
时间:2021-11-10 07:21:13

I want to check the (numeric) input against a list of ranges (min,max) while the input is partially typed in; in other words, I need an elegant algorithm to check the prefix of a number against a range (without using regular expressions).


Sample testcases:


 1 is in (  5,   9) -> false
 6 is in (  5,   9) -> true
 1 is in (  5,  11) -> true  (as 10 and 11 are in the range)
 1 is in (  5, 200) -> true  (as e.g. 12 and 135 are in the range)
11 is in (  5,  12) -> true
13 is in (  5,  12) -> false 
13 is in (  5,  22) -> true
13 is in (  5, 200) -> true  (as 130 is in the range)
 2 is in (100, 300) -> true  (as 200 is in the range)

Do you have any idea?


15 个解决方案



I believe it's true that the input is acceptable if and only if either:


  • It is a prefix substring of the lower bound converted to string
  • 它是下界转换为字符串的前缀子字符串。


  • The input followed by any number of additional zeros (possibly none) falls into the range
  • 输入后面跟着任何数目的额外的零(可能没有)都属于这个范围

The first rule is required by e.g. 13 is in range (135, 140). The second rule is required by e.g. 2 is in range (1000, 3000).


The second rule can be efficiently tested by a series of multiplies by 10, until the scaled input exceeds the upper bound.




An iterative formulation:


bool in_range(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input <= 0)
    return true;    // FIXME handle negative and zero-prefixed numbers
  int multiplier = 1;
  while ((input + 1) * multiplier - 1 < min)         // min <= [input]999
    multiplier *= 10;    // TODO consider overflow
  return input * multiplier <= max;                  //        [input]000 <= max

A simpler [edit: and more efficent; see below] method is to use truncating integer division:


bool in_range(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input <= 0)
    return true;
  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

Testing and profiling:


#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

bool ecatmur_in_range_mul(int input, int min, int max)
  int multiplier = 1;
  while ((input + 1) * multiplier - 1 < min)         // min <= [input]999
    multiplier *= 10;    // TODO consider overflow
  return input * multiplier <= max;                  //        [input]000 <= max

bool ecatmur_in_range_div(int input, int min, int max)
  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

bool t12_isInRange(int input, int min, int max)
    int multiplier = 1;
    while(input*multiplier <= max)
        if(input >= min / multiplier) return true;
        multiplier *= 10;
    return false;

struct algo { bool (*fn)(int, int, int); const char *name; } algos[] = {
{ ecatmur_in_range_mul, "ecatmur_in_range_mul"},
{ ecatmur_in_range_div, "ecatmur_in_range_div"},
{ t12_isInRange, "t12_isInRange"},

struct test { int input, min, max; bool result; } tests[] = {
{  1,   5,   9, false },
{  6,   5,   9, true },
{  1,   5,  11, true }, // as 10 and 11 are in the range
{  1,   5, 200, true }, // as e.g. 12 and 135 are in the range
{ 11,   5,  12, true },
{ 13,   5,  12, false },
{ 13,   5,  22, true },
{ 13,   5, 200, true }, // as 130 is in the range
{  2, 100, 300, true }, // as 200 is in the range
{ 13, 135, 140, true }, // Ben Voigt
{ 13, 136, 138, true }, // MSalters
int main() {
    for (auto a: algos)
        for (auto t: tests)
            if (a.fn(t.input, t.min, t.max) != t.result)
                std::cout << a.name << "(" << t.input << ", " << t.min << ", " << t.max << ") != "
                    << t.result << "\n";

    for (auto a: algos) {
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        for (auto t: tests)
            for (int i = 1; i < t.max * 2; ++i)
                for (volatile int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
                    volatile bool r = a.fn(i, t.min, t.max);
                    (void) r;
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        std::cout << a.name << ": "
            << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start).count() << '\n';

Surprisingly (at least to me) iterated division comes out fastest:


ecatmur_in_range_mul: 17331000
ecatmur_in_range_div: 14711000
t12_isInRange: 15646000



bool isInRange(int input, int min, int max)
    int multiplier = 1;
    while(input*multiplier <= max)
        if(input >= min / multiplier) return true;
        multiplier *= 10;
    return false;

It pass all your testcases.




One trivial solution is to generate all N-digit prefixes in range. So, for 11 is in ( 5, 12) you want the two-digit prefixes of all numbers between 5 and 12. Obviously that's just 10, 11 and 12.

一个简单的解决方案是在范围内生成所有n位的前缀。11在(5,12)中你想要5到12之间的所有数字的两位数的前缀。显然是10 11 12。

In general, for numbers X to Y, the possible N-digit prefixes can be obtained by the following algorithm:


X = MIN(X, 10^(N-1) ) ' 9 has no 2-digit prefix so start at 10
Y = Y - (Y MOD 10^N)  ' 1421 has the same 2 digit prefix as 1400
  LIST_PREFIX += PREFIX(N, X) ' Add the prefix of X to the list.
  X += 10^(TRUNCATE(LOG10(X)) - N+1) ' For N=2, go from 1200 to 1300



Given a value n, begin with the half-open range [n, n + 1) and proceed by orders of magnitude:

给定一个值n,从半开放范围[n, n + 1]开始,按数量级进行:

  • [10n, 10(n + 1))
  • (10 n(n + 1))
  • [100n, 100(n + 1))
  • (100 n,100(n + 1))
  • [1000n, 1000(n + 1))
  • (1000 n,1000(n + 1))

Continue until the iterated range overlaps the target range, or the two ranges can no longer overlap.


