
时间:2021-11-10 07:21:19

How do I see if a file exists or not, without using the try statement?


39 个解决方案



If the reason you're checking is so you can do something like if file_exists: open_it(), it's safer to use a try around the attempt to open it. Checking and then opening risks the file being deleted or moved or something between when you check and when you try to open it.

如果您检查的原因是这样的:如果file_exists: open_it(),那么在尝试打开它时使用try更安全。检查和打开文件会有被删除或移动的风险,或者在检查和尝试打开文件之间的风险。

If you're not planning to open the file immediately, you can use os.path.isfile


Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isfile() can be true for the same path.


import os.pathos.path.isfile(fname) 

if you need to be sure it's a file.


Starting with Python 3.4, the pathlib module offers an object-oriented approach (backported to pathlib2 in Python 2.7):

从Python 3.4开始,pathlib模块提供了一种面向对象的方法(在Python 2.7中反向移植到pathlib2):

from pathlib import Pathmy_file = Path("/path/to/file")if my_file.is_file():    # file exists

To check a directory, do:


if my_file.is_dir():    # directory exists

To check whether a Path object exists independently of whether is it a file or directory, use exists():

要检查路径对象是否独立于它是文件还是目录而存在,请使用exist ():

if my_file.exists():    # path exists

You can also use resolve() in a try block:


try:    my_abs_path = my_file.resolve()except FileNotFoundError:    # doesn't existelse:    # exists



You have the os.path.exists function:


import os.pathos.path.exists(file_path)

This returns True for both files and directories but you can instead use



to test if it's a file specifically. It follows symlinks.




Unlike isfile(), exists() will return True for directories.
So depending on if you want only plain files or also directories, you'll use isfile() or exists(). Here is a simple REPL output.


>>> print os.path.isfile("/etc/password.txt")True>>> print os.path.isfile("/etc")False>>> print os.path.isfile("/does/not/exist")False>>> print os.path.exists("/etc/password.txt")True>>> print os.path.exists("/etc")True>>> print os.path.exists("/does/not/exist")False



import os.pathif os.path.isfile(filepath):



Use os.path.isfile() with os.access():


import osimport os.pathPATH='./file.txt'if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK):    print "File exists and is readable"else:    print "Either file is missing or is not readable"



import osos.path.exists(path) # Returns whether the path (directory or file) exists or notos.path.isfile(path) # Returns whether the file exists or not



This is the simplest way to check if a file exists. Just because the file existed when you checked doesn't guarantee that it will be there when you need to open it.


import osfname = "foo.txt"if os.path.isfile(fname):    print("file does exist at this time")else:    print("no such file exists at this time")



Python 3.4+ has an object-oriented path module: pathlib. Using this new module, you can check whether a file exists like this:

Python 3.4+有一个面向对象的路径模块:pathlib。使用这个新模块,您可以检查一个文件是否存在如下:

import pathlibp = pathlib.Path('path/to/file')if p.is_file():  # or p.is_dir() to see if it is a directory    # do stuff

You can (and usually should) still use a try/except block when opening files:


try:    with p.open() as f:        # do awesome stuffexcept OSError:    print('Well darn.')

The pathlib module has lots of cool stuff in it: convenient globbing, checking file's owner, easier path joining, etc. It's worth checking out. If you're on an older Python (version 2.6 or later), you can still install pathlib with pip:


# installs pathlib2 on older Python versions# the original third-party module, pathlib, is no longer maintained.pip install pathlib2

Then import it as follows:


# Older Python versionsimport pathlib2 as pathlib



2017 / 12 / 22:

2017 / 12 / 22:

Although almost every possible way has been listed in (at least one of) the existing answers (e.g. Python 3.4 specific stuff was added), I'll try to group everything together.

尽管几乎所有可能的方法都列在现有答案中(至少有一种)(例如,增加了Python 3.4特定的内容),但我将尝试将所有的东西分组在一起。

Note: every piece of Python standard library code that I'm going to post, belongs to version 3.5.3 (doc quotes are version 3 specific).


Problem statement:


  1. Check file (arguable: also folder ("special" file) ?) existence
  2. 检查文件(可论证的:也文件夹(“特殊”文件)?)是否存在
  3. Don't use try / except / else / finally blocks
  4. 不要使用try / except / else / finally块

Possible solutions:


  1. [Python]: os.path.exists(path) (also check other function family members like os.path.isfile, os.path.isdir, os.path.lexists for slightly different behaviors)

    exist (path)(还检查其他函数家族成员,如os.path)。isfile os.path。isdir os.path。稍微不同的行为


    Return True if path refers to an existing path or an open file descriptor. Returns False for broken symbolic links. On some platforms, this function may return False if permission is not granted to execute os.stat() on the requested file, even if the path physically exists.


    All good, but if following the import tree:


    • os.path - posixpath.py (ntpath.py)

      操作系统。路径- posixpath。py(ntpath.py)

      • genericpath.py, line ~#20+

        genericpath。py,行~ # 20 +

        def exists(path):    """Test whether a path exists.  Returns False for broken symbolic links"""    try:        st = os.stat(path)    except os.error:        return False    return True

    it's just a try/except block around [Python]: os.stat(path, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True). So, your code is try/except free, but lower in the framestack there's (at least) one such block. This also applies to other funcs (including os.path.isfile).

    它只是[Python]: os附近的一个try/except块。stat(路径、* dir_fd = None,follow_symlinks = True)。因此,您的代码是try/except free,但是在framestack中至少有一个这样的块。这也适用于其他函数(包括os.path.isfile)。

    1.1. [Python]: pathlib.Path.is_file()


    • It's a fancier (and more pythonic) way of handling paths, but
    • 这是一种更奇特(更python化)的路径处理方式,但是
    • Under the hood, it does exactly the same thing (pathlib.py, line ~#1330):

      在引擎盖下,它做了完全相同的事情(pathlib)。py ~ # 1330行):

      def is_file(self):    """    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).    """    try:        return S_ISREG(self.stat().st_mode)    except OSError as e:        if e.errno not in (ENOENT, ENOTDIR):            raise        # Path doesn't exist or is a broken symlink        # (see https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/pathlib/issue/12/)        return False
  2. [Python]: With Statement Context Managers. Either:


    • Create one:


      class Swallow:  # Dummy example    swallowed_exceptions = (FileNotFoundError,)    def __enter__(self):        print("Entering...")    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):        print("Exiting:", exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)        return exc_type in Swallow.swallowed_exceptions  # only swallow FileNotFoundError (not e.g. TypeError - if the user passes a wrong argument like None or float or ...)
      • And its usage - I'll replicate the isfile behavior (note that this is just for demonstrating purposes, do not attempt to write such code for production):


        import osimport statdef isfile_seaman(path):  # Dummy func    result = False    with Swallow():        result = stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(path).st_mode)    return result
    • Use [Python]: contextlib.suppress(*exceptions) - which was specifically designed for selectively suppressing exceptions

      使用[Python]: contextlib.抑制(*exception)——它是专门为有选择地抑制异常而设计的。

    But, they seem to be wrappers over try/except/else/finally blocks, as [Python]: The with statement states:

    但是,它们似乎是try/except/else/finally块的包装器,如[Python]: with语句状态:

    This allows common try...except...finally usage patterns to be encapsulated for convenient reuse.


