
时间:2021-11-23 09:04:31

I'm working on android application and it should allow users to take photos using camera and the application reads the text and numbers in the photo.


I don't know where to start from android studio. is there any good suggestion on github that could help me???


thanks in advance.


4 个解决方案



As others said OpenCV or OCR is the way to go. Google maintains one OCR library called as "Tesseract" (reminds me of Avengers :P). To make the job little easier there is a fork of Tesseract called as Tess-Two

就像其他人说的那样,OpenCV或OCR是最好的选择。谷歌有一个OCR库叫做“Tesseract”(让我想起复仇者:P)。为了使这一工作更容易一些,有一个叫tess - 2的分支

It combines some other useful tools like Leptonica (image processing library). Build instructions are given on the Readme file.


To get started you can check out very easy to use OCR library Easy OCR Library Android which uses Tess-Two under the hood.

开始的时候,你可以很容易地使用OCR库easy OCR库Android,它在后台使用tess - 2。

Again usage instructions are in the Readme file. It is already built so you don't need to build Tess-Two.

使用说明也在Readme文件中。它已经构建好了,所以不需要构建tess - 2。



You can try to use OpenCV library. Its abbreviature is Open Computer Vision Library. It has a reputation similar to OpenGL. There must be articles about yor issue in which library is ised. It can be linked static or dynamic using runtime application called OpenCV Manager (available in Google Play). You can use it both in Java and C++ code. Hope, it helps

您可以尝试使用OpenCV库。它的缩写是Open Computer Vision Library。它和OpenGL有着相似的名声。在图书馆里一定有关于你的问题的文章。它可以使用名为OpenCV管理器的运行时应用程序(在谷歌游戏中可用)来链接静态或动态。您可以在Java和c++代码中使用它。希望,它可以帮助

PS i have an own example of it use. https://github.com/androidovshchik/ProhibitingSignDetector




i could give suggest about how i would do that if i needed to .


first of all you need to photo the picture only black and white .


then cheack the min black pixels in row that will define a letter .(you dont want any shadow to recognize as potential letter. try and learn progress (any camera have diffrent resulution so it need to be some % of the picture row pixels.)


after that evrey letter have diffrent shape so you need to do for loop 5 times in diffrent angel until you get to the third gap of black rows.


after that some huge switch and if to get to the right letter need to do big research about the gap inside the letter proportion. to have a little dataBase could help if you wanted to get more then one font . again i not sure its the right way but that what i would do.


have fun :)




You may try to find some Optical Character Recognition (OCR) library for Java


Check Java OCR, tess-two, Aprise. And explore * searching other OCR solutions.

检查Java OCR, tms - 2, Aprise。并探索*搜索其他OCR解决方案。

Implementing your own OCR lib may be very difficult so think is it really necessary for your task.




As others said OpenCV or OCR is the way to go. Google maintains one OCR library called as "Tesseract" (reminds me of Avengers :P). To make the job little easier there is a fork of Tesseract called as Tess-Two

就像其他人说的那样,OpenCV或OCR是最好的选择。谷歌有一个OCR库叫做“Tesseract”(让我想起复仇者:P)。为了使这一工作更容易一些,有一个叫tess - 2的分支

It combines some other useful tools like Leptonica (image processing library). Build instructions are given on the Readme file.


To get started you can check out very easy to use OCR library Easy OCR Library Android which uses Tess-Two under the hood.

开始的时候,你可以很容易地使用OCR库easy OCR库Android,它在后台使用tess - 2。

Again usage instructions are in the Readme file. It is already built so you don't need to build Tess-Two.

使用说明也在Readme文件中。它已经构建好了,所以不需要构建tess - 2。



You can try to use OpenCV library. Its abbreviature is Open Computer Vision Library. It has a reputation similar to OpenGL. There must be articles about yor issue in which library is ised. It can be linked static or dynamic using runtime application called OpenCV Manager (available in Google Play). You can use it both in Java and C++ code. Hope, it helps

您可以尝试使用OpenCV库。它的缩写是Open Computer Vision Library。它和OpenGL有着相似的名声。在图书馆里一定有关于你的问题的文章。它可以使用名为OpenCV管理器的运行时应用程序(在谷歌游戏中可用)来链接静态或动态。您可以在Java和c++代码中使用它。希望,它可以帮助

PS i have an own example of it use. https://github.com/androidovshchik/ProhibitingSignDetector




i could give suggest about how i would do that if i needed to .


first of all you need to photo the picture only black and white .


then cheack the min black pixels in row that will define a letter .(you dont want any shadow to recognize as potential letter. try and learn progress (any camera have diffrent resulution so it need to be some % of the picture row pixels.)


after that evrey letter have diffrent shape so you need to do for loop 5 times in diffrent angel until you get to the third gap of black rows.


after that some huge switch and if to get to the right letter need to do big research about the gap inside the letter proportion. to have a little dataBase could help if you wanted to get more then one font . again i not sure its the right way but that what i would do.


have fun :)




You may try to find some Optical Character Recognition (OCR) library for Java


Check Java OCR, tess-two, Aprise. And explore * searching other OCR solutions.

检查Java OCR, tms - 2, Aprise。并探索*搜索其他OCR解决方案。

Implementing your own OCR lib may be very difficult so think is it really necessary for your task.
