
时间:2022-05-08 13:27:38

What is the difference between tuple and set in MDX. How we can distinguish both and when we are using them.


4 个解决方案



A tuple is a single hierarchy member taken from all the dimensions. Suppose Time.[2nd half] is a tuple of time dimension. At the same way we can have multiple tuples and we represent them in '(',')' brackets. Eg:


(Time.[2nd half], Color.Dark.Red).

This is nothing but the mathematical intersection of nodes. we can represent the nodes in maths as (2,1) in the same way above expression will work.


Now coming to sets it is nothing but the composition of tuples. set contains one or more tuples it may zero also. we represent them in { , } braces. Eg:

现在开始设置它只不过是元组的组成。 set包含一个或多个元组,它也可能为零。我们用{,}括号代表它们。例如:

{ (Time.[1st half], Color.Dark.Red), (Time.[2nd half], Color.Dark.Blue) }



Having come to MDX from a more maths perspective this is my take on the question:


Imagine you have 3d Cube with dimensions X, Y and Z. The number of cells in the cube is number of members in X multiplied by the number of members of Y multiplied by the number of members of Z.


Each cell with have a coordinate in the cube based on a value from X, Y and Z. That coordinate is a Tuple.


So lets say :


  • X is Measures,
  • X是措施,
  • Y is Years,
  • Y是年,
  • Z is Products,
  • Z是产品,

Then a single cell could be the laptop sales for 1999. The cell coordinate will be: logically (X, Y, Z) and physically this is a tuple such as


(Measures.Sales, Years.[1999], Products.[Laptop])  

Now lets say we want multiple cells, then we need multiple tuples, right? Yes, a Set is basically multiple tuples. Actually by multiple I include 0 and 1. So extending our example, we could have laptops from 1999 and desktops from 2001:


    (Measures.Sales, Years.[1999], Products.[Laptop]) ,
    (Measures.Sales, Years.[2001], Products.[Desktop]) 

So you can see that you end up with multiple items with a set, and a single item with a tuple......




This article describes the terms Member, Tuple and Set in details.


I'll try to explain it in an easy way.


Simply put, a tuple is an atomic slice of data in a dimension and a set is a collection of tuples. For example, you can have a Books dimension with tuples Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, CLR via C#, Code Complete and Quantum Physics for Dummies.
After that, you can organize these tuples into named sets, like Programming, Fiction and Natural Sciences.

简单地说,元组是维度中的原子数据片段,集合是元组的集合。例如,您可以使用元组Sherlock Holmes,Tom Sawyer,CLR通过C#,Code Complete和Quantum Physics for Dummies创建书籍维度。之后,您可以将这些元组组织成命名集,如编程,小说和自然科学。

[Books].&[Sherlock Holmes]                          -- Tuple
[Books].&[CLR via C#]                               -- Tuple
{ [Books].&[CLR via C#], [Books].&[Code Complete] } -- Set

There are certain functions in MDX that return sets or tuples, and it's often helpful to know how to convert a tuple to a set and vice versa. For example, the Item(...) function takes a specific tuple from a set. Enclosing multiple tuples in { , , } will create a set with these tuples.


The example I described is pretty partial and doesn't cover the whole theory, but it might give you a good basic understanding of how these concepts work.




Here's the another good explanation from:


It's similar to Preet Sangha's answer.

它类似于Preet Sangha的回答。



A tuple is a single hierarchy member taken from all the dimensions. Suppose Time.[2nd half] is a tuple of time dimension. At the same way we can have multiple tuples and we represent them in '(',')' brackets. Eg:


(Time.[2nd half], Color.Dark.Red).

This is nothing but the mathematical intersection of nodes. we can represent the nodes in maths as (2,1) in the same way above expression will work.


Now coming to sets it is nothing but the composition of tuples. set contains one or more tuples it may zero also. we represent them in { , } braces. Eg:

现在开始设置它只不过是元组的组成。 set包含一个或多个元组,它也可能为零。我们用{,}括号代表它们。例如:

{ (Time.[1st half], Color.Dark.Red), (Time.[2nd half], Color.Dark.Blue) }



Having come to MDX from a more maths perspective this is my take on the question:


Imagine you have 3d Cube with dimensions X, Y and Z. The number of cells in the cube is number of members in X multiplied by the number of members of Y multiplied by the number of members of Z.


Each cell with have a coordinate in the cube based on a value from X, Y and Z. That coordinate is a Tuple.


So lets say :


  • X is Measures,
  • X是措施,
  • Y is Years,
  • Y是年,
  • Z is Products,
  • Z是产品,

Then a single cell could be the laptop sales for 1999. The cell coordinate will be: logically (X, Y, Z) and physically this is a tuple such as


(Measures.Sales, Years.[1999], Products.[Laptop])  

Now lets say we want multiple cells, then we need multiple tuples, right? Yes, a Set is basically multiple tuples. Actually by multiple I include 0 and 1. So extending our example, we could have laptops from 1999 and desktops from 2001:


    (Measures.Sales, Years.[1999], Products.[Laptop]) ,
    (Measures.Sales, Years.[2001], Products.[Desktop]) 

So you can see that you end up with multiple items with a set, and a single item with a tuple......




This article describes the terms Member, Tuple and Set in details.


I'll try to explain it in an easy way.


Simply put, a tuple is an atomic slice of data in a dimension and a set is a collection of tuples. For example, you can have a Books dimension with tuples Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, CLR via C#, Code Complete and Quantum Physics for Dummies.
After that, you can organize these tuples into named sets, like Programming, Fiction and Natural Sciences.

简单地说,元组是维度中的原子数据片段,集合是元组的集合。例如,您可以使用元组Sherlock Holmes,Tom Sawyer,CLR通过C#,Code Complete和Quantum Physics for Dummies创建书籍维度。之后,您可以将这些元组组织成命名集,如编程,小说和自然科学。

[Books].&[Sherlock Holmes]                          -- Tuple
[Books].&[CLR via C#]                               -- Tuple
{ [Books].&[CLR via C#], [Books].&[Code Complete] } -- Set

There are certain functions in MDX that return sets or tuples, and it's often helpful to know how to convert a tuple to a set and vice versa. For example, the Item(...) function takes a specific tuple from a set. Enclosing multiple tuples in { , , } will create a set with these tuples.


The example I described is pretty partial and doesn't cover the whole theory, but it might give you a good basic understanding of how these concepts work.




Here's the another good explanation from:


It's similar to Preet Sangha's answer.

它类似于Preet Sangha的回答。