#include <iostream>

bool overlaps(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
  return a < c && c < b || c < a && a < d;

bool intersects(int first, int begin, int end) {
  int last = first + 1;
  while (first <= end) {
    if (overlaps(first, last, begin, end))
      return true;
    first *= 10;
    last *= 10;
  return false;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  std::cout << std::boolalpha
    << intersects( 1,   5,   9) << '\n'
    << intersects( 6,   5,   9) << '\n'
    << intersects( 1,   5,  11) << '\n'
    << intersects( 1,   5, 200) << '\n'
    << intersects(11,   5,  12) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5,  12) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5,  22) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5, 200) << '\n'
    << intersects( 2, 100, 300) << '\n'
    << intersects(13, 135, 140) << '\n';

Using ranges is necessary to prevent missed cases. Consider n = 2 and a target range of [21, 199]. 2 is not in the range, so we multiply by 10; 20 is not in the range, so we multiply by 10 again; 200 is not in the range, nor any higher number, so the naive algorithm terminates with a false negative.

使用范围是必要的,以防止遗漏的情况。考虑n = 2,目标范围为[21,199]。2不在范围内,所以乘以10;20不在范围内,我们再乘以10;200不在范围内,也不在任何更高的数字内,所以朴素算法以假阴性结束。



I prefer an approach which uses already implemented algorithms. While a lot of other solution use recursive divisions by 10, I think it's better to make use of 10-base logarithms, which have O(1) complexity, so that the whole solution complexity is O(1).


Let us split the problem into two parts.


First part will handle the case when the number * 10^n is between min and max for at least one n. This would let us check for example if number = 12 and min,max = 11225,13355, that x = 12000 = 12*10^3 is between min and max. If this test checks out, it means the result is True.

第一部分将处理情况* 10 ^ n是min和max之间至少有一个n。这将让我们检查例如如果数量= 12分钟,max = 11225,13355年,x = 12000 = 12 * 10 ^ 3 min和max之间。如果这个测试检验出来,这意味着结果是正确的。

Second part will handle the cases when number is beginning of either min or max. For example if number = 12 and min,max = 12325,14555, the first test will fail, as 12000 is not between min and max (as well as will fail all other numbers 12*10^n for any n). But second test will find that 12 is the beginning of 12325 and return True.

第二部分将处理数开始为最小或最大值的情况。例如如果数量= 12分钟,max = 12325,14555年,第一个测试将失败,12000不是min和max(以及失败所有其他数字12 * 10 ^ n n)。但第二测试会发现12是12325年初,返回True。


Let's check, if the first x = number*10^n, which is equal or larger than min, is smaller or equal than max (so min <= x <= max, where x is number*10^n for any integer n). If it's bigger than max, than all other xes will be bigger, as we took the smallest.

让我们检查,如果第一个x =数量* 10 ^ n,等于或大于最小值,或等于小于最大值(最小值< = x < = max,其中x是数量* 10 ^ n对于任何整数n)。如果是比最大,比其他所有换成大的,当我们把最小的。

log(number*10^n) > log(min)
log(number) + log(10^n) > log(min)
log(number) + n > log(min)
n > log(min) - log(number)
n > log(min/number)

To get the number to compare with, we just calculate the first satisfactory n:


n = ceil(log(min/number))

And calculate then number x:


x = number*10^n


We should check if our number is a literal beginning of either boundary.


We just calculate x beginning with the same digits as number and padded with 0s on the end, having the same length as min:


magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(number)))
x = num*magnitude

And then check if min's and x difference (in magnitude scale) is less than 1 and bigger or equal to 0:


0 <= (min-x)/magnitude < 1

So, if number is 121 and min is 132125, then magnitude is 1000, x = number*magnitude would be 121000. min - x gives 132125-121000 = 11125, which should be smaller than 1000 (otherwise min beginning would be bigger than 121), so we compare it with magnitude by dividing by it's value and comparing to 1. And it's OK if min is 121000, but not OK if min is 122000, that is why 0 <= and < 1.

如果数字是121,最小值是132125,那么大小是1000,x =数字*大小是121000。min - x得到132125-121000 = 11125,应该小于1000(否则min开始会大于121),所以我们将它与大小进行比较,除以它的值,然后与1进行比较。如果最小值是121000,也可以,但如果最小值是122000,那就是0 <=和< 1。

The same algorithm is for max.


Pseudo code

Incorporating it all in pseudo code gives this algorithm:


def check(num,min,max):
    # num*10^n is between min and max
    x = num*10**(ceil(log10(min/num)))
    if x>=min and x<=max: 
        return True

    # if num is prefix substring of min
    magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(num)))
    if 0 <= (min-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1:
        return True

    # if num is prefix substring of max
    magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(max)) - floor(log10(num)))
    if 0 <= (max-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1:
        return True

    return False

This code could be optimized by avoiding repeated calculations of log10(num). Also, in final solution I would go from float to integer scope (magnitude = 10**int(floor(log10(max)) - floor(log10(num)))) and then perform all comparisons without division, i.e. 0 <= (max-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1 -> 0 <= max-num*magnitude < magnitude. This would alleviate possibilities of round-off errors.

