
时间:2021-06-25 13:25:12

So I was going through some interview questions and I came across one about void and null pointers, which claims:


a pointer with no return type is called a null pointer. It may be any kind of datatype.


This confused me thoroughly! It seems void and null could be used interchangeably according to this question, and I don't believe that to be correct. I assumed void to be a return type and null to be a value. But I am just a code-rookie and am not sure I am right.


Please express your views as to what a null pointer is and a void pointer is. I am not looking for difference between null and void.


9 个解决方案



The two concepts are orthogonal:


  1. A void pointer, (void *) is a raw pointer to some memory location.
  2. 空指针(void *)是指向某个内存位置的原始指针。
  3. A null pointer is a special pointer that doesn't point to anything, by definition. It can be a pointer to any type, void or otherwise.
  4. 空指针是一种特殊的指针,根据定义,它不指向任何东西。它可以是指向任何类型的指针,void或其他类型。

A void pointer can be null or not:


void *void_ptr1 = nullptr;
void *void_ptr2 = malloc(42);
void *void_ptr3 = new Foo;               // void * can point to almost anything
void *void_ptr4 = (char*)void_ptr3 + 1;  // even somewhere inside an object

A non-void pointer can also be null or not:


Foo *f = nullptr;
Foo *g = new Foo;



Just plain forget about that answer. A quote from your link :


"a pointer with no return type is called a null pointer."


This is sooo plain WRONG. A pointer's return type? REALLY? This is a bad source...


void* is universal pointer type because any pointer type (except for pointer to const and/or volatile) can be implicitly converted to void*. In other words, you can assign any pointer to a variable of type void*. A null pointer is a pointer value 0




The void type in general means that no type information is given.


You should always keep in mind that a pointer conveys two pieces of information: the type of the pointed data (int, double, ...), which specifies how to interpret it, and the address of the data it points to, which specifies where you can get the actual value of the pointed data.


The type information is in the type of the pointer (double*, int*, ...), while the address of the data is the actual value contained in the pointer variable.

类型信息在指针的类型中(double*, int*,…),而数据的地址是指针变量中包含的实际值。

So, a void pointer (void *) is a pointer that do not specify any type information. It tells you where the data is, but it doesn't tell you how to interpret it. You know that at that address there's something, but you don't know if it's an int, a double or an array of flying cows. To actually use such data, you have to get type information about it in some other way (e.g. with some other magic parameter), cast that pointer to a regular pointer type and then use it as usual.

因此,void指针(void *)是一个不指定任何类型信息的指针。它告诉你数据在哪里,但不告诉你如何解释它。你知道在那个地址有一些东西,但你不知道它是int, double还是一排会飞的牛。要实际使用这些数据,您必须以其他方式(例如,使用其他一些神奇的参数)获取关于它的类型信息,将该指针转换为常规指针类型,然后像往常一样使用它。

void * is often used in C to provide some kind of support to generic programming; see for example the qsort C library function.

在C中经常使用void *来为通用编程提供某种支持;参见qsort C库函数。

A NULL pointer, instead, is a pointer that points to nothing. In this case, the type information about the pointer in general is present, but it's the address of the pointed data that is missing. Of course, it's possible to have a void * that is NULL.


Quick example (supposing that v is declared as double v;):

快速示例(假设v被声明为double v;):

                         Type information present
             |          ✔           |          ✘           |
    p  c |   |                      |                      |
 v  o  o | ✔ | double * ptr = &v;   | void * ptr = &v;     |
 a  i  n |   |                      |                      |
 l  n  t +---+----------------------+----------------------+
 i  t  e |   |                      |                      |
 d  e  n | ✘ | double * ptr = NULL; | void * ptr = NULL;   |
    d  t |   |                      |                      |

Trivia: NULL, at least in the current standard, is guaranteed to be 0.


In other areas of the language, void is always used to specify lack of type. Using it as return value (note: I'm talking now about void, not void *) means that the function does not return any value, and casting an expression to void is a fancy way to discard a value (you're signaling to the compiler and to other programmers that you're conscious that you're not using a certain value).

