
时间:2022-02-02 12:13:12

I've got a project to port a mobile application I've done for Android phones to iPhone (and Symbian / WP7). I was just wondering if it all could be done in PhoneGap. My personal experience with it is zero, as is with Symbian development too. What I've read, I think the learning curve for PhoneGap is steepish compared to Symbian. I have a pretty solid HTML + CSS background.

我有一个项目要移植一个移动应用程序,我已经为Android手机应用到iPhone(和Symbian / WP7)。我在想这一切是否都能用PhoneGap完成。我个人对它的体验是零,塞班开发也是如此。我所读到的,我认为与Symbian相比,PhoneGap的学习曲线是令人胆怯的。我有非常坚实的HTML + CSS背景。

The app I need to port has...


  • repeating Notifications – most important feature (one day interval after one month has passed since last db record)
  • 重复通知——最重要的特性(从上一个db记录开始,一个月后的一天间隔)
  • a small local database (SQlite)
  • 一个小型本地数据库(SQlite)
  • parse remote xml file (child browser could be considered here as this is also presented in flash format).
  • 解析远程xml文件(这里可以考虑子浏览器,因为这也是flash格式)。
  • list of addresses and google maps integration
  • 地址列表和谷歌映射集成

Is this all doable in PhoneGap with minimum native code needed? If I understood the docs correctly, PhoneGap does not support native alarm manager API, anyway around this? I saw notification plugins for both iPhone and Android so I think that could be handled.


Any thoughts are all well appriciated, thank you!


Especially that repeating background service/notification thing seems to be hard/impossible with PhoneGap itself, am I correct?
Any good book recommendations are also welcome.
Any good PhoneGap plugins site are also welcome. (In addition to the PhoneGap's official plugin page)
Any good resources for developing / learning.


1 个解决方案



You can do all that with PhoneGap. Yes. If you don't find a PhoneGap plugin that suits your needs 100%, it's easy to extend PGPlugin and implement it's functions. Go for it!!!

你可以用PhoneGap做所有的事情。是的。如果你找不到一个完全符合你需要的PhoneGap插件,扩展PGPlugin并实现它的功能就很容易了。去吧! ! !



You can do all that with PhoneGap. Yes. If you don't find a PhoneGap plugin that suits your needs 100%, it's easy to extend PGPlugin and implement it's functions. Go for it!!!

你可以用PhoneGap做所有的事情。是的。如果你找不到一个完全符合你需要的PhoneGap插件,扩展PGPlugin并实现它的功能就很容易了。去吧! ! !