可以通过避免重复计算log10(num)来优化此代码。此外,在最终的解决方案中,我将从浮点数到整型范围(大小= 10* int(楼层(log10(max))) -楼层(log10(num (num)))))),然后执行所有的比较,没有分割,即0 <= (max-num*大小)/大小< 1 -> <= max-num*大小 <星等。这将减少舍入误差的可能性。< p>

Also, it may be possible to replace magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(num))) with magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min/num))), where log10 is calculated only once. But I can't prove that it will always bring correct results, nor can I disprove it. If anybody could prove it, I would be very grateful.

此外,还可以将震级= 10**(楼层(log10(min))) -楼层(log10(num)))替换为震级= 10**(楼层(楼层(log10(min/num)))),其中log10只计算一次。但是我不能证明它总会带来正确的结果,我也不能证明它。如果有人能证明这一点,我将非常感激。

Tests (in Python): http://ideone.com/N5R2j (you could edit input to add another tests).




I came to this new simple solution while thinking on a proof for @Ben Voigt 's beautiful solution:

我想到了这个新的简单的解决方案,同时考虑了一个关于@Ben Voigt的漂亮解决方案的证明:

Let's go back to elementary school where we did number comparison. Question would be like: check if the number "A" is in the range of number "B" and number "C"


Solution: Adding the necessary Zeros to the left side of numbers (so we have equal number of digits in all numbers) We start from the leftmost digit. compare it with the equivalent digit in the other two numbers.


  • if the digit from A is less than the digit from B or more than the digit from C, then A is not in the range.


  • if not we repeat the process with the next digit from A and equivalents from B and C.


IMPORTANT QUESTION: Why don't we stop right there? Why do we check the next digits?


IMPORTANT ANSWER: Because the digit from A being between the equivalents from B and C is O.K. up to now but not enough reason yet to make a decision! (obvious right?)


This, in turn, means there could be a set of digits which could put A out of the range.




There could be a set of digits which could put A inside the range


which is another way of saying A could be a prefix of a number in the range.


Isn't that what we were looking for?! :D


The backbone of the algorithm would be basically a simple comparison for each input event:


  1. Add some zero (if necessary) at the left of min so that the length of min and max would become equal.
  2. 在最小值的左边加一些0(如果有必要的话),使最小值和最大值的长度相等。
  3. compare input A with the equivalent digits from min and max (cut the corresponding digits of min and max from left, and not right)
  4. 将输入A与min和max的等效数字进行比较(将min和max的对应数字从左裁掉,不要从右裁掉)
  5. Is input A <= corresponding part of max AND >= corresponding part of min? (no: return false, yes: return true)
  6. 输入A <= max的对应部分,>= min的对应部分?(no: return false, yes: return true)

false and true here express the situation "up to now", as the problem requires.




(input >= lower_bound) && input <= upper_bound


(f(input) >= lower_bound) && (f(input) <= upper_bound)


(lower_bound - f(input) < pow(10, n_digits_upper_bound - n_digits_input)) && 
(lower_bound - f(input) > 0)


f(input) == (input * pow(10, n_digits_upper_bound - n_digits_input))

 1 is in (  5,   9) -> 1 * pow(10,0) -> same                 -> false
 6 is in (  5,   9)                                          -> true
 1 is in (  5,  11) -> 1 * pow(10,1)  -> 10 is in (5,11)     -> true
 1 is in (  5, 200) -> 1 * pow(10,2)  -> 100 is in (5, 200)  -> true
11 is in (  5,  12)                                          -> true
13 is in (  5,  12) -> 13 * pow(10,0) -> same                -> false 
13 is in (  5,  22)                                          -> true
13 is in (  5, 200)                                          -> true
 2 is in (100, 300) -> 2 * pow(10,2) -> 200 is in (100,300)  -> true
 4 is in (100, 300) -> 4 * pow(10,2)  -> 400 is in (100,300) -> false
13 is in (135, 140) -> 135 - 130                             -> true
14 is in (135, 139) -> 135 - 140                             -> false



All the hard cases are situations in which the lower bound has less digits then the upper bound. Just break the range in two (or three). If AB is the union of sets A and B, then x in AB implies x in A or x in B. So:


13 is in (5, 12) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 12)

13在(5,12)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,12)

13 is in (5, 120) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 99) OR 13 is in (100, 120)

13在(5,120)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,99)或13在(100,120)

Then, truncate to match lengths. I.e.


13 is in (5, 120) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 99) OR 13 is in (10 0 , 12 0 )

13在(5,120)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,99)或13在(10,12 0)

After this second rewrite, it becomes a simple numeric check. Note that if you have the range 10,99 appear then you have all possible 2-digit prefixes and don't actually need to check, but that's an optimization. (I'm assuming we ignore prefixes 00-09)




Yes another answer. For input X and bounds MIN and MAX


  IF X is a prefix of MIN
    x = 10*x + next digit of MIN
    x = 10*x
RETURN (x>= MIN && x<=MAX)

This works by "typing" the next lowest digit. So the hard case 13 in (135, 140) adds a 5 to produce 135, not a zero.




Whatever the implementation method you chose, you should consider building a lot of unit tests. Because you're asking the question just as you would have written a test for test-driven development (TDD). So I suggest that, while you are waiting for a suitable algorithm to pop out of stack overflow, write your unit tests:


Make your test fail if the examples you give don't yield the results in your examples. Write a couple of other limit test cases just to be sure. Then, if you happen to use a wrong or buggy algorithm, you will know it soon. Once your test passes, you'll know that you've reached your goal.


