
时间:2020-12-31 07:37:17

Is it possible to create a raw socket without root privileges? If not, can a script elevate its privileges itself?


I wrote a Python script using a raw socket:


#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
rawSocket = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(0x0800))
print "Worked!"

Running it with root privileges prints Worked!. However, it gives an error when run with normal user privileges.


I want to execute my script as a normal user, and it should create a raw socket without asking for anything. Is it possible?


2 个解决方案



As you noted raw sockets require higher privilege than a regular user have. You can circumvent this issue in two ways:


  1. Activating the SUID bit for the file with a command like chmod +s file and set its owner to root with chown root.root file. This will run your script as root, regardless of the effective user that executed it. Of course this could be dangerous if your script has some flaw.
  2. 使用类似chmod +s文件的命令激活该文件的SUID位,并将其所有者设置为具有chown根的根。根文件。这将以根用户的身份运行脚本,而不考虑执行脚本的有效用户。当然,如果您的脚本有一些缺陷,这可能是危险的。
  3. Setting the CAP_NET_RAW capability on the given file with a command like setcap cap_net_raw+ep file. This will give it only the privileges required to open a raw socket and nothing else.
  4. 使用setcap CAP_NET_RAW +ep文件等命令在给定文件上设置CAP_NET_RAW功能。这将只赋予它打开一个原始套接字所需的特权,除此之外别无其他。



As pointed out by @Netch the given solutions will not work with any interpreted language (like Python). You will need some "hack" to make it work. Try googling for "Python SUID", you should find something.

正如@Netch指出的,给定的解决方案将不能使用任何解释语言(如Python)。你需要一些“技巧”来让它工作。试试用谷歌搜索“Python SUID”,你会发现一些东西。



There is not a way for an unprivileged process (Python or otherwise) to elevate their own privileges. It's kind of the cornerstone of having this whole privileged/unprivileged users thinga-ma-jig. In regards to raw sockets, from manual page raw(7):


Only processes with an effective user ID of 0 or the CAP_NET_RAW capability are allowed to open raw sockets.


User ID of 0 means root. See here for info about raw sockets on linux.


As pointed out in Faust's answer/comments you won't be able to directly set the CAP_NET_RAW capability for your python program, due to it being a script that gets executed by the Python interpreter, but there may be solutions out on the web that can get around this limitation.




As you noted raw sockets require higher privilege than a regular user have. You can circumvent this issue in two ways:


  1. Activating the SUID bit for the file with a command like chmod +s file and set its owner to root with chown root.root file. This will run your script as root, regardless of the effective user that executed it. Of course this could be dangerous if your script has some flaw.
  2. 使用类似chmod +s文件的命令激活该文件的SUID位,并将其所有者设置为具有chown根的根。根文件。这将以根用户的身份运行脚本,而不考虑执行脚本的有效用户。当然,如果您的脚本有一些缺陷,这可能是危险的。
  3. Setting the CAP_NET_RAW capability on the given file with a command like setcap cap_net_raw+ep file. This will give it only the privileges required to open a raw socket and nothing else.
  4. 使用setcap CAP_NET_RAW +ep文件等命令在给定文件上设置CAP_NET_RAW功能。这将只赋予它打开一个原始套接字所需的特权,除此之外别无其他。



As pointed out by @Netch the given solutions will not work with any interpreted language (like Python). You will need some "hack" to make it work. Try googling for "Python SUID", you should find something.

正如@Netch指出的,给定的解决方案将不能使用任何解释语言(如Python)。你需要一些“技巧”来让它工作。试试用谷歌搜索“Python SUID”,你会发现一些东西。



There is not a way for an unprivileged process (Python or otherwise) to elevate their own privileges. It's kind of the cornerstone of having this whole privileged/unprivileged users thinga-ma-jig. In regards to raw sockets, from manual page raw(7):


Only processes with an effective user ID of 0 or the CAP_NET_RAW capability are allowed to open raw sockets.


User ID of 0 means root. See here for info about raw sockets on linux.


As pointed out in Faust's answer/comments you won't be able to directly set the CAP_NET_RAW capability for your python program, due to it being a script that gets executed by the Python interpreter, but there may be solutions out on the web that can get around this limitation.