  3. Filesystem traversal functions (and search the results for matching item(s))


    • [Python]: os.listdir(path='.') (or [Python]: os.scandir(path='.') on Python v3.5+)

      [Python]: os.listdir(path='.')(或[Python]: os.scandir(path='.')

      Using scandir() instead of listdir() can significantly increase the performance of code that also needs file type or file attribute information, because os.DirEntry objects expose this information if the operating system provides it when scanning a directory. All os.DirEntry methods may perform a system call, but is_dir() and is_file() usually only require a system call for symbolic links; os.DirEntry.stat() always requires a system call on Unix but only requires one for symbolic links on Windows.


    • [Python]: os.walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False)
      • It uses os.listdir (os.scandir when available)
      • 它使用的操作系统。listdir(操作系统。scandir时可用)
    • (Python):操作系统。它使用的是os (top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False)。listdir(操作系统。scandir时可用)
    • [Python]: glob.iglob(pathname, recursive=False) ([Python]: glob.glob(pathname, *, recursive=False))
      • Doesn't seem a traversing function per se (at least in some cases), but it still uses os.listdir
      • 似乎它本身并不是一个遍历函数(至少在某些情况下),但是它仍然使用os.listdir
    • (Python):水珠。iglob(路径名,递归= False)((Python):水珠。glob(pathname, *, recursive=False)本身似乎不是一个遍历函数(至少在某些情况下是这样),但是它仍然使用os.listdir

    Since these iterate over folders, (in most of the cases) they are inefficient for our problem (there are exceptions, like non wildcarded globbing - as @ShadowRanger pointed out), so I'm not going to insist on them. Not to mention that in some cases, filename processing might be required.


  4. [Python]: os.access(path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, effective_ids=False, follow_symlinks=True) whose behavior is close to os.path.exists (actually it's wider, mainly because of the 2nd argument)

    (Python):操作系统。访问(path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, effective ve_ids=False, follow_symlinks=True),其行为接近os.path。存在(实际上它更宽,主要是因为第二个论点)

    • user permissions might restrict the file "visibility" as the doc states:

      ...test if the invoking user has the specified access to path. mode should be F_OK to test the existence of path...


    os.access("/tmp", os.F_OK)

    Since I also work in C, I use this method as well because under the hood, it calls native APIs (again, via "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodule.c"), but it also opens a gate for possible user errors, and it's not as Pythonic as other variants. So, as @AaronHall rightly pointed out, don't use it unless you know what you're doing:

    由于我也在C语言中工作,所以我也使用这个方法,因为在底层,它调用本地api(同样,通过“${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodu . C”),但是它也为可能的用户错误打开了一个大门,而且它不像其他变体那样具有python特性。所以,正如@AaronHall正确地指出的,除非你知道你在做什么,否则不要使用它:

    • Ux: [man]: ACCESS(2) (!!! pay attention to the note about the security hole its usage might introduce !!!)
    • 用户体验:[人]:访问(2)(! ! !注意它的使用可能带来的安全漏洞的注意事项!!
    • Win: [MSDN]: GetFileAttributes function
    • 赢得(MSDN)::GetFileAttributes函数

    Note: calling native APIs is also possible via [Python]: ctypes — A foreign function library for Python, but in most cases it's more complicated.

    注意:调用本地api也是可能的,通过[Python]: ctypes——Python的一个外国函数库,但在大多数情况下,它更复杂。

    (Win specific): Since msvcr*(vcruntime*) exports a [MSDN]: _access, _waccess function family as well, here's an example:

    (Win specific):由于msvcr*(vcruntime*)导出了一个[MSDN]: _access, _waccess函数家族,这里有一个例子:

    Python 3.5.3 (v3.5.3:1880cb95a742, Jan 16 2017, 16:02:32) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import os, ctypes>>> ctypes.CDLL("msvcrt")._waccess(u"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", os.F_OK)0>>> ctypes.CDLL("msvcrt")._waccess(u"C:\\Windows\\System32\\___cmd.exe", os.F_OK)-1



    • Although it's not a good practice, I'm using os.F_OK in the call, but that's just for clarity (its value is 0)
    • 虽然这不是一个好的实践,但我正在使用os。F_OK在调用中,但这只是为了清晰(它的值是0)
    • I'm using _waccess so that the same code works on Python3 and Python2 (in spite of unicode related differences between them)
    • 我使用_waccess是为了让相同的代码适用于Python3和Python2(尽管它们之间的unicode相关的差异)
    • Although this targets a very specific area, it was not mentioned in any of the previous answers
    • 虽然这是针对一个非常特定的领域,但在之前的任何一个答案中都没有提到

    The Lnx (Ubtu (16 x64)) counterpart as well:

    Lnx (Ubtu (16x64))对应文件:

    Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linuxType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import os, ctypes>>> ctypes.CDLL("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").access(b"/tmp", os.F_OK)0>>> ctypes.CDLL("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").access(b"/tmp1", os.F_OK)-1



    • Instead hardcoding libc's path ("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") which may (and most likely, will) vary across systems, None (or the empty string) can be passed to CDLL constructor (ctypes.CDLL(None).access(b"/tmp", os.F_OK)). According to [man]: DLOPEN(3):

      相反,硬编码libc的路径(“/lib/x86_64 linux-gnu/libc.so.6”)可能(而且很可能)在不同的系统中有所不同,没有(或空字符串)可以传递给CDLL构造函数(ctypes.CDLL(None)。访问(b“/ tmp”,os.F_OK))。根据[人]:DLOPEN(3):

      If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the main program. When given to dlsym(), this handle causes a search for a symbol in the main program, followed by all shared objects loaded at program startup, and then all shared objects loaded by dlopen() with the flag RTLD_GLOBAL.