Plus, it shields you from any regression in the future




Maybe I'm under-thinking this but assuming that the Min-Max range of integers are all positive (i.e. greater than or equal to zero), this code block should do the trick nicely:


bool CheckRange(int InputValue, int MinValue, int MaxValue)
    // Assumes that:
    //    1. InputValue >= MinValue 
    //    2. MinValue >= 0
    //    3. MinValue <= MaxValue 
    if (InputValue < 0)         // The input value is less than zero
        return false;
    if (InputValue > MaxValue)  // The input value is greater than max value
        return false;
    if (InputValue == 0 && InputValue < MinValue)
        return false;       // The input value is zero and less than a non-zero min value
    int WorkValue = InputValue; // Seed a working variable
    while (WorkValue <= MaxValue)
        if (WorkValue >= MinValue && WorkValue <= MaxValue)
            return true; // The input value (or a stem) is within range
            WorkValue *= 10; // Not in range, multiply by 10 to check stem again
    return false;



OK, a bit late to the party, but here goes...


Note that we're talking about user input here, so it's not sufficient to just // TODO: consider overflow. Validating user input is a war, and cutting corners will eventually lead to the detonation of an IED. (Well, ok, maybe not so dramatic, but still...) In fact, only one of the algorithms in ecatmur's useful test harness handles a corner case properly ({23, 2147483644, 2147483646, false}), and the test harness itself goes into an infinite loop if t.max is too big.

注意,我们这里讨论的是用户输入,所以仅仅// TODO是不够的:考虑溢出。验证用户输入是一场战争,偷工减料最终会导致简易爆炸装置的爆炸。(好吧,也许不是那么夸张,但是……)事实上,在ecatmur有用的测试指令中,只有一个算法能够正确地处理一个转角案例({23,2147483644,2147483646,false}),并且如果t,测试指令本身就会进入一个无限循环。马克斯太大了。

The only one which passed was ecatmur_in_range_div, which I think is quite nice. However, it is possible to make it (slightly) faster by adding a few checks:


bool in_range_div(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input > max) return false;
  if (input >= min) return true;
  if (max / 10 >= min) return true;

  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

How much faster "depends"; it would be particularly useful if min and max were compile-time constants. The first two tests are obvious, I think; the third one can be proven in a variety of ways but the simplest is to just observe the behaviour of ecatmur's loop: when the loop ends, input is >= min but < 10*min, so if 10*min < max, input must be less than max.

快多少“取决于”;如果min和max是编译时常数,这将是非常有用的。我认为前两个测试很明显;第三种方法可以用多种方法证明,但最简单的方法是观察ecatmur循环的行为:当循环结束时,输入是>= min,但< 10*min,所以如果10*min < max,输入必须小于max。

Expressing the arithmetic in terms of division rather than multiplication ought to be a habit; I know that most of us grew up with the idea that division is sloooooow and must be avoided. However, division, unlike multiplication, will not overflow. Indeed, whenever you find yourself writing:


if (a * k < b) ...


for (..., a < b, a *= k)

or other variations on those themes, you should immediately flag that as integer overflow, and change it to the equivalent division.


Actually, the same goes for addition except in one important (but common) case:


if (a + k < b) ...


a += k; if (a < b) ...

are also unsafe unless k is one, and you know that a < b before the addition. That exception lets the normal for loop work without too much thought. But watch out for this, which I used to use as part of an interview question:

也不安全,除非k是1,你知道a < b在加法之前。这个异常允许正常的for循环工作,而不需要考虑太多。但要注意这一点,我过去经常把它作为面试问题的一部分:

// enumerate every kth element of the range [a, b)
assert(a < b);
for (; a < b; a += k) { ... }

Sadly, very few candidates got it.




I would now delete this answer, except that it shows a failed approach.


After checking Str(min).StartWith(input), you need to check numerically if any 10^n*Val(input) is within the range, as Ben Voight's current answer says.

检查后Str(min).StartWith(输入),您需要检查数字是否10 ^ n *瓦尔(输入)范围内,本•沃伊特目前的回答说。

Failed attempt

Edited because of Ben Voigt's comment: (I had missed his first point in his current answer: prefix matches to the minimum are OK.)

因为Ben Voigt的评论而编辑(我错过了他当前答案中的第一点:前缀匹配到最小值是OK的)。

My solution, based upon @Ben Voigt's insights, is check if Min StartsWith the current input. If not, PadRight the current input with 0 to the length of Max as a string. Then if this modified input is lexically (i.e. treated as strings) between Min and Max it's OK.

基于@Ben Voigt的见解,我的解决方案是检查Min是否启动当前输入。如果不是,则将当前输入以0到最大长度为字符串的方式填入。如果这个修改后的输入在Min和Max之间是按词法(即被当作字符串来处理),那就可以了。

Pseudo code:


 Confirm input has only digits, striping leading 0s
    (most easily done by converting it to an integer and back to a string)

 check = Str(min).StartsWith(input)
 If Not check Then
   testInput = input.PadRight(Len(Str(max)), '0')
   check = Str(min) <= testInput && testInput <= Str(max)
 End If



int input = 15;
int lower_bound = 1561;
int upper_bound = 1567;
int ipow = 0;
while (lower_bound > 0) {
    if (lower_bound > input) {
        lower_bound = lower_bound / 10;
    } else {
        int i = pow(10, ipow) * input;
        if (i < upper_bound) {
            return true;
        return false;
return false;



I believe it's true that the input is acceptable if and only if either:


  • It is a prefix substring of the lower bound converted to string
  • 它是下界转换为字符串的前缀子字符串。


  • The input followed by any number of additional zeros (possibly none) falls into the range
  • 输入后面跟着任何数目的额外的零(可能没有)都属于这个范围

The first rule is required by e.g. 13 is in range (135, 140). The second rule is required by e.g. 2 is in range (1000, 3000).


