
时间:2022-08-17 07:19:25

The reason I want to sign the dll is because I want to add it to the Global Assembly Cache. The assembly is a css parsing engine written in Java and ported to J#. I use VS2008 so I can't make J# projects. It doesn't have a strong name key assigned to it and I have no idea how to do it now that it's built.


Anyone have any ideas?


5 个解决方案



After a little searching, I found this post that explains one way of doing it.




From a VS.NET command prompt, enter the following:


  1. Generate a KeyFile: sn -k keyPair.snk
  2. 生成KeyFile:sn -k keyPair.snk
  3. Obtain the MSIL for the provided assembly: ildasm providedAssembly.dll /out:providedAssembly.il
  4. 获取提供的程序集的MSIL:ildasm providedAssembly.dll /out:providedAssembly.il
  5. Rename/move the original assembly: ren providedAssembly.dll providedAssembly.dll.orig
  6. 重命名/移动原始程序集:ren provideAssembly.dll提供了assembly.dll.orig
  7. Create a new assembly from the MSIL output and your assembly KeyFile: ilasm providedAssembly.il /dll /key= keyPair.snk
  8. 从MSIL输出和程序集KeyFile创建一个新程序集:ilasm providedAssembly.il / dll / key = keyPair.snk



Step 1: Dis-assemble the assembly


ildasm myTest.dll /out:myTest.il 

Step 2: Re-Assemble using your strong-name key


ilasm myTest.il /res:myTest.res /dll /key:myTest.snk /out:myTestSN.dll 

For verification you can use following command:


sn -vf myTestSN.dll

Hope this helps!




This link also shows how to do it, including when one of the 3rd party assemblies you're signing has a reference to another unsigned assembly that you're signing:




Edit: sorry, link is busted.




The Strong Name tool can re-sign an existing assembly, using the -R option. However, from what I understand, the assembly has to be previously signed or delay-signed... not sure you can use it with an unsigned assembly, but you can give it a try




Thx especially PJ8 for posting an answer 8 years ago that still saved me today. "My" assembly needed to go in the GAC but was dependent on SQLite-pcl-net which as of version 1.3.1 is not strong-named although it is now dependent on the strong-named SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green. So I had to sign SQLite-pcl-net in order to sign my own assembly in other words. I ended up with a cradle-to-grave .bat file consolidated from info in this post and a few other places I traveled today. The "pros" are 1. that this .bat runs in the location of the assembly that you want to sign 2. shows at least a hint as to where the three tools might be located on a dev machine. 3. shows all the steps in order. The "con" of course is that your mileage may vary as to where ildasm, ilasm and sn are actually located on your particular PC. Anyway cheers.

特别是PJ8在8年前发布了答案,今天仍然救了我。 “我的”程序集需要进入GAC,但依赖于SQLite-pcl-net,虽然它现在依赖于强名称的SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green,但它在版本1.3.1中并没有强名称。所以我不得不签署SQLite-pcl-net,换句话说就是签署我自己的程序集。我最后得到了一篇从这篇文章中的信息中巩固的从摇篮到坟墓的.bat文件以及我今天旅行过的其他几个地方。 “pros”是1.这个.bat在要签名的程序集的位置运行2.至少显示三个工具在dev机器上的位置的提示。 3.按顺序显示所有步骤。 “con”当然是你的里程可能会有所不同,ildasm,ilasm和sn实际上位于你的特定PC上。无论如何欢呼。

REM Create a new, random key pair
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -k SQLite-net.snk
REM Store the key in the container MySQLiteKeys in the strong name Cryptographic Services Provider (CSP).
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -i SQLite-net.snk MySQLiteKeys
REM Disassemble to Intermediate Language
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\ildasm" SQLite-net.dll /out:SQLite-net.il
REM Rename original file
ren SQLite-net.dll SQLite-net.dll.orig
REM Reassemble to a strong-named version
"c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm" SQLite-net.il /dll /key=SQLite-net.snk /out:SQLite-net.dll 
REM Verify the assembly 
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -v SQLite-net.dll
REM Deletes MySQLiteKeys from the default CSP
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -d MySQLiteKeys
REM View results 



After a little searching, I found this post that explains one way of doing it.