      • Main (current) program (python) is linked against libc, so its symbols (including access) will be loaded
      • 主(当前)程序(python)被链接到libc上,因此它的符号(包括访问)将被加载
      • This has to be handled with care, since functions like main, Py_Main and (all the) others are available; calling them could have disastrous effects (on the current program)
      • 这必须小心处理,因为可以使用main、Py_Main和(所有)其他函数;调用它们可能会产生灾难性的影响(在当前程序中)
      • This doesn't also apply to Win (but that's not such a big deal, since msvcrt.dll is located in "%SystemRoot%\System32" which is in %PATH% by default). I wanted to take things further and replicate this behavior on Win (and submit a patch), but as it turns out, [MSDN]: GetProcAddress function only "sees" exported symbols, so unless someone declares the functions in the main executable as __declspec(dllexport) (why on Earth the regular person would do that?), the main program is loadable but pretty much unusable
      • 这也不适用于获胜(但这并不是什么大问题,因为msvcrt。dll位于“%SystemRoot%\System32”中,默认为%PATH%)。我想进一步和复制这种行为赢得(并提交补丁),但事实证明,[MSDN]:GetProcAddress函数只“看到”导出的符号,所以除非有人宣称的功能主要可执行文件使用__declspec(dllexport)(为什么在地球上正常的人会这么做?),主程序可加载,但几乎无法使用
  5. Install some 3rd Party module with filesystem capabilities


    Most likely, will rely on one of the ways above (maybe with slight customizations).
    One example would be (again, Win specific) [GitHub]: Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions, which is a Python wrapper over WINAPIs.

    最有可能的是,将依赖上面的一种方法(可能需要稍微定制)。一个例子是(同样是Win specific) [GitHub]: Windows (pywin32)扩展的Python,它是winapi上的Python包装器。

    But, since this is more like a workaround, I'm stopping here.


  6. Another (lame) workaround (gainarie) is (as I like to call it,) the sysadmin approach: use Python as a wrapper to execute shell commands


    • Win:


      (py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\*\q000082831>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" -c "import os; print(os.system('dir /b \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" > nul 2>&1'))"0(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\*\q000082831>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" -c "import os; print(os.system('dir /b \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe.notexist\" > nul 2>&1'))"1
    • Lnx (Ubtu):


      [cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~]> python3 -c "import os; print(os.system('ls \"/tmp\" > /dev/null 2>&1'))"0[cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~]> python3 -c "import os; print(os.system('ls \"/tmp.notexist\" > /dev/null 2>&1'))"512

Bottom line:


  • Do use try / except / else / finally blocks, because they can prevent you running into a series of nasty problems. A counter-example that I can think of, is performance: such blocks are costly, so try not to place them in code that it's supposed to run hundreds of thousands times per second (but since (in most cases) it involves disk access, it won't be the case).
  • 使用try / except / else / finally块,因为它们可以防止你遇到一系列严重的问题。我能想到的一个反例是性能:这样的块是昂贵的,所以尽量不要将它们放在预期每秒运行数十万次的代码中(但由于(在大多数情况下)它涉及磁盘访问,所以不会出现这种情况)。

Final note(s):


  • I will try to keep it up to date, any suggestions are welcome, I will incorporate anything useful that will come up into the answer
  • 我将尽量保持它的最新,欢迎任何建议,我将纳入任何有用的东西,将出现在回答



Prefer the try statement. It's considered better style and avoids race conditions.


Don't take my word for it. There's plenty of support for this theory. Here's a couple:




How do I check whether a file exists, using Python, without using a try statement?

Now available since Python 3.4, import and instantiate a Path object with the file name, and check the is_file method (note that this returns True for symlinks pointing to regular files as well):

现在,从Python 3.4开始,导入并实例化一个带有文件名的路径对象,并检查is_file方法(注意,这个返回的结果对于指向普通文件的符号链接也是正确的):

>>> from pathlib import Path>>> Path('/').is_file()False>>> Path('/initrd.img').is_file()True>>> Path('/doesnotexist').is_file()False

If you're on Python 2, you can backport the pathlib module from pypi, pathlib2, or otherwise check isfile from the os.path module:


>>> import os>>> os.path.isfile('/')False>>> os.path.isfile('/initrd.img')True>>> os.path.isfile('/doesnotexist')False

Now the above is probably the best pragmatic direct answer here, but there's the possibility of a race condition (depending on what you're trying to accomplish), and the fact that the underlying implementation uses a try, but Python uses try everywhere in its implementation.


Because Python uses try everywhere, there's really no reason to avoid an implementation that uses it.


But the rest of this answer attempts to consider these caveats.


Longer, much more pedantic answer

Available since Python 3.4, use the new Path object in pathlib. Note that .exists is not quite right, because directories are not files (except in the unix sense that everything is a file).

因为Python 3.4可用,所以在pathlib中使用新的Path对象。注意,.exist并不完全正确,因为目录不是文件(除了在unix意义上所有的都是文件)。

>>> from pathlib import Path>>> root = Path('/')>>> root.exists()True

So we need to use is_file:


>>> root.is_file()False

Here's the help on is_file:


is_file(self)    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).

So let's get a file that we know is a file:


>>> import tempfile>>> file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()>>> filepathobj = Path(file.name)>>> filepathobj.is_file()True>>> filepathobj.exists()True

By default, NamedTemporaryFile deletes the file when closed (and will automatically close when no more references exist to it).


>>> del file>>> filepathobj.exists()False>>> filepathobj.is_file()False

If you dig into the implementation, though, you'll see that is_file uses try:


def is_file(self):    """    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).    """    try:        return S_ISREG(self.stat().st_mode)    except OSError as e:        if e.errno not in (ENOENT, ENOTDIR):            raise        # Path doesn't exist or is a broken symlink        # (see https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/pathlib/issue/12/)        return False

Race Conditions: Why we like try

We like try because it avoids race conditions. With try, you simply attempt to read your file, expecting it to be there, and if not, you catch the exception and perform whatever fallback behavior makes sense.


If you want to check that a file exists before you attempt to read it, and you might be deleting it and then you might be using multiple threads or processes, or another program knows about that file and could delete it - you risk the chance of a race condition if you check it exists, because you are then racing to open it before its condition (its existence) changes.


Race conditions are very hard to debug because there's a very small window in which they can cause your program to fail.


But if this is your motivation, you can get the value of a try statement by using the suppress context manager.


