WPF listview数据绑定 - 如何在不标记的情况下强制更新到底层对象?

时间:2021-02-09 07:27:23

I have a WPF ListView that is bound to a BindingList<T>. The binding works like a charm, but I have to tab out of the cell to get the bound property to update....this is an issue because most users don't tab out of the last column before clicking the save button.

我有一个绑定到BindingList 的WPF ListView。绑定就像一个魅力,但我必须从单元格中跳出来获取绑定属性才能更新....这是一个问题,因为大多数用户在单击保存按钮之前不会跳出最后一列。

How do I force the list view to "persist" the changes to the bound DataContext without doing something hackish.


1 个解决方案



Bindings in WPF have a property called "UpdateSourceTrigger" which tells the Binding when to update the thing the UI is bound to. By default, it's set to "LostFocus" for the Text property which is what you're most likely using.


Change the trigger to "PropertyChanged" in your binding like this:


Text="{Binding Foo,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"

... and now the source "Foo" property will be updated as the Text changes in the UI.


There's also an "Explicit" setting for UpdateSourceTrigger which is handy if you need to hold off writing any changes to the source until, say, the user clicks the OK button.




Bindings in WPF have a property called "UpdateSourceTrigger" which tells the Binding when to update the thing the UI is bound to. By default, it's set to "LostFocus" for the Text property which is what you're most likely using.


Change the trigger to "PropertyChanged" in your binding like this:


Text="{Binding Foo,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"

... and now the source "Foo" property will be updated as the Text changes in the UI.


There's also an "Explicit" setting for UpdateSourceTrigger which is handy if you need to hold off writing any changes to the source until, say, the user clicks the OK button.