The second rule can be efficiently tested by a series of multiplies by 10, until the scaled input exceeds the upper bound.




An iterative formulation:


bool in_range(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input <= 0)
    return true;    // FIXME handle negative and zero-prefixed numbers
  int multiplier = 1;
  while ((input + 1) * multiplier - 1 < min)         // min <= [input]999
    multiplier *= 10;    // TODO consider overflow
  return input * multiplier <= max;                  //        [input]000 <= max

A simpler [edit: and more efficent; see below] method is to use truncating integer division:


bool in_range(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input <= 0)
    return true;
  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

Testing and profiling:


#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

bool ecatmur_in_range_mul(int input, int min, int max)
  int multiplier = 1;
  while ((input + 1) * multiplier - 1 < min)         // min <= [input]999
    multiplier *= 10;    // TODO consider overflow
  return input * multiplier <= max;                  //        [input]000 <= max

bool ecatmur_in_range_div(int input, int min, int max)
  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

bool t12_isInRange(int input, int min, int max)
    int multiplier = 1;
    while(input*multiplier <= max)
        if(input >= min / multiplier) return true;
        multiplier *= 10;
    return false;

struct algo { bool (*fn)(int, int, int); const char *name; } algos[] = {
{ ecatmur_in_range_mul, "ecatmur_in_range_mul"},
{ ecatmur_in_range_div, "ecatmur_in_range_div"},
{ t12_isInRange, "t12_isInRange"},

struct test { int input, min, max; bool result; } tests[] = {
{  1,   5,   9, false },
{  6,   5,   9, true },
{  1,   5,  11, true }, // as 10 and 11 are in the range
{  1,   5, 200, true }, // as e.g. 12 and 135 are in the range
{ 11,   5,  12, true },
{ 13,   5,  12, false },
{ 13,   5,  22, true },
{ 13,   5, 200, true }, // as 130 is in the range
{  2, 100, 300, true }, // as 200 is in the range
{ 13, 135, 140, true }, // Ben Voigt
{ 13, 136, 138, true }, // MSalters
int main() {
    for (auto a: algos)
        for (auto t: tests)
            if (a.fn(t.input, t.min, t.max) != t.result)
                std::cout << a.name << "(" << t.input << ", " << t.min << ", " << t.max << ") != "
                    << t.result << "\n";

    for (auto a: algos) {
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        for (auto t: tests)
            for (int i = 1; i < t.max * 2; ++i)
                for (volatile int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
                    volatile bool r = a.fn(i, t.min, t.max);
                    (void) r;
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        std::cout << a.name << ": "
            << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start).count() << '\n';

Surprisingly (at least to me) iterated division comes out fastest:


ecatmur_in_range_mul: 17331000
ecatmur_in_range_div: 14711000
t12_isInRange: 15646000



bool isInRange(int input, int min, int max)
    int multiplier = 1;
    while(input*multiplier <= max)
        if(input >= min / multiplier) return true;
        multiplier *= 10;
    return false;

It pass all your testcases.




One trivial solution is to generate all N-digit prefixes in range. So, for 11 is in ( 5, 12) you want the two-digit prefixes of all numbers between 5 and 12. Obviously that's just 10, 11 and 12.

一个简单的解决方案是在范围内生成所有n位的前缀。11在(5,12)中你想要5到12之间的所有数字的两位数的前缀。显然是10 11 12。

In general, for numbers X to Y, the possible N-digit prefixes can be obtained by the following algorithm:


X = MIN(X, 10^(N-1) ) ' 9 has no 2-digit prefix so start at 10
Y = Y - (Y MOD 10^N)  ' 1421 has the same 2 digit prefix as 1400
  LIST_PREFIX += PREFIX(N, X) ' Add the prefix of X to the list.
  X += 10^(TRUNCATE(LOG10(X)) - N+1) ' For N=2, go from 1200 to 1300



Given a value n, begin with the half-open range [n, n + 1) and proceed by orders of magnitude:

给定一个值n,从半开放范围[n, n + 1]开始,按数量级进行:

  • [10n, 10(n + 1))
  • (10 n(n + 1))
  • [100n, 100(n + 1))
  • (100 n,100(n + 1))
  • [1000n, 1000(n + 1))
  • (1000 n,1000(n + 1))

Continue until the iterated range overlaps the target range, or the two ranges can no longer overlap.