在语言的其他领域,void总是被用来指定缺少类型。使用它作为返回值(注意:我现在谈论空虚,不是void *)意味着函数不返回任何值,和铸造一个表达式无效是一个奇特的方式丢弃一个值(你信号编译器和其他程序员,你意识到你没有使用一个特定的值)。



Please, tell us: whats the difference:


  • between gas tank and no-gas situation
  • 在油箱和无气状态之间
  • between cookie jar and no-cookies
  • 在饼干罐和无饼干之间
  • between term 'money' and 'empty pockets'
  • 在“钱”和“空口袋”之间

If you come up with these, you'l be able to grasp null vs void* dillema.




void is a non-type. null is a non-value.




Here's some differences with respect to pointer arithmetic:


It stems from the fact that void is an incomplete type.


void *vp;
vp++;     // error, incomplete type
vp += 2;  // same error

void *p = 0;
p++;      // still same error

int *p = 0;
p++;      // well-formed program, but UB ($5.6/5)



The linked article is simply wrong. Its first sentence:


a pointer with no return type is called a null pointer


is triggering all sorts of alarms for me. This is a highly confused piece of writing.


You are almost correct. "Pointer to void" is a type (not a "return type"). Values of any type can be returned by functions, and thus be (the function's) return type.


A null pointer is a pointer that, regardless of its type, is pointing at the null object, which is not any valid object that can be created. A null pointer can be said to point at "nothing".


A pointer to void can also be null;


void *nothing = 0;

is perfectly valid code, and just says that this pointer is capable of pointing a an untyped object, but right now it isn't.




null pointer is point to 0x000000(which is incorrect to access pointer), while void pointer is a correct pointer to an unspecified type(void *). However, void pointer can be null pointer, but then unreferencing the pointer will generate error.




A void *ptr is the pointer which can be used to point any type of data. It maybe int, float, double. It has no return type that is initially pointer is created with pointer type (having hex value) and we can assign this pointer to any type of data.

void *ptr是一个指针,可以用来指向任何类型的数据。可能是int, float, double。它没有返回类型,最初指针是用指针类型(具有十六进制值)创建的,我们可以将这个指针分配给任何类型的数据。

While null pointer is the pointer with having NULL value as address, the pointer is assigned NULL value so that it cannot be used to access others data which its address may contain while creation. I think it is good programming technique to assign a pointer NULL if its not used at the moment.




The two concepts are orthogonal:


  1. A void pointer, (void *) is a raw pointer to some memory location.
  2. 空指针(void *)是指向某个内存位置的原始指针。
  3. A null pointer is a special pointer that doesn't point to anything, by definition. It can be a pointer to any type, void or otherwise.
  4. 空指针是一种特殊的指针,根据定义,它不指向任何东西。它可以是指向任何类型的指针,void或其他类型。

A void pointer can be null or not:


void *void_ptr1 = nullptr;
void *void_ptr2 = malloc(42);
void *void_ptr3 = new Foo;               // void * can point to almost anything
void *void_ptr4 = (char*)void_ptr3 + 1;  // even somewhere inside an object

A non-void pointer can also be null or not:


Foo *f = nullptr;
Foo *g = new Foo;



Just plain forget about that answer. A quote from your link :


"a pointer with no return type is called a null pointer."


This is sooo plain WRONG. A pointer's return type? REALLY? This is a bad source...


void* is universal pointer type because any pointer type (except for pointer to const and/or volatile) can be implicitly converted to void*. In other words, you can assign any pointer to a variable of type void*. A null pointer is a pointer value 0




The void type in general means that no type information is given.


You should always keep in mind that a pointer conveys two pieces of information: the type of the pointed data (int, double, ...), which specifies how to interpret it, and the address of the data it points to, which specifies where you can get the actual value of the pointed data.


The type information is in the type of the pointer (double*, int*, ...), while the address of the data is the actual value contained in the pointer variable.

类型信息在指针的类型中(double*, int*,…),而数据的地址是指针变量中包含的实际值。

So, a void pointer (void *) is a pointer that do not specify any type information. It tells you where the data is, but it doesn't tell you how to interpret it. You know that at that address there's something, but you don't know if it's an int, a double or an array of flying cows. To actually use such data, you have to get type information about it in some other way (e.g. with some other magic parameter), cast that pointer to a regular pointer type and then use it as usual.