Avoiding race conditions without a try statement: suppress

Python 3.4 gives us the suppress context manager (previously the ignore context manager), which does semantically exactly the same thing in fewer lines, while also (at least superficially) meeting the original ask to avoid a try statement:

Python 3.4为我们提供了压制上下文管理器(以前是忽略上下文管理器),它在更少的行中执行语义上完全相同的操作,同时(至少表面上)满足原始请求以避免尝试语句:

from contextlib import suppressfrom pathlib import Path



>>> with suppress(OSError), Path('doesnotexist').open() as f:...     for line in f:...         print(line)... >>>>>> with suppress(OSError):...     Path('doesnotexist').unlink()... >>> 

For earlier Pythons, you could roll your own suppress, but without a try will be more verbose than with. I do believe this actually is the only answer that doesn't use try at any level in the Python that can be applied to prior to Python 3.4 because it uses a context manager instead:

对于早期的python,您可以使用自己的方法来进行抑制,但是如果不尝试,就会比使用其他方法更加冗长。我相信这实际上是唯一一个不使用Python中任何级别的尝试的答案,因为它使用了上下文管理器来代替Python 3.4。

class suppress(object):    def __init__(self, *exceptions):        self.exceptions = exceptions    def __enter__(self):        return self    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):        if exc_type is not None:            return issubclass(exc_type, self.exceptions)

Perhaps easier with a try:


from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef suppress(*exceptions):    try:        yield    except exceptions:        pass

Other options that don't meet the ask for "without try":



import osos.path.isfile(path)

from the docs:




Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isfile() can be true for the same path.


But if you examine the source of this function, you'll see it actually does use a try statement:


# This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isdir() can be true# for the same path on systems that support symlinksdef isfile(path):    """Test whether a path is a regular file"""    try:        st = os.stat(path)    except os.error:        return False    return stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
>>> OSError is os.errorTrue

All it's doing is using the given path to see if it can get stats on it, catching OSError and then checking if it's a file if it didn't raise the exception.


If you intend to do something with the file, I would suggest directly attempting it with a try-except to avoid a race condition:


try:    with open(path) as f:        f.read()except OSError:    pass



Available for Unix and Windows is os.access, but to use you must pass flags, and it does not differentiate between files and directories. This is more used to test if the real invoking user has access in an elevated privilege environment:


import osos.access(path, os.F_OK)

It also suffers from the same race condition problems as isfile. From the docs:


Note: Using access() to check if a user is authorized to e.g. open a file before actually doing so using open() creates a security hole, because the user might exploit the short time interval between checking and opening the file to manipulate it. It’s preferable to use EAFP techniques. For example:


if os.access("myfile", os.R_OK):    with open("myfile") as fp:        return fp.read()return "some default data"

is better written as:


try:    fp = open("myfile")except IOError as e:    if e.errno == errno.EACCES:        return "some default data"    # Not a permission error.    raiseelse:    with fp:        return fp.read()

Avoid using os.access. It is a low level function that has more opportunities for user error than the higher level objects and functions discussed above.


Criticism of another answer:

Another answer says this about os.access:


Personally, I prefer this one because under the hood, it calls native APIs (via "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodule.c"), but it also opens a gate for possible user errors, and it's not as Pythonic as other variants:

就我个人而言,我更喜欢这个,因为它在底层调用本地api(通过“${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodu .c”),但是它也为可能的用户错误打开了一个大门,而且它不像其他变体那样具有python特性:

This answer says it prefers a non-Pythonic, error-prone method, with no justification. It seems to encourage users to use low-level APIs without understanding them.


It also creates a context manager which, by unconditionally returning True, allows all Exceptions (including KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit!) to pass silently, which is a good way to hide bugs.


This seems to encourage users to adopt poor practices.




import os#Your path here e.g. "C:\Program Files\text.txt"#For access purposes: "C:\\Program Files\\text.txt"if os.path.exists("C:\..."):       print "File found!"else:    print "File not found!"

Importing os makes it easier to navigate and perform standard actions with your operating system.


For reference also see How to check whether a file exists using Python?


If you need high-level operations, use shutil.




Testing for files and folders with os.path.isfile(), os.path.isdir() and os.path.exists()


Assuming that the "path" is a valid path, this table shows what is returned by each function for files and folders:



You can also test if a file is a certain type of file using os.path.splitext() to get the extension (if you don't already know it)


>>> import os>>> path = "path to a word document">>> os.path.isfile(path)True>>> os.path.splitext(path)[1] == ".docx" # test if the extension is .docxTrue



In 2016 the best way is still using os.path.isfile:


>>> os.path.isfile('/path/to/some/file.txt')

Or in Python 3 you can use pathlib:

或者在Python 3中,你可以使用pathlib:

import pathlibpath = pathlib.Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')if path.is_file():    ...



It doesn't seem like there's a meaningful functional difference between try/except and isfile(), so you should use which one makes sense.


If you want to read a file, if it exists, do


try:    f = open(filepath)except IOError:    print 'Oh dear.'

But if you just wanted to rename a file if it exists, and therefore don't need to open it, do


if os.path.isfile(filepath):    os.rename(filepath, filepath + '.old')

If you want to write to a file, if it doesn't exist, do


# python 2if not os.path.isfile(filepath):    f = open(filepath, 'w')# python 3, x opens for exclusive creation, failing if the file already existstry:    f = open(filepath, 'wx')except IOError:    print 'file already exists'

If you need file locking, that's a different matter.




You could try this (safer):


try:    # http://effbot.org/zone/python-with-statement.htm    # 'with' is safer to open a file    with open('whatever.txt') as fh:        # Do something with 'fh'except IOError as e:    print("({})".format(e))

The ouput would be:


([Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'whatever.txt')

([Errno 2]没有这样的文件或目录:'whatever.txt')

Then, depending on the result, your program can just keep running from there or you can code to stop it if you want.




Although I always recommend using try and except statements, here are a few possibilities for you (my personal favourite is using os.access):

虽然我总是推荐使用try and except语句,但这里有一些您可以使用的可能性(我个人最喜欢使用os.access):

  1. Try opening the file:


    Opening the file will always verify the existence of the file. You can make a function just like so:


    def File_Existence(filepath):    f = open(filepath)    return True

    If it's False, it will stop execution with an unhanded IOErroror OSError in later versions of Python. To catch the exception,you have to use a try except clause. Of course, you can alwaysuse a try except` statement like so (thanks to hsandtfor making me think):

    如果它是假的,那么它将在Python的后续版本中使用一个unhand IOErroror OSError停止执行。要捕获异常,必须使用try except子句。当然,你可以尝试一下,除了“so like so”(感谢hsandtfor让我思考):

    def File_Existence(filepath):    try:        f = open(filepath)    except IOError, OSError: # Note OSError is for later versions of Python        return False    return True
  2. Use os.path.exists(path):


    This will check the existence of what you specify. However, it checks for files and directories so beware about how you use it.


    import os.path>>> os.path.exists("this/is/a/directory")True>>> os.path.exists("this/is/a/file.txt")True>>> os.path.exists("not/a/directory")False
  3. Use os.access(path, mode):


    This will check whether you have access to the file. It will check for permissions. Based on the os.py documentation, typing in os.F_OK, it will check the existence of the path. However, using this will create a security hole, as someone can attack your file using the time between checking the permissions and opening the file. You should instead go directly to opening the file instead of checking its permissions. (EAFP vs LBYP). If you're not going to open the file afterwards, and only checking its existence, then you can use this.

