
时间:2021-07-14 15:26:03

It is possible to mix HTML with node.js commands? I want to make my site like in PHP so:


<!-- Some HTML -->
    echo "example";

So, server makes all commands, which are included in HTML file and than returns pure HTML to show it in users browser. I need this, because I want to get data from MySQL database and then show it on my site.


In all tutorials I found only:


res.write("<Some html>");

And there is nothing about keeping html in separate files and add to them some server-side js.


4 个解决方案



Find a templating engine and build your application around that, because what you want is not possible. For a list of compatible template engines, take a look here:




Use the function res.write is enough.


You can generate some string with html syntax, like "<html>..</html>", then you put it into the res.write and you get response with a html file. The point is how to generate the string with html syntax.

您可以使用html语法生成一些字符串,例如“ .. ”,然后将其放入res.write中,然后使用html文件获得响应。关键是如何使用html语法生成字符串。

If we have a template file like this:


    <h1>{{ "Hello" + " world!" }}</h1>

We want to get the "Hello world!" between <h1> and </h1>. So we can have the work done by:

我们希望获得“Hello world!”在

和 之间。所以我们可以通过以下方式完成工作:

  1. read the template file with fs.readFile
  2. 使用fs.readFile读取模板文件
  3. use regular expression to get the content between {{ and }}
  4. 使用正则表达式获取{{和}}之间的内容
  5. use eval to evaluate the content, and replace them.
  6. 使用eval评估内容,并替换它们。

After doing this, you can get the string with html syntax. and that is what most template engines(like ejs, jade) do, of course they have more complex works to do.


I hope that this can help you know more about template engine with node.js, and please forgive my poor English...




Your example using Express and EJS (which I use). Jade seems like overkill to me, but that's just my opinion.


// index.ejs (the html template)
        <div><%= example %></div>

And in your node app:


app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
    res.render('index.ejs', {
        layout: false,
        locals: {
            example: "Hello world!"

That's pretty much the basics of using EJS. I personally like it over Jade because the people I use to do up the html don't hand it to me in Jade format, and it's very similar to how I used to do php templating.


There is more you can do with the templates of course, you can put javascript in them to say, loop through an array returned by a database, include other .ejs files. You just need to dig into the docs and examples on the web.




Have you tried a web application framework like express?


Check it out here!




Find a templating engine and build your application around that, because what you want is not possible. For a list of compatible template engines, take a look here:




Use the function res.write is enough.


You can generate some string with html syntax, like "<html>..</html>", then you put it into the res.write and you get response with a html file. The point is how to generate the string with html syntax.

您可以使用html语法生成一些字符串,例如“ .. ”,然后将其放入res.write中,然后使用html文件获得响应。关键是如何使用html语法生成字符串。

If we have a template file like this:


    <h1>{{ "Hello" + " world!" }}</h1>

We want to get the "Hello world!" between <h1> and </h1>. So we can have the work done by:

我们希望获得“Hello world!”在

和 之间。所以我们可以通过以下方式完成工作:

  1. read the template file with fs.readFile
  2. 使用fs.readFile读取模板文件
  3. use regular expression to get the content between {{ and }}
  4. 使用正则表达式获取{{和}}之间的内容
  5. use eval to evaluate the content, and replace them.
  6. 使用eval评估内容,并替换它们。

After doing this, you can get the string with html syntax. and that is what most template engines(like ejs, jade) do, of course they have more complex works to do.


I hope that this can help you know more about template engine with node.js, and please forgive my poor English...




Your example using Express and EJS (which I use). Jade seems like overkill to me, but that's just my opinion.


// index.ejs (the html template)
        <div><%= example %></div>

And in your node app:


app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
    res.render('index.ejs', {
        layout: false,
        locals: {
            example: "Hello world!"

That's pretty much the basics of using EJS. I personally like it over Jade because the people I use to do up the html don't hand it to me in Jade format, and it's very similar to how I used to do php templating.


There is more you can do with the templates of course, you can put javascript in them to say, loop through an array returned by a database, include other .ejs files. You just need to dig into the docs and examples on the web.




Have you tried a web application framework like express?


Check it out here!