因此,void指针(void *)是一个不指定任何类型信息的指针。它告诉你数据在哪里,但不告诉你如何解释它。你知道在那个地址有一些东西,但你不知道它是int, double还是一排会飞的牛。要实际使用这些数据,您必须以其他方式(例如,使用其他一些神奇的参数)获取关于它的类型信息,将该指针转换为常规指针类型,然后像往常一样使用它。

void * is often used in C to provide some kind of support to generic programming; see for example the qsort C library function.

在C中经常使用void *来为通用编程提供某种支持;参见qsort C库函数。

A NULL pointer, instead, is a pointer that points to nothing. In this case, the type information about the pointer in general is present, but it's the address of the pointed data that is missing. Of course, it's possible to have a void * that is NULL.


Quick example (supposing that v is declared as double v;):

快速示例(假设v被声明为double v;):

                         Type information present
             |          ✔           |          ✘           |
    p  c |   |                      |                      |
 v  o  o | ✔ | double * ptr = &v;   | void * ptr = &v;     |
 a  i  n |   |                      |                      |
 l  n  t +---+----------------------+----------------------+
 i  t  e |   |                      |                      |
 d  e  n | ✘ | double * ptr = NULL; | void * ptr = NULL;   |
    d  t |   |                      |                      |

Trivia: NULL, at least in the current standard, is guaranteed to be 0.


In other areas of the language, void is always used to specify lack of type. Using it as return value (note: I'm talking now about void, not void *) means that the function does not return any value, and casting an expression to void is a fancy way to discard a value (you're signaling to the compiler and to other programmers that you're conscious that you're not using a certain value).

在语言的其他领域,void总是被用来指定缺少类型。使用它作为返回值(注意:我现在谈论空虚,不是void *)意味着函数不返回任何值,和铸造一个表达式无效是一个奇特的方式丢弃一个值(你信号编译器和其他程序员,你意识到你没有使用一个特定的值)。



Please, tell us: whats the difference:


  • between gas tank and no-gas situation
  • 在油箱和无气状态之间
  • between cookie jar and no-cookies
  • 在饼干罐和无饼干之间
  • between term 'money' and 'empty pockets'
  • 在“钱”和“空口袋”之间

If you come up with these, you'l be able to grasp null vs void* dillema.




void is a non-type. null is a non-value.




Here's some differences with respect to pointer arithmetic:


It stems from the fact that void is an incomplete type.


void *vp;
vp++;     // error, incomplete type
vp += 2;  // same error

void *p = 0;
p++;      // still same error

int *p = 0;
p++;      // well-formed program, but UB ($5.6/5)



The linked article is simply wrong. Its first sentence:


a pointer with no return type is called a null pointer


is triggering all sorts of alarms for me. This is a highly confused piece of writing.


You are almost correct. "Pointer to void" is a type (not a "return type"). Values of any type can be returned by functions, and thus be (the function's) return type.


A null pointer is a pointer that, regardless of its type, is pointing at the null object, which is not any valid object that can be created. A null pointer can be said to point at "nothing".


A pointer to void can also be null;


void *nothing = 0;

is perfectly valid code, and just says that this pointer is capable of pointing a an untyped object, but right now it isn't.




null pointer is point to 0x000000(which is incorrect to access pointer), while void pointer is a correct pointer to an unspecified type(void *). However, void pointer can be null pointer, but then unreferencing the pointer will generate error.




A void *ptr is the pointer which can be used to point any type of data. It maybe int, float, double. It has no return type that is initially pointer is created with pointer type (having hex value) and we can assign this pointer to any type of data.

void *ptr是一个指针,可以用来指向任何类型的数据。可能是int, float, double。它没有返回类型,最初指针是用指针类型(具有十六进制值)创建的,我们可以将这个指针分配给任何类型的数据。

While null pointer is the pointer with having NULL value as address, the pointer is assigned NULL value so that it cannot be used to access others data which its address may contain while creation. I think it is good programming technique to assign a pointer NULL if its not used at the moment.