#include <iostream>

bool overlaps(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
  return a < c && c < b || c < a && a < d;

bool intersects(int first, int begin, int end) {
  int last = first + 1;
  while (first <= end) {
    if (overlaps(first, last, begin, end))
      return true;
    first *= 10;
    last *= 10;
  return false;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  std::cout << std::boolalpha
    << intersects( 1,   5,   9) << '\n'
    << intersects( 6,   5,   9) << '\n'
    << intersects( 1,   5,  11) << '\n'
    << intersects( 1,   5, 200) << '\n'
    << intersects(11,   5,  12) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5,  12) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5,  22) << '\n'
    << intersects(13,   5, 200) << '\n'
    << intersects( 2, 100, 300) << '\n'
    << intersects(13, 135, 140) << '\n';

Using ranges is necessary to prevent missed cases. Consider n = 2 and a target range of [21, 199]. 2 is not in the range, so we multiply by 10; 20 is not in the range, so we multiply by 10 again; 200 is not in the range, nor any higher number, so the naive algorithm terminates with a false negative.

使用范围是必要的,以防止遗漏的情况。考虑n = 2,目标范围为[21,199]。2不在范围内,所以乘以10;20不在范围内,我们再乘以10;200不在范围内,也不在任何更高的数字内,所以朴素算法以假阴性结束。



I prefer an approach which uses already implemented algorithms. While a lot of other solution use recursive divisions by 10, I think it's better to make use of 10-base logarithms, which have O(1) complexity, so that the whole solution complexity is O(1).


Let us split the problem into two parts.


First part will handle the case when the number * 10^n is between min and max for at least one n. This would let us check for example if number = 12 and min,max = 11225,13355, that x = 12000 = 12*10^3 is between min and max. If this test checks out, it means the result is True.

第一部分将处理情况* 10 ^ n是min和max之间至少有一个n。这将让我们检查例如如果数量= 12分钟,max = 11225,13355年,x = 12000 = 12 * 10 ^ 3 min和max之间。如果这个测试检验出来,这意味着结果是正确的。

Second part will handle the cases when number is beginning of either min or max. For example if number = 12 and min,max = 12325,14555, the first test will fail, as 12000 is not between min and max (as well as will fail all other numbers 12*10^n for any n). But second test will find that 12 is the beginning of 12325 and return True.

第二部分将处理数开始为最小或最大值的情况。例如如果数量= 12分钟,max = 12325,14555年,第一个测试将失败,12000不是min和max(以及失败所有其他数字12 * 10 ^ n n)。但第二测试会发现12是12325年初,返回True。


Let's check, if the first x = number*10^n, which is equal or larger than min, is smaller or equal than max (so min <= x <= max, where x is number*10^n for any integer n). If it's bigger than max, than all other xes will be bigger, as we took the smallest.

让我们检查,如果第一个x =数量* 10 ^ n,等于或大于最小值,或等于小于最大值(最小值< = x < = max,其中x是数量* 10 ^ n对于任何整数n)。如果是比最大,比其他所有换成大的,当我们把最小的。

log(number*10^n) > log(min)
log(number) + log(10^n) > log(min)
log(number) + n > log(min)
n > log(min) - log(number)
n > log(min/number)

To get the number to compare with, we just calculate the first satisfactory n:


n = ceil(log(min/number))

And calculate then number x:


x = number*10^n


We should check if our number is a literal beginning of either boundary.


We just calculate x beginning with the same digits as number and padded with 0s on the end, having the same length as min:


magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(number)))
x = num*magnitude

And then check if min's and x difference (in magnitude scale) is less than 1 and bigger or equal to 0:


0 <= (min-x)/magnitude < 1

So, if number is 121 and min is 132125, then magnitude is 1000, x = number*magnitude would be 121000. min - x gives 132125-121000 = 11125, which should be smaller than 1000 (otherwise min beginning would be bigger than 121), so we compare it with magnitude by dividing by it's value and comparing to 1. And it's OK if min is 121000, but not OK if min is 122000, that is why 0 <= and < 1.

如果数字是121,最小值是132125,那么大小是1000,x =数字*大小是121000。min - x得到132125-121000 = 11125,应该小于1000(否则min开始会大于121),所以我们将它与大小进行比较,除以它的值,然后与1进行比较。如果最小值是121000,也可以,但如果最小值是122000,那就是0 <=和< 1。

The same algorithm is for max.


Pseudo code

Incorporating it all in pseudo code gives this algorithm:


def check(num,min,max):
    # num*10^n is between min and max
    x = num*10**(ceil(log10(min/num)))
    if x>=min and x<=max: 
        return True

    # if num is prefix substring of min
    magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(num)))
    if 0 <= (min-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1:
        return True

    # if num is prefix substring of max
    magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(max)) - floor(log10(num)))
    if 0 <= (max-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1:
        return True

    return False

This code could be optimized by avoiding repeated calculations of log10(num). Also, in final solution I would go from float to integer scope (magnitude = 10**int(floor(log10(max)) - floor(log10(num)))) and then perform all comparisons without division, i.e. 0 <= (max-num*magnitude)/magnitude < 1 -> 0 <= max-num*magnitude < magnitude. This would alleviate possibilities of round-off errors.

可以通过避免重复计算log10(num)来优化此代码。此外,在最终的解决方案中,我将从浮点数到整型范围(大小= 10* int(楼层(log10(max))) -楼层(log10(num (num)))))),然后执行所有的比较,没有分割,即0 <= (max-num*大小)/大小< 1 -> <= max-num*大小 <星等。这将减少舍入误差的可能性。< p>

Also, it may be possible to replace magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min)) - floor(log10(num))) with magnitude = 10**(floor(log10(min/num))), where log10 is calculated only once. But I can't prove that it will always bring correct results, nor can I disprove it. If anybody could prove it, I would be very grateful.

