
时间:2022-04-19 07:35:33

I'm creating a WebView app with MacGap2 and I'd like to be able to print the contents of an HTML element (with a print preview like you would see in Safari/Preview/etc).

我正在使用MacGap2创建一个WebView应用程序,我希望能够打印HTML元素的内容(具有在Safari / Preview / etc中看到的打印预览)。

I've been looking at WebUIDelegate's webView:printFrameView as well as Printing Entire Contents of WebView in Cocoa, Not Just Displayed - but I'm having a hard time putting it all together as I'm new to Objective-C/Cocoa.

我一直在关注WebUIDelegate的webView:printFrameView以及在Cocoa中打印WebView的整个内容,而不仅仅是显示 - 但我很难将它们放在一起,因为我是Objective-C / Cocoa的新手。

If I wanted a method like this (options not necessary if print preview works):


MacGap.print([HTMLelement], [options]);

// Example usage
var el = document.getElementById('view');

// Or if not element, send as HTML string? (with inline CSS)
// el = el.innerHTML;

MacGap.print(el, { printBackgrounds: true, landscape: false });

What would I need to add to my MacGap Classes/Commands?



- (void) print:(NSString*)printString;


- (void) print:(NSString*)printString {
    // ???

1 个解决方案



I dont have experience with MacGap2 and I tested this on a uiwebview not a webview, but I think it should still work to get the html string from the webview.


- (void) print:(NSString*)printString 
     NSString * pstrViewHTML= [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"function getView(){return document.getElementById('view');} getView();"];
    // Do something with html string.



I dont have experience with MacGap2 and I tested this on a uiwebview not a webview, but I think it should still work to get the html string from the webview.


- (void) print:(NSString*)printString 
     NSString * pstrViewHTML= [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"function getView(){return document.getElementById('view');} getView();"];
    // Do something with html string.