.random()).intValue() obtains the same result in a visibly safe way, and the performance cost, though real, is irrelevant to most programs). See section 5.1.3 of the JLS.

原始类型之间的转换是特殊的,更安全(尽管我仍然建议尽可能避免使用它们,因为它们看起来像不安全的代码; Double.valueOf(Math.random())。intValue()在可见的情况下获得相同的结果安全的方式,性能成本,虽然是真实的,与大多数程序无关)。请参阅JLS的5.1.3节。



The signature of Math.random() is public static double random() meaning it returns a double value.

Math.random()的签名是public static double random(),意味着它返回一个double值。

If for some reason you want an integer then you should cast this value to an int. To make it brief it cuts any digit after the point part in your double.


e.g. 1.2 would become 1
2.45 would become 2 etc

例如1.2将变为1 2.45将变为2等

P.S. you should really read about casting to get the general idea how and when to use it.



like @FlorentBayle commented casting the number generated by double() will always return 0 since it's range is [0,1) 0 inclusive, 1 exclusive that is. So, you must multiply it with an int which is equal to the max number of your desired range:


e.g. to get int into range [0,5) you should use:


int i = (int) (Math.random()*5);



Math.Random() is just a wrapper around java.util.Random();


So instead, make a


Random rnd = new java.util.Random(); //costly operation so use only once
rnd.nextInt();                       //keep using nextwhatever for further operations