Linux索引节点(Inode:no space for device)用满导致的一次故障

时间:2023-01-13 12:41:51


在storm测试环境集群上上nimbus和supervisor自动挂调,重启时显示no space for device,也不能创建,添加文件及目录,df -h查看

ilesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 40G 2.9G 35G 8% /
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/vdc1 100G 3.1G 92G 4% /home
/dev/vdd1 50G 180M 48G 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/0
/dev/vde1 50G 180M 48G 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/1
/dev/vdf1 50G 180M 48G 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/2
/dev/vdg1 50G 180M 48G 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/3
/dev/vdh1 50G 180M 48G 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/4

显示空间使用很少,空间足够, df -i 显示

Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 2621440 75783 2545657 3% /
tmpfs 1007672 1 1007671 1% /dev/shm
/dev/vdc1 102400 85159 85159 100% /home
/dev/vdd1 51200 13 51187 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/0
/dev/vde1 51200 18 51182 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/1
/dev/vdf1 51200 18 51182 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/2
/dev/vdg1 51200 18 51182 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/3
/dev/vdh1 51200 18 51182 1% /home/xxx/hard_disk/4






  * 文件的字节数
  * 文件拥有者的User ID
  * 文件的Group ID
  * 文件的读、写、执行权限
  * 文件的时间戳,共有三个:ctime指inode上一次变动的时间,mtime指文件内容上一次变动的时间,atime指文件上一次打开的时间。
  * 链接数,即有多少文件名指向这个inode
  * 文件数据block的位置

[root@stream-e5s3c home]# stat apps
File: `apps'
Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: fd02h/64770d Inode: 4123 Links: 3
Access: (0700/drwx------) Uid: ( 456/ apps) Gid: ( 456/ apps)
Access: 2015-03-14 04:02:07.069500045 +0800
Modify: 2015-03-13 15:35:57.886985112 +0800
Change: 2015-03-13 15:36:28.209482045 +0800


inode也会消耗硬盘空间,所以硬盘格式化的时候,操作系统自动将硬盘分成两个区域。一个是数据区,存放文件数据;另一个是inode区(inode table),存放inode所包含的信息。
每个inode节点的大小,一般是128字节或256字节。inode节点的总数,在格式化时就给定,一般是每1KB或每2KB就设置一个inode。假定在一块1GB的硬盘中,每个inode节点的大小为128字节,每1KB就设置一个inode,那么inode table的大小就会达到128MB,占整块硬盘的12.8%。
使用df -i可以查看每个硬盘分区的inode总数和已经使用的数量


进入到home路径下,用 ls -i 查看每个路径所找用的信息:

   71 xxxxxxxx                     83969 xxxxxxxx      79877 xxxxxxxx  
70 curator-recipes-2.5.0.jar 11 lost+found 86017 xxxxxxxx
68 curator.tar.gz 90113 mapred 88065 xxxxxxxx
94209 xxxxxxxx 79873 mobilereco 98305 xxxxxxxx
69 fds.jar 55 ro_test 81921 vpp
69633 hdfs 73729 spark 20481 yarn
92161 xxxxxxxx 96257 xxxxxxxx
129 xxxxxxxx 8193 storm



It’s quite easy for a disk to have a large number of inodes used even if the disk is not very full.
An inode is allocated to a file so, if you have gazillions of files, all 1 byte each, you’ll run out of inodes long before you run out of disk.
It’s also possible that deleting files will not reduce the inode count if the files have multiple hard links. As I said, inodes belong to the file, not the directory entry. If a file has two directory entries linked to it, deleting one will not free the inode.
Additionally, you can delete a directory entry but, if a running process still has the file open, the inode won’t be freed.
My initial advice would be to delete all the files you can, then reboot the box to ensure no processes are left holding the files open.
If you do that and you still have a problem, let us know.
By the way, if you’re looking for the directories that contain lots of files, this script may help:

# count_em - count files in all subdirectories under current directory.
echo 'echo $(ls -a "$1" | wc -l) $1' >/tmp/count_em_$$
chmod 700 /tmp/count_em_$$
find . -mount -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 /tmp/count_em_$$ | sort -n
rm -f /tmp/count_em_$$


sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

list the files and remove these files to free inode.

1. Howto Free Inode Usage
2. Linux索引节点(Inode)用满导致的一次故障
3. Linux的inode的理解