此外,还可以将震级= 10**(楼层(log10(min))) -楼层(log10(num)))替换为震级= 10**(楼层(楼层(log10(min/num)))),其中log10只计算一次。但是我不能证明它总会带来正确的结果,我也不能证明它。如果有人能证明这一点,我将非常感激。

Tests (in Python): http://ideone.com/N5R2j (you could edit input to add another tests).




I came to this new simple solution while thinking on a proof for @Ben Voigt 's beautiful solution:

我想到了这个新的简单的解决方案,同时考虑了一个关于@Ben Voigt的漂亮解决方案的证明:

Let's go back to elementary school where we did number comparison. Question would be like: check if the number "A" is in the range of number "B" and number "C"


Solution: Adding the necessary Zeros to the left side of numbers (so we have equal number of digits in all numbers) We start from the leftmost digit. compare it with the equivalent digit in the other two numbers.


  • if the digit from A is less than the digit from B or more than the digit from C, then A is not in the range.


  • if not we repeat the process with the next digit from A and equivalents from B and C.


IMPORTANT QUESTION: Why don't we stop right there? Why do we check the next digits?


IMPORTANT ANSWER: Because the digit from A being between the equivalents from B and C is O.K. up to now but not enough reason yet to make a decision! (obvious right?)


This, in turn, means there could be a set of digits which could put A out of the range.




There could be a set of digits which could put A inside the range


which is another way of saying A could be a prefix of a number in the range.


Isn't that what we were looking for?! :D


The backbone of the algorithm would be basically a simple comparison for each input event:


  1. Add some zero (if necessary) at the left of min so that the length of min and max would become equal.
  2. 在最小值的左边加一些0(如果有必要的话),使最小值和最大值的长度相等。
  3. compare input A with the equivalent digits from min and max (cut the corresponding digits of min and max from left, and not right)
  4. 将输入A与min和max的等效数字进行比较(将min和max的对应数字从左裁掉,不要从右裁掉)
  5. Is input A <= corresponding part of max AND >= corresponding part of min? (no: return false, yes: return true)
  6. 输入A <= max的对应部分,>= min的对应部分?(no: return false, yes: return true)

false and true here express the situation "up to now", as the problem requires.




(input >= lower_bound) && input <= upper_bound


(f(input) >= lower_bound) && (f(input) <= upper_bound)


(lower_bound - f(input) < pow(10, n_digits_upper_bound - n_digits_input)) && 
(lower_bound - f(input) > 0)


f(input) == (input * pow(10, n_digits_upper_bound - n_digits_input))

 1 is in (  5,   9) -> 1 * pow(10,0) -> same                 -> false
 6 is in (  5,   9)                                          -> true
 1 is in (  5,  11) -> 1 * pow(10,1)  -> 10 is in (5,11)     -> true
 1 is in (  5, 200) -> 1 * pow(10,2)  -> 100 is in (5, 200)  -> true
11 is in (  5,  12)                                          -> true
13 is in (  5,  12) -> 13 * pow(10,0) -> same                -> false 
13 is in (  5,  22)                                          -> true
13 is in (  5, 200)                                          -> true
 2 is in (100, 300) -> 2 * pow(10,2) -> 200 is in (100,300)  -> true
 4 is in (100, 300) -> 4 * pow(10,2)  -> 400 is in (100,300) -> false
13 is in (135, 140) -> 135 - 130                             -> true
14 is in (135, 139) -> 135 - 140                             -> false



All the hard cases are situations in which the lower bound has less digits then the upper bound. Just break the range in two (or three). If AB is the union of sets A and B, then x in AB implies x in A or x in B. So:


13 is in (5, 12) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 12)

13在(5,12)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,12)

13 is in (5, 120) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 99) OR 13 is in (100, 120)

13在(5,120)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,99)或13在(100,120)

Then, truncate to match lengths. I.e.


13 is in (5, 120) => 13 is in (5, 9) OR 13 is in (10, 99) OR 13 is in (10 0 , 12 0 )

13在(5,120)=> 13在(5,9)或13在(10,99)或13在(10,12 0)

After this second rewrite, it becomes a simple numeric check. Note that if you have the range 10,99 appear then you have all possible 2-digit prefixes and don't actually need to check, but that's an optimization. (I'm assuming we ignore prefixes 00-09)




Yes another answer. For input X and bounds MIN and MAX


  IF X is a prefix of MIN
    x = 10*x + next digit of MIN
    x = 10*x
RETURN (x>= MIN && x<=MAX)

This works by "typing" the next lowest digit. So the hard case 13 in (135, 140) adds a 5 to produce 135, not a zero.




Whatever the implementation method you chose, you should consider building a lot of unit tests. Because you're asking the question just as you would have written a test for test-driven development (TDD). So I suggest that, while you are waiting for a suitable algorithm to pop out of stack overflow, write your unit tests:


Make your test fail if the examples you give don't yield the results in your examples. Write a couple of other limit test cases just to be sure. Then, if you happen to use a wrong or buggy algorithm, you will know it soon. Once your test passes, you'll know that you've reached your goal.