    这将检查您是否能够访问该文件。它将检查权限。基于操作系统。py文档,输入os。F_OK,它将检查路径是否存在。但是,使用它将创建一个安全漏洞,因为有人可以使用检查权限和打开文件之间的时间来攻击您的文件。您应该直接打开文件,而不是检查它的权限。(EAFP vs LBYP)。如果您以后不打算打开文件,并且只检查它的存在,那么您可以使用它。

    Anyway, here:


    >>> import os>>> os.access("/is/a/file.txt", os.F_OK)True

I should also mention that there are two ways that you will not be able to verify the existence of a file. Either the issue will be permission denied or no such file or directory. If you catch an IOError, set the IOError as e (like my first option), and then type in print(e.args) so that you can hopefully determine your issue. I hope it helps! :)




Additionally, os.access():


if os.access("myfile", os.R_OK):    with open("myfile") as fp:        return fp.read()

Being R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK the flags to test for permissions (doc).




In Python 3.4 the language provides a new module to manage files:

在Python 3.4中,语言提供了一个管理文件的新模块:

import pathlibpath = pathlib.Path('path/to/file')if path.is_file(): # If you want to check a directory: path.is_dir()    # If it is true, return true on your code.



if os.path.isfile(path_to_file):    try:         open(path_to_file)            pass    except IOError as e:        print "Unable to open file"

Raising exceptions is considered to be an acceptable, and Pythonic, approach for flow control in your program. Consider handling missing files with IOErrors. In this situation, an IOError exception will be raised if the file exists but the user does not have read permissions.


SRC: http://www.pfinn.net/python-check-if-file-exists.html




You can write Brian's suggestion without the try:.


from contextlib import suppresswith suppress(IOError), open('filename'):    process()

suppress is part of Python 3.4. In older releases you can quickly write your own suppress:

suppress是Python 3.4的一部分。在旧版本中,您可以快速编写自己的抑制:

from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef suppress(*exceptions):    try:        yield    except exceptions:        pass



Here's a 1 line Python command for the Linux command line environment. I find this VERY HANDY since I'm not such a hot Bash guy.


python -c "import os.path; print os.path.isfile('/path_to/file.xxx')"

I hope this is helpful.




Adding one more slight variation which isn't exactly reflected in the other answers.


This will handle the case of the file_path being None or empty string.


def file_exists(file_path):    if not file_path:        return False    elif not os.path.isfile(file_path):        return False    else:        return True

Adding a variant based on suggestion from Shahbaz


def file_exists(file_path):    if not file_path:        return False    else:        return os.path.isfile(file_path)

Adding a variant based on suggestion from Peter Wood

根据Peter Wood的建议添加一个变体

def file_exists(file_path):    return file_path and os.path.isfile(file_path):



I'm the author of a package that's been around for about 10 years, and it has a function that addresses this question directly. Basically, if you are on a non-Windows system, it uses Popen to access find. However, if you are on Windows, it replicates find with an efficient filesystem walker.


The code itself does not use a try block… except in determining the operating system and thus steering you to the "Unix"-style find or the hand-buillt find. Timing tests showed that the try was faster in determining the OS, so I did use one there (but nowhere else).


>>> import pox>>> pox.find('*python*', type='file', root=pox.homedir(), recurse=False)['/Users/mmckerns/.python']

And the doc…


>>> print pox.find.__doc__find(patterns[,root,recurse,type]); Get path to a file or directory    patterns: name or partial name string of items to search for    root: path string of top-level directory to search    recurse: if True, recurse down from root directory    type: item filter; one of {None, file, dir, link, socket, block, char}    verbose: if True, be a little verbose about the search    On some OS, recursion can be specified by recursion depth (an integer).    patterns can be specified with basic pattern matching. Additionally,    multiple patterns can be specified by splitting patterns with a ';'    For example:        >>> find('pox*', root='..')        ['/Users/foo/pox/pox', '/Users/foo/pox/scripts/pox_launcher.py']        >>> find('*shutils*;*init*')        ['/Users/foo/pox/pox/shutils.py', '/Users/foo/pox/pox/__init__.py']>>>

The implementation, if you care to look, is here:https://github.com/uqfoundation/pox/blob/89f90fb308f285ca7a62eabe2c38acb87e89dad9/pox/shutils.py#L190

如果您愿意看的话,实现在这里:https://github.com/uqfoundation/pox/blob/89f90fb308f308f285ca7a62eabe2c38acb87e89dad9/pox/shutils.# L190



You can use the "OS" library of Python:


>>> import os>>> os.path.exists("C:\\Users\\####\\Desktop\\test.txt") True>>> os.path.exists("C:\\Users\\####\\Desktop\\test.tx")False



How do I check whether a file exists, without using the try statement?


In 2016, this is still arguably the easiest way to check if both a file exists and if it is a file:


import osos.path.isfile('./file.txt')    # Returns True if exists, else False

isfile is actually just a helper method that internally uses os.stat and stat.S_ISREG(mode) underneath. This os.stat is a lower-level method that will provide you with detailed information about files, directories, sockets, buffers, and more. More about os.stat here


Note: However, this approach will not lock the file in any way and therefore your code can become vulnerable to "time of check to time of use" (TOCTTOU) bugs.


So raising exceptions is considered to be an acceptable, and Pythonic, approach for flow control in your program. And one should consider handling missing files with IOErrors, rather than if statements (just an advice).






Every possible solution has been listed in other answers.


