我应该为一个asp.net MVC应用程序使用内置的成员资格提供程序吗?

时间:2022-11-04 07:27:57

I've been using a custom membership provider for authentication in all my web form applications till now. I'm about to start developing my first website using MVC. I'm wondering if I should I use the built-in membership provider that ships with ASP .NET MVC, or if I should create my own. My site needs to integrate with openid, facebook, google etc for authentication and openauth for api access. I'm wondering how easy it would be to use the built-in one for my needs.

到目前为止,我一直在我的所有web表单应用程序中使用自定义成员资格提供程序进行身份验证。我即将开始使用MVC开发我的第一个网站。我想知道我是应该使用内置的成员提供程序来提供ASP。net MVC,还是应该创建我自己的。我的站点需要集成openid、facebook、谷歌等进行认证,openauth进行api访问。我想知道用内置的系统来满足我的需要有多简单。

5 个解决方案



Personally, I hate using the ASP.NET Membership provider that's available in the core framework ... when it persists to a SQL SERVER database. All the tables and views are such an overkill for a single website. For a hosting company? .. maybe ... but for all the enterprise sites I've done .. it's been such a fraking overkill and hassle. As to the actual provider interface, etc ... it's very good .. but still very hardcore, etc. An overkill for simple-medium sites, IMO.

就我个人而言,我讨厌使用ASP。在核心框架中可用的净会员提供者……当它持续到一个SQL SERVER数据库时。对于一个网站来说,所有的表格和视图都是多余的。托管公司吗?. .也许……但是对于我所做的所有企业网站…这是如此的疯狂和麻烦。至于实际的提供者接口,等等……很好. .但仍然是非常硬的核心,等等。在我看来,这是一个过于简单的中型网站。

So personally, I would use some simple custom code to handle membership persistence for most basic-medium websites.


This then segues to your second question: OpenId. Use Andrew Arnott's DotNetOpenAuth .NET framework -> it litterally Kicks Serious Ass (tm). Using this is independent of HOW you save the user membership data to a repository. Ie. if you go ahead and use the Sql Server + ASP.NET Membership provider, you can still (and should) use DotNetOpenAuth. If you have a simple, custom way to save user details to a database (which is what I do), you can also still use DotNetOpenAuth -- the two are independent of each other.

这就引出了第二个问题:OpenId。使用Andrew Arnott的DotNetOpenAuth . net框架->,它可以很好地踢你的屁股(tm)。使用它与如何将用户成员关系数据保存到存储库无关。Ie。如果您继续使用Sql Server + ASP。NET会员提供者,您仍然(并且应该)使用DotNetOpenAuth。如果您有一种简单的自定义方法将用户详细信息保存到数据库中(我就是这么做的),那么您还可以使用DotNetOpenAuth——这两者是相互独立的。

So, IMO, don't use the overcomplicated ASP.NET Membership + Sql Server stuff but a simple table or two to save your own user details. Next, you MUST use DotNetOpenAuth for any OpenId stuff (* uses DotNetOpenAuth to handle their OpenId login).

所以,在我看来,不要用太复杂的ASP。NET Membership + Sql Server之类的东西,不过是一个或两个简单的表来保存您自己的用户详细信息。接下来,您必须对任何OpenId内容使用DotNetOpenAuth (*使用DotNetOpenAuth处理它们的OpenId登录)。

Good Luck :)


(I'm sure my opnions of the ASP.NET Membership provider + Sql Server to persist that info will cause a few people to nerd-rage, here).

我敢肯定我对ASP的看法。NET Membership provider + Sql Server保存该信息会导致一些人在这里感到厌烦)。



If you have to ask, you shouldn't be writing your own provider. Doing security well is really hard. Doing it wrong is incredibly easy.


But the good news is that what you want is incredibly common, and there are tested, off-the-shelf tools which already do it. An example is Janrain. There are others, too. Use an existing, proven tool whenever possible.




Take a look at what's happening with NerdDinner. They've recently (6 months ago) integrated with OpenID, with Google, Yahoo as featured providers. They're still allowing all their 'native' logins as well. Here's an example of a site allowing the user to authenticate in different ways.


If you can mirror some of their functionality, you'd be able to roll in Facebook, OpenAuth, etc. The big benefit is that it's already been implemented in ASP.NET MVC, and you'd just have to borrow some of that implementation.

如果你能镜像他们的一些功能,你就能在Facebook, OpenAuth等上滚动。最大的好处是它已经在ASP中实现了。NET MVC,你只需要借用其中的一些实现。



Here is an option and one that I use successfully.


You essentially have a single user which can be authenticated multiple ways.


Using the built in provider, which you could of course switch out at any time, does not preclude you from authenticating that user multiple ways.


When a user authenticates with OpenID, Facebook, etc. match that login against a table that matches the specific login method and identity to the Forms identity and just set the set the user as logged in with their canonical Membership user name.


If a new user authenticates to your site and doesn't have an account just create one in the membership provider automatically. Set the password to some random garbage because they'll never use it. Let them continue to associate multiple login types with it as well.


