Beagle Board xM
Galemin's build(my csdn mirror):
with LI-5M03 camera, based on buildroot
My usage of Galemin's release:
On Fedora 18 x86_64, glibc 2.16-24, binutils, GCC 4.7.2-8
1. glibc removes gets after 2.16, need to patch when build m4 etc.
2. valgrind 3.7.0 depends on glibc 2.14, upgrade valgrind to 3.8.0
3. binutils 2.23 have some issues of arm instruction processings, need to down grade.
Gumstix Overo Ironstorm
USB-Serial RS232 TTL
How to add a serial console to Overo Thumbo/Pinto
Wiring Gumstix Pinto-TH and Thumbo Boards For Serial Console Access
Using the DSP on Gumstix with Yocto 2012/11/8
Video encoding using the DSP is working
Streaming video with Gumstix, GStreamer and the DSP, 2012/1/26
Building Gumstix images with Yocto, 2013/1/17
Gumstix Official Guide
Using the Open Embedded Build System for Overo Series
Camera(Caspa Module)
Work continues on the OMAP3 VPU
Prebuilt Images
Resource Sites
Build Instructions
Using the DSP on Gumstix with Yocto from SleepyRobot (my csdn mirror): with TI DSP enable, based on Yocto
Pansenti/meta-pansenti(my csdn mirror): with wifi work till 11/19/2013, based on Yocto
FLOFT's build: with e-CAM56 37x GSTIX support built in, with TI DSP, based on Yocto