An intuitive and arguable way to check if a file exists is the following:


import osos.path.isfile('~/file.md')    # Returns True if exists, else Falseadditionaly check a diros.path.isdir('~/folder') # Returns True if the folder exists, else Falsecheck either a dir or a fileos.path.exists('~/file')

I made an exhaustive cheatsheet for your reference:


#os.path methods in exhaustive cheatsheet{'definition': ['dirname',               'basename',               'abspath',               'relpath',               'commonpath',               'normpath',               'realpath'],'operation': ['split', 'splitdrive', 'splitext',               'join', 'normcase'],'compare': ['samefile', 'sameopenfile', 'samestat'],'condition': ['isdir',              'isfile',              'exists',              'lexists'              'islink',              'isabs',              'ismount',], 'expand': ['expanduser',            'expandvars'], 'stat': ['getatime', 'getctime', 'getmtime',          'getsize']}



Check file or directory exists

You can follow these three ways:


Note1: The os.path.isfile used only for files


import os.pathos.path.isfile(filename) # True if file existsos.path.isfile(dirname) # False if directory exists

Note2: The os.path.exists used for both files and directories


import os.pathos.path.exists(filename) # True if file existsos.path.exists(dirname) #True if directory exists

The pathlib.Path method (included in Python 3+, installable with pip for Python 2)

pathlib。路径方法(包含在Python 3+中,用于Python 2的pip可安装)

from pathlib import PathPath(filename).exists()



import ospath = /path/to/dirroot,dirs,files = os.walk(path).next()if myfile in files:   print "yes it exists"

This is helpful when checking for several files. Or you want to do a set intersection/ subtraction with an existing list.




You can use the following open method to check if a file exists + readable:


open(inputFile, 'r')



If the reason you're checking is so you can do something like if file_exists: open_it(), it's safer to use a try around the attempt to open it. Checking and then opening risks the file being deleted or moved or something between when you check and when you try to open it.

如果您检查的原因是这样的:如果file_exists: open_it(),那么在尝试打开它时使用try更安全。检查和打开文件会有被删除或移动的风险,或者在检查和尝试打开文件之间的风险。

If you're not planning to open the file immediately, you can use os.path.isfile


Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isfile() can be true for the same path.


import os.pathos.path.isfile(fname) 

if you need to be sure it's a file.


Starting with Python 3.4, the pathlib module offers an object-oriented approach (backported to pathlib2 in Python 2.7):

从Python 3.4开始,pathlib模块提供了一种面向对象的方法(在Python 2.7中反向移植到pathlib2):

from pathlib import Pathmy_file = Path("/path/to/file")if my_file.is_file():    # file exists

To check a directory, do:


if my_file.is_dir():    # directory exists

To check whether a Path object exists independently of whether is it a file or directory, use exists():

要检查路径对象是否独立于它是文件还是目录而存在,请使用exist ():

if my_file.exists():    # path exists

You can also use resolve() in a try block:


try:    my_abs_path = my_file.resolve()except FileNotFoundError:    # doesn't existelse:    # exists



You have the os.path.exists function:


import os.pathos.path.exists(file_path)

This returns True for both files and directories but you can instead use



to test if it's a file specifically. It follows symlinks.




Unlike isfile(), exists() will return True for directories.
So depending on if you want only plain files or also directories, you'll use isfile() or exists(). Here is a simple REPL output.


>>> print os.path.isfile("/etc/password.txt")True>>> print os.path.isfile("/etc")False>>> print os.path.isfile("/does/not/exist")False>>> print os.path.exists("/etc/password.txt")True>>> print os.path.exists("/etc")True>>> print os.path.exists("/does/not/exist")False



import os.pathif os.path.isfile(filepath):



Use os.path.isfile() with os.access():


import osimport os.pathPATH='./file.txt'if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK):    print "File exists and is readable"else:    print "Either file is missing or is not readable"



import osos.path.exists(path) # Returns whether the path (directory or file) exists or notos.path.isfile(path) # Returns whether the file exists or not



This is the simplest way to check if a file exists. Just because the file existed when you checked doesn't guarantee that it will be there when you need to open it.


import osfname = "foo.txt"if os.path.isfile(fname):    print("file does exist at this time")else:    print("no such file exists at this time")



Python 3.4+ has an object-oriented path module: pathlib. Using this new module, you can check whether a file exists like this:

Python 3.4+有一个面向对象的路径模块:pathlib。使用这个新模块,您可以检查一个文件是否存在如下:

import pathlibp = pathlib.Path('path/to/file')if p.is_file():  # or p.is_dir() to see if it is a directory    # do stuff

You can (and usually should) still use a try/except block when opening files:


try:    with p.open() as f:        # do awesome stuffexcept OSError:    print('Well darn.')

The pathlib module has lots of cool stuff in it: convenient globbing, checking file's owner, easier path joining, etc. It's worth checking out. If you're on an older Python (version 2.6 or later), you can still install pathlib with pip:


# installs pathlib2 on older Python versions# the original third-party module, pathlib, is no longer maintained.pip install pathlib2

Then import it as follows:


# Older Python versionsimport pathlib2 as pathlib



2017 / 12 / 22:

2017 / 12 / 22:

Although almost every possible way has been listed in (at least one of) the existing answers (e.g. Python 3.4 specific stuff was added), I'll try to group everything together.

尽管几乎所有可能的方法都列在现有答案中(至少有一种)(例如,增加了Python 3.4特定的内容),但我将尝试将所有的东西分组在一起。

Note: every piece of Python standard library code that I'm going to post, belongs to version 3.5.3 (doc quotes are version 3 specific).


Problem statement:


  1. Check file (arguable: also folder ("special" file) ?) existence
  2. 检查文件(可论证的:也文件夹(“特殊”文件)?)是否存在
  3. Don't use try / except / else / finally blocks
  4. 不要使用try / except / else / finally块

Possible solutions:


  1. [Python]: os.path.exists(path) (also check other function family members like os.path.isfile, os.path.isdir, os.path.lexists for slightly different behaviors)

    exist (path)(还检查其他函数家族成员,如os.path)。isfile os.path。isdir os.path。稍微不同的行为


    Return True if path refers to an existing path or an open file descriptor. Returns False for broken symbolic links. On some platforms, this function may return False if permission is not granted to execute os.stat() on the requested file, even if the path physically exists.


    All good, but if following the import tree:


    • os.path - posixpath.py (ntpath.py)

      操作系统。路径- posixpath。py(ntpath.py)

      • genericpath.py, line ~#20+

        genericpath。py,行~ # 20 +

        def exists(path):    """Test whether a path exists.  Returns False for broken symbolic links"""    try:        st = os.stat(path)    except os.error:        return False    return True

    it's just a try/except block around [Python]: os.stat(path, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True). So, your code is try/except free, but lower in the framestack there's (at least) one such block. This also applies to other funcs (including os.path.isfile).

