
时间:2022-11-24 13:26:34

I have a hug table with 170,000 records.


What is difference between this query


Showing rows 0 - 299 (1,422 total, Query took 1.9008 sec)
    SELECT 1 FROM `p_apartmentbuy` p 
    p.price between 500000000 and 900000000
    and p.yard = 1
    and p.dateadd between 1290000000 and 1320000000
    ORDER BY `p`.`id` desc
    limit 1669

Explain Sql查询性能限制行数之间的差异

And this one:


Showing rows 0 - 299 (1,422 total, Query took 0.2625 sec)
    SELECT 1 FROM `p_apartmentbuy` p 
    p.price between 500000000 and 900000000
    and p.yard = 1
    and p.dateadd between 1290000000 and 1320000000
    ORDER BY `p`.`id` desc
    limit 1670

Explain: Sql查询性能限制行数之间的差异

Both of these queries are using 1 table with same data and have same where clasue, but only limit row count are different


2 个解决方案



MySQL has a buffer for sorting. When the stuff to be sorted is too big, it sorts chunks, then mergesorts them. This is called "filesort". Your 1670-th row apparently just overflows the sort buffer.


Read more details here.


Now why it picks another key for the in-memory sort... I am not too sure; but apparently its strategy is not quite good since it ends up being slower.




recap: odd that the query returning more rows runs much faster


this is not related to buffer vs file sort, sorting 1400 records takes well under 1 second


the first explain shows the query optimizer doing a linear scan, the second explain shows it using an index. Even a partially helpful index is usually much better than none at all.


Internally, mysql maintains stats about the size of indexes and tries to guess which index, or whether a linear scan would be faster. This estimate is data specific, I've seen mysql use the right index 99 times out of 100, but every now and then pick a different one and run the query 50x slower.


You can override the built-in query optimizer and specify the index to use manually, with SELECT ... FROM ... FORCE INDEX (...)

您可以覆盖内置查询优化器并指定要手动使用的索引,使用SELECT ... FROM ... FORCE INDEX(...)



MySQL has a buffer for sorting. When the stuff to be sorted is too big, it sorts chunks, then mergesorts them. This is called "filesort". Your 1670-th row apparently just overflows the sort buffer.


Read more details here.


Now why it picks another key for the in-memory sort... I am not too sure; but apparently its strategy is not quite good since it ends up being slower.




recap: odd that the query returning more rows runs much faster


this is not related to buffer vs file sort, sorting 1400 records takes well under 1 second


the first explain shows the query optimizer doing a linear scan, the second explain shows it using an index. Even a partially helpful index is usually much better than none at all.


Internally, mysql maintains stats about the size of indexes and tries to guess which index, or whether a linear scan would be faster. This estimate is data specific, I've seen mysql use the right index 99 times out of 100, but every now and then pick a different one and run the query 50x slower.


You can override the built-in query optimizer and specify the index to use manually, with SELECT ... FROM ... FORCE INDEX (...)

您可以覆盖内置查询优化器并指定要手动使用的索引,使用SELECT ... FROM ... FORCE INDEX(...)