PHP date:遇到的非格式的数值。

时间:2022-06-24 09:58:13

I'm trying to store a date from a PHP form into an MS SQL database and am really struggling. The date is in string format, and in 'DD/MM/YYYY' format so I've tried to use strtotime() to convert it, but I just get 1970-01-01 01:00:00 from that.

我试图将一个PHP表单中的日期存储到一个MS SQL数据库中,但我真的很纠结。日期是字符串格式的,在'DD/MM/YYYY'格式中,所以我试着用strtotime()来转换它,但是我只得到了1970-01-01 01:00:00。

The code I've tried is the following:


$requested = $_REQUEST["TextboxRequiredBy"];
echo "<br/>";
$daterequested = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($requested));
echo $requested . " becomes " . $daterequested . "<br/>";
mssql_bind($stmt, "@Parameter", $daterequested, SQLFLT8, false);

What I get on screen is:


string(10) "31/07/2012" 
31/07/2012 becomes 1970-01-01 01:00:00

Warning: mssql_bind(): Unable to set parameter in xxx.php on line 110 
Warning: mssql_execute(): message: Procedure or function 'SPNAME' expects 
parameter '@Parameter', which was not supplied. (severity 16) in xxx.php

I've searched around and I just can't seem to find a way to convert the string successfully. I've used the following on another page that runs a date comparison, but this brings back an error that date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given:

我到处找过了,我似乎找不到一种方法来成功地转换字符串。我在另一个运行日期比较的页面中使用了下面的内容,但是这又带来了一个错误,date_format()期望参数1为DateTime, boolean为:

$datefrom = date_create($requested);
$daterequestedfrom = date_format($datefrom,'Y-m-d H:i:s');

Can anyone suggest how I can successfully convert the string into a date?


2 个解决方案



That date format is not a default format. You probably want to look at the date_create_from_format function. This will allow you to specify the format of the time string you are trying to input.


Link to PHP documentation




For some reason, PHP doesn't like the slashes in strtotime. Convert them to dots and the script should work.


$requested = str_replace('/', '.', $_REQUEST["TextboxRequiredBy"]);



That date format is not a default format. You probably want to look at the date_create_from_format function. This will allow you to specify the format of the time string you are trying to input.


Link to PHP documentation




For some reason, PHP doesn't like the slashes in strtotime. Convert them to dots and the script should work.


$requested = str_replace('/', '.', $_REQUEST["TextboxRequiredBy"]);