    它只是[Python]: os附近的一个try/except块。stat(路径、* dir_fd = None,follow_symlinks = True)。因此,您的代码是try/except free,但是在framestack中至少有一个这样的块。这也适用于其他函数(包括os.path.isfile)。

    1.1. [Python]: pathlib.Path.is_file()


    • It's a fancier (and more pythonic) way of handling paths, but
    • 这是一种更奇特(更python化)的路径处理方式,但是
    • Under the hood, it does exactly the same thing (pathlib.py, line ~#1330):

      在引擎盖下,它做了完全相同的事情(pathlib)。py ~ # 1330行):

      def is_file(self):    """    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).    """    try:        return S_ISREG(self.stat().st_mode)    except OSError as e:        if e.errno not in (ENOENT, ENOTDIR):            raise        # Path doesn't exist or is a broken symlink        # (see https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/pathlib/issue/12/)        return False
  2. [Python]: With Statement Context Managers. Either:


    • Create one:


      class Swallow:  # Dummy example    swallowed_exceptions = (FileNotFoundError,)    def __enter__(self):        print("Entering...")    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):        print("Exiting:", exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)        return exc_type in Swallow.swallowed_exceptions  # only swallow FileNotFoundError (not e.g. TypeError - if the user passes a wrong argument like None or float or ...)
      • And its usage - I'll replicate the isfile behavior (note that this is just for demonstrating purposes, do not attempt to write such code for production):


        import osimport statdef isfile_seaman(path):  # Dummy func    result = False    with Swallow():        result = stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(path).st_mode)    return result
    • Use [Python]: contextlib.suppress(*exceptions) - which was specifically designed for selectively suppressing exceptions

      使用[Python]: contextlib.抑制(*exception)——它是专门为有选择地抑制异常而设计的。

    But, they seem to be wrappers over try/except/else/finally blocks, as [Python]: The with statement states:

    但是,它们似乎是try/except/else/finally块的包装器,如[Python]: with语句状态:

    This allows common try...except...finally usage patterns to be encapsulated for convenient reuse.


  3. Filesystem traversal functions (and search the results for matching item(s))


    • [Python]: os.listdir(path='.') (or [Python]: os.scandir(path='.') on Python v3.5+)

      [Python]: os.listdir(path='.')(或[Python]: os.scandir(path='.')

      Using scandir() instead of listdir() can significantly increase the performance of code that also needs file type or file attribute information, because os.DirEntry objects expose this information if the operating system provides it when scanning a directory. All os.DirEntry methods may perform a system call, but is_dir() and is_file() usually only require a system call for symbolic links; os.DirEntry.stat() always requires a system call on Unix but only requires one for symbolic links on Windows.


    • [Python]: os.walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False)
      • It uses os.listdir (os.scandir when available)
      • 它使用的操作系统。listdir(操作系统。scandir时可用)
    • (Python):操作系统。它使用的是os (top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False)。listdir(操作系统。scandir时可用)
    • [Python]: glob.iglob(pathname, recursive=False) ([Python]: glob.glob(pathname, *, recursive=False))
      • Doesn't seem a traversing function per se (at least in some cases), but it still uses os.listdir
      • 似乎它本身并不是一个遍历函数(至少在某些情况下),但是它仍然使用os.listdir
    • (Python):水珠。iglob(路径名,递归= False)((Python):水珠。glob(pathname, *, recursive=False)本身似乎不是一个遍历函数(至少在某些情况下是这样),但是它仍然使用os.listdir

    Since these iterate over folders, (in most of the cases) they are inefficient for our problem (there are exceptions, like non wildcarded globbing - as @ShadowRanger pointed out), so I'm not going to insist on them. Not to mention that in some cases, filename processing might be required.


  4. [Python]: os.access(path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, effective_ids=False, follow_symlinks=True) whose behavior is close to os.path.exists (actually it's wider, mainly because of the 2nd argument)

    (Python):操作系统。访问(path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, effective ve_ids=False, follow_symlinks=True),其行为接近os.path。存在(实际上它更宽,主要是因为第二个论点)

    • user permissions might restrict the file "visibility" as the doc states:

      ...test if the invoking user has the specified access to path. mode should be F_OK to test the existence of path...


    os.access("/tmp", os.F_OK)

    Since I also work in C, I use this method as well because under the hood, it calls native APIs (again, via "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodule.c"), but it also opens a gate for possible user errors, and it's not as Pythonic as other variants. So, as @AaronHall rightly pointed out, don't use it unless you know what you're doing:

    由于我也在C语言中工作,所以我也使用这个方法,因为在底层,它调用本地api(同样,通过“${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodu . C”),但是它也为可能的用户错误打开了一个大门,而且它不像其他变体那样具有python特性。所以,正如@AaronHall正确地指出的,除非你知道你在做什么,否则不要使用它:

    • Ux: [man]: ACCESS(2) (!!! pay attention to the note about the security hole its usage might introduce !!!)
    • 用户体验:[人]:访问(2)(! ! !注意它的使用可能带来的安全漏洞的注意事项!!
    • Win: [MSDN]: GetFileAttributes function
    • 赢得(MSDN)::GetFileAttributes函数

    Note: calling native APIs is also possible via [Python]: ctypes — A foreign function library for Python, but in most cases it's more complicated.

    注意:调用本地api也是可能的,通过[Python]: ctypes——Python的一个外国函数库,但在大多数情况下,它更复杂。

    (Win specific): Since msvcr*(vcruntime*) exports a [MSDN]: _access, _waccess function family as well, here's an example:

    (Win specific):由于msvcr*(vcruntime*)导出了一个[MSDN]: _access, _waccess函数家族,这里有一个例子:

    Python 3.5.3 (v3.5.3:1880cb95a742, Jan 16 2017, 16:02:32) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import os, ctypes>>> ctypes.CDLL("msvcrt")._waccess(u"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", os.F_OK)0>>> ctypes.CDLL("msvcrt")._waccess(u"C:\\Windows\\System32\\___cmd.exe", os.F_OK)-1



    • Although it's not a good practice, I'm using os.F_OK in the call, but that's just for clarity (its value is 0)
    • 虽然这不是一个好的实践,但我正在使用os。F_OK在调用中,但这只是为了清晰(它的值是0)
    • I'm using _waccess so that the same code works on Python3 and Python2 (in spite of unicode related differences between them)
    • 我使用_waccess是为了让相同的代码适用于Python3和Python2(尽管它们之间的unicode相关的差异)
    • Although this targets a very specific area, it was not mentioned in any of the previous answers
    • 虽然这是针对一个非常特定的领域,但在之前的任何一个答案中都没有提到