If a user wants to then also have a direct login just use the standard Membership provider password reset mechanisms and provide them with one.


Long story short: use the built in mechanism for now. It doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do.




The recently introduced SimpleMembershipProvider addresses many issues with the old asp.net membership. Namely ease of use and control over User table schema. This should be the starting point for any new apps (as of 11/2012).


See the below link for a primer on SimpleMembershipProvider along with a decent history on asp.net membership.






Personally, I hate using the ASP.NET Membership provider that's available in the core framework ... when it persists to a SQL SERVER database. All the tables and views are such an overkill for a single website. For a hosting company? .. maybe ... but for all the enterprise sites I've done .. it's been such a fraking overkill and hassle. As to the actual provider interface, etc ... it's very good .. but still very hardcore, etc. An overkill for simple-medium sites, IMO.

就我个人而言,我讨厌使用ASP。在核心框架中可用的净会员提供者……当它持续到一个SQL SERVER数据库时。对于一个网站来说,所有的表格和视图都是多余的。托管公司吗?. .也许……但是对于我所做的所有企业网站…这是如此的疯狂和麻烦。至于实际的提供者接口,等等……很好. .但仍然是非常硬的核心,等等。在我看来,这是一个过于简单的中型网站。

So personally, I would use some simple custom code to handle membership persistence for most basic-medium websites.


This then segues to your second question: OpenId. Use Andrew Arnott's DotNetOpenAuth .NET framework -> it litterally Kicks Serious Ass (tm). Using this is independent of HOW you save the user membership data to a repository. Ie. if you go ahead and use the Sql Server + ASP.NET Membership provider, you can still (and should) use DotNetOpenAuth. If you have a simple, custom way to save user details to a database (which is what I do), you can also still use DotNetOpenAuth -- the two are independent of each other.

这就引出了第二个问题:OpenId。使用Andrew Arnott的DotNetOpenAuth . net框架->,它可以很好地踢你的屁股(tm)。使用它与如何将用户成员关系数据保存到存储库无关。Ie。如果您继续使用Sql Server + ASP。NET会员提供者,您仍然(并且应该)使用DotNetOpenAuth。如果您有一种简单的自定义方法将用户详细信息保存到数据库中(我就是这么做的),那么您还可以使用DotNetOpenAuth——这两者是相互独立的。

So, IMO, don't use the overcomplicated ASP.NET Membership + Sql Server stuff but a simple table or two to save your own user details. Next, you MUST use DotNetOpenAuth for any OpenId stuff (* uses DotNetOpenAuth to handle their OpenId login).

所以,在我看来,不要用太复杂的ASP。NET Membership + Sql Server之类的东西,不过是一个或两个简单的表来保存您自己的用户详细信息。接下来,您必须对任何OpenId内容使用DotNetOpenAuth (*使用DotNetOpenAuth处理它们的OpenId登录)。

Good Luck :)


(I'm sure my opnions of the ASP.NET Membership provider + Sql Server to persist that info will cause a few people to nerd-rage, here).

我敢肯定我对ASP的看法。NET Membership provider + Sql Server保存该信息会导致一些人在这里感到厌烦)。



If you have to ask, you shouldn't be writing your own provider. Doing security well is really hard. Doing it wrong is incredibly easy.


But the good news is that what you want is incredibly common, and there are tested, off-the-shelf tools which already do it. An example is Janrain. There are others, too. Use an existing, proven tool whenever possible.




Take a look at what's happening with NerdDinner. They've recently (6 months ago) integrated with OpenID, with Google, Yahoo as featured providers. They're still allowing all their 'native' logins as well. Here's an example of a site allowing the user to authenticate in different ways.


If you can mirror some of their functionality, you'd be able to roll in Facebook, OpenAuth, etc. The big benefit is that it's already been implemented in ASP.NET MVC, and you'd just have to borrow some of that implementation.

如果你能镜像他们的一些功能,你就能在Facebook, OpenAuth等上滚动。最大的好处是它已经在ASP中实现了。NET MVC,你只需要借用其中的一些实现。



Here is an option and one that I use successfully.


You essentially have a single user which can be authenticated multiple ways.


Using the built in provider, which you could of course switch out at any time, does not preclude you from authenticating that user multiple ways.


When a user authenticates with OpenID, Facebook, etc. match that login against a table that matches the specific login method and identity to the Forms identity and just set the set the user as logged in with their canonical Membership user name.


If a new user authenticates to your site and doesn't have an account just create one in the membership provider automatically. Set the password to some random garbage because they'll never use it. Let them continue to associate multiple login types with it as well.


If a user wants to then also have a direct login just use the standard Membership provider password reset mechanisms and provide them with one.


Long story short: use the built in mechanism for now. It doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do.




The recently introduced SimpleMembershipProvider addresses many issues with the old asp.net membership. Namely ease of use and control over User table schema. This should be the starting point for any new apps (as of 11/2012).


See the below link for a primer on SimpleMembershipProvider along with a decent history on asp.net membership.