From a VS.NET command prompt, enter the following:


  1. Generate a KeyFile: sn -k keyPair.snk
  2. 生成KeyFile:sn -k keyPair.snk
  3. Obtain the MSIL for the provided assembly: ildasm providedAssembly.dll /out:providedAssembly.il
  4. 获取提供的程序集的MSIL:ildasm providedAssembly.dll /out:providedAssembly.il
  5. Rename/move the original assembly: ren providedAssembly.dll providedAssembly.dll.orig
  6. 重命名/移动原始程序集:ren provideAssembly.dll提供了assembly.dll.orig
  7. Create a new assembly from the MSIL output and your assembly KeyFile: ilasm providedAssembly.il /dll /key= keyPair.snk
  8. 从MSIL输出和程序集KeyFile创建一个新程序集:ilasm providedAssembly.il / dll / key = keyPair.snk



Step 1: Dis-assemble the assembly


ildasm myTest.dll /out:myTest.il 

Step 2: Re-Assemble using your strong-name key


ilasm myTest.il /res:myTest.res /dll /key:myTest.snk /out:myTestSN.dll 

For verification you can use following command:


sn -vf myTestSN.dll

Hope this helps!




This link also shows how to do it, including when one of the 3rd party assemblies you're signing has a reference to another unsigned assembly that you're signing:




Edit: sorry, link is busted.




The Strong Name tool can re-sign an existing assembly, using the -R option. However, from what I understand, the assembly has to be previously signed or delay-signed... not sure you can use it with an unsigned assembly, but you can give it a try




Thx especially PJ8 for posting an answer 8 years ago that still saved me today. "My" assembly needed to go in the GAC but was dependent on SQLite-pcl-net which as of version 1.3.1 is not strong-named although it is now dependent on the strong-named SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green. So I had to sign SQLite-pcl-net in order to sign my own assembly in other words. I ended up with a cradle-to-grave .bat file consolidated from info in this post and a few other places I traveled today. The "pros" are 1. that this .bat runs in the location of the assembly that you want to sign 2. shows at least a hint as to where the three tools might be located on a dev machine. 3. shows all the steps in order. The "con" of course is that your mileage may vary as to where ildasm, ilasm and sn are actually located on your particular PC. Anyway cheers.

特别是PJ8在8年前发布了答案,今天仍然救了我。 “我的”程序集需要进入GAC,但依赖于SQLite-pcl-net,虽然它现在依赖于强名称的SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green,但它在版本1.3.1中并没有强名称。所以我不得不签署SQLite-pcl-net,换句话说就是签署我自己的程序集。我最后得到了一篇从这篇文章中的信息中巩固的从摇篮到坟墓的.bat文件以及我今天旅行过的其他几个地方。 “pros”是1.这个.bat在要签名的程序集的位置运行2.至少显示三个工具在dev机器上的位置的提示。 3.按顺序显示所有步骤。 “con”当然是你的里程可能会有所不同,ildasm,ilasm和sn实际上位于你的特定PC上。无论如何欢呼。

REM Create a new, random key pair
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -k SQLite-net.snk
REM Store the key in the container MySQLiteKeys in the strong name Cryptographic Services Provider (CSP).
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -i SQLite-net.snk MySQLiteKeys
REM Disassemble to Intermediate Language
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\ildasm" SQLite-net.dll /out:SQLite-net.il
REM Rename original file
ren SQLite-net.dll SQLite-net.dll.orig
REM Reassemble to a strong-named version
"c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm" SQLite-net.il /dll /key=SQLite-net.snk /out:SQLite-net.dll 
REM Verify the assembly 
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -v SQLite-net.dll
REM Deletes MySQLiteKeys from the default CSP
"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn" -d MySQLiteKeys
REM View results 