Plus, it shields you from any regression in the future




Maybe I'm under-thinking this but assuming that the Min-Max range of integers are all positive (i.e. greater than or equal to zero), this code block should do the trick nicely:


bool CheckRange(int InputValue, int MinValue, int MaxValue)
    // Assumes that:
    //    1. InputValue >= MinValue 
    //    2. MinValue >= 0
    //    3. MinValue <= MaxValue 
    if (InputValue < 0)         // The input value is less than zero
        return false;
    if (InputValue > MaxValue)  // The input value is greater than max value
        return false;
    if (InputValue == 0 && InputValue < MinValue)
        return false;       // The input value is zero and less than a non-zero min value
    int WorkValue = InputValue; // Seed a working variable
    while (WorkValue <= MaxValue)
        if (WorkValue >= MinValue && WorkValue <= MaxValue)
            return true; // The input value (or a stem) is within range
            WorkValue *= 10; // Not in range, multiply by 10 to check stem again
    return false;



OK, a bit late to the party, but here goes...


Note that we're talking about user input here, so it's not sufficient to just // TODO: consider overflow. Validating user input is a war, and cutting corners will eventually lead to the detonation of an IED. (Well, ok, maybe not so dramatic, but still...) In fact, only one of the algorithms in ecatmur's useful test harness handles a corner case properly ({23, 2147483644, 2147483646, false}), and the test harness itself goes into an infinite loop if t.max is too big.

注意,我们这里讨论的是用户输入,所以仅仅// TODO是不够的:考虑溢出。验证用户输入是一场战争,偷工减料最终会导致简易爆炸装置的爆炸。(好吧,也许不是那么夸张,但是……)事实上,在ecatmur有用的测试指令中,只有一个算法能够正确地处理一个转角案例({23,2147483644,2147483646,false}),并且如果t,测试指令本身就会进入一个无限循环。马克斯太大了。

The only one which passed was ecatmur_in_range_div, which I think is quite nice. However, it is possible to make it (slightly) faster by adding a few checks:


bool in_range_div(int input, int min, int max)
  if (input > max) return false;
  if (input >= min) return true;
  if (max / 10 >= min) return true;

  while (input < min) {
    min /= 10;
    max /= 10;
  return input <= max;

How much faster "depends"; it would be particularly useful if min and max were compile-time constants. The first two tests are obvious, I think; the third one can be proven in a variety of ways but the simplest is to just observe the behaviour of ecatmur's loop: when the loop ends, input is >= min but < 10*min, so if 10*min < max, input must be less than max.

快多少“取决于”;如果min和max是编译时常数,这将是非常有用的。我认为前两个测试很明显;第三种方法可以用多种方法证明,但最简单的方法是观察ecatmur循环的行为:当循环结束时,输入是>= min,但< 10*min,所以如果10*min < max,输入必须小于max。

Expressing the arithmetic in terms of division rather than multiplication ought to be a habit; I know that most of us grew up with the idea that division is sloooooow and must be avoided. However, division, unlike multiplication, will not overflow. Indeed, whenever you find yourself writing:


if (a * k < b) ...


for (..., a < b, a *= k)

or other variations on those themes, you should immediately flag that as integer overflow, and change it to the equivalent division.


Actually, the same goes for addition except in one important (but common) case:


if (a + k < b) ...


a += k; if (a < b) ...

are also unsafe unless k is one, and you know that a < b before the addition. That exception lets the normal for loop work without too much thought. But watch out for this, which I used to use as part of an interview question:

也不安全,除非k是1,你知道a < b在加法之前。这个异常允许正常的for循环工作,而不需要考虑太多。但要注意这一点,我过去经常把它作为面试问题的一部分:

// enumerate every kth element of the range [a, b)
assert(a < b);
for (; a < b; a += k) { ... }

Sadly, very few candidates got it.




I would now delete this answer, except that it shows a failed approach.


After checking Str(min).StartWith(input), you need to check numerically if any 10^n*Val(input) is within the range, as Ben Voight's current answer says.

检查后Str(min).StartWith(输入),您需要检查数字是否10 ^ n *瓦尔(输入)范围内,本•沃伊特目前的回答说。

Failed attempt

Edited because of Ben Voigt's comment: (I had missed his first point in his current answer: prefix matches to the minimum are OK.)

因为Ben Voigt的评论而编辑(我错过了他当前答案中的第一点:前缀匹配到最小值是OK的)。

My solution, based upon @Ben Voigt's insights, is check if Min StartsWith the current input. If not, PadRight the current input with 0 to the length of Max as a string. Then if this modified input is lexically (i.e. treated as strings) between Min and Max it's OK.

基于@Ben Voigt的见解,我的解决方案是检查Min是否启动当前输入。如果不是,则将当前输入以0到最大长度为字符串的方式填入。如果这个修改后的输入在Min和Max之间是按词法(即被当作字符串来处理),那就可以了。

Pseudo code:


 Confirm input has only digits, striping leading 0s
    (most easily done by converting it to an integer and back to a string)

 check = Str(min).StartsWith(input)
 If Not check Then
   testInput = input.PadRight(Len(Str(max)), '0')
   check = Str(min) <= testInput && testInput <= Str(max)
 End If



int input = 15;
int lower_bound = 1561;
int upper_bound = 1567;
int ipow = 0;
while (lower_bound > 0) {
    if (lower_bound > input) {
        lower_bound = lower_bound / 10;
    } else {
        int i = pow(10, ipow) * input;
        if (i < upper_bound) {
            return true;
        return false;
return false;