    The Lnx (Ubtu (16 x64)) counterpart as well:

    Lnx (Ubtu (16x64))对应文件:

    Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linuxType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import os, ctypes>>> ctypes.CDLL("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").access(b"/tmp", os.F_OK)0>>> ctypes.CDLL("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").access(b"/tmp1", os.F_OK)-1



    • Instead hardcoding libc's path ("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") which may (and most likely, will) vary across systems, None (or the empty string) can be passed to CDLL constructor (ctypes.CDLL(None).access(b"/tmp", os.F_OK)). According to [man]: DLOPEN(3):

      相反,硬编码libc的路径(“/lib/x86_64 linux-gnu/libc.so.6”)可能(而且很可能)在不同的系统中有所不同,没有(或空字符串)可以传递给CDLL构造函数(ctypes.CDLL(None)。访问(b“/ tmp”,os.F_OK))。根据[人]:DLOPEN(3):

      If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the main program. When given to dlsym(), this handle causes a search for a symbol in the main program, followed by all shared objects loaded at program startup, and then all shared objects loaded by dlopen() with the flag RTLD_GLOBAL.


      • Main (current) program (python) is linked against libc, so its symbols (including access) will be loaded
      • 主(当前)程序(python)被链接到libc上,因此它的符号(包括访问)将被加载
      • This has to be handled with care, since functions like main, Py_Main and (all the) others are available; calling them could have disastrous effects (on the current program)
      • 这必须小心处理,因为可以使用main、Py_Main和(所有)其他函数;调用它们可能会产生灾难性的影响(在当前程序中)
      • This doesn't also apply to Win (but that's not such a big deal, since msvcrt.dll is located in "%SystemRoot%\System32" which is in %PATH% by default). I wanted to take things further and replicate this behavior on Win (and submit a patch), but as it turns out, [MSDN]: GetProcAddress function only "sees" exported symbols, so unless someone declares the functions in the main executable as __declspec(dllexport) (why on Earth the regular person would do that?), the main program is loadable but pretty much unusable
      • 这也不适用于获胜(但这并不是什么大问题,因为msvcrt。dll位于“%SystemRoot%\System32”中,默认为%PATH%)。我想进一步和复制这种行为赢得(并提交补丁),但事实证明,[MSDN]:GetProcAddress函数只“看到”导出的符号,所以除非有人宣称的功能主要可执行文件使用__declspec(dllexport)(为什么在地球上正常的人会这么做?),主程序可加载,但几乎无法使用
  5. Install some 3rd Party module with filesystem capabilities


    Most likely, will rely on one of the ways above (maybe with slight customizations).
    One example would be (again, Win specific) [GitHub]: Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions, which is a Python wrapper over WINAPIs.

    最有可能的是,将依赖上面的一种方法(可能需要稍微定制)。一个例子是(同样是Win specific) [GitHub]: Windows (pywin32)扩展的Python,它是winapi上的Python包装器。

    But, since this is more like a workaround, I'm stopping here.


  6. Another (lame) workaround (gainarie) is (as I like to call it,) the sysadmin approach: use Python as a wrapper to execute shell commands


    • Win:


      (py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\*\q000082831>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" -c "import os; print(os.system('dir /b \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" > nul 2>&1'))"0(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\*\q000082831>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" -c "import os; print(os.system('dir /b \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe.notexist\" > nul 2>&1'))"1
    • Lnx (Ubtu):


      [cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~]> python3 -c "import os; print(os.system('ls \"/tmp\" > /dev/null 2>&1'))"0[cfati@cfati-ubtu16x64-0:~]> python3 -c "import os; print(os.system('ls \"/tmp.notexist\" > /dev/null 2>&1'))"512

Bottom line:


  • Do use try / except / else / finally blocks, because they can prevent you running into a series of nasty problems. A counter-example that I can think of, is performance: such blocks are costly, so try not to place them in code that it's supposed to run hundreds of thousands times per second (but since (in most cases) it involves disk access, it won't be the case).
  • 使用try / except / else / finally块,因为它们可以防止你遇到一系列严重的问题。我能想到的一个反例是性能:这样的块是昂贵的,所以尽量不要将它们放在预期每秒运行数十万次的代码中(但由于(在大多数情况下)它涉及磁盘访问,所以不会出现这种情况)。

Final note(s):


  • I will try to keep it up to date, any suggestions are welcome, I will incorporate anything useful that will come up into the answer
  • 我将尽量保持它的最新,欢迎任何建议,我将纳入任何有用的东西,将出现在回答



Prefer the try statement. It's considered better style and avoids race conditions.


Don't take my word for it. There's plenty of support for this theory. Here's a couple:




How do I check whether a file exists, using Python, without using a try statement?

Now available since Python 3.4, import and instantiate a Path object with the file name, and check the is_file method (note that this returns True for symlinks pointing to regular files as well):

现在,从Python 3.4开始,导入并实例化一个带有文件名的路径对象,并检查is_file方法(注意,这个返回的结果对于指向普通文件的符号链接也是正确的):

>>> from pathlib import Path>>> Path('/').is_file()False>>> Path('/initrd.img').is_file()True>>> Path('/doesnotexist').is_file()False

If you're on Python 2, you can backport the pathlib module from pypi, pathlib2, or otherwise check isfile from the os.path module:


>>> import os>>> os.path.isfile('/')False>>> os.path.isfile('/initrd.img')True>>> os.path.isfile('/doesnotexist')False

Now the above is probably the best pragmatic direct answer here, but there's the possibility of a race condition (depending on what you're trying to accomplish), and the fact that the underlying implementation uses a try, but Python uses try everywhere in its implementation.


Because Python uses try everywhere, there's really no reason to avoid an implementation that uses it.


But the rest of this answer attempts to consider these caveats.


Longer, much more pedantic answer

Available since Python 3.4, use the new Path object in pathlib. Note that .exists is not quite right, because directories are not files (except in the unix sense that everything is a file).

因为Python 3.4可用,所以在pathlib中使用新的Path对象。注意,.exist并不完全正确,因为目录不是文件(除了在unix意义上所有的都是文件)。

>>> from pathlib import Path>>> root = Path('/')>>> root.exists()True

So we need to use is_file:


>>> root.is_file()False

Here's the help on is_file:


is_file(self)    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).

So let's get a file that we know is a file:


>>> import tempfile>>> file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()>>> filepathobj = Path(file.name)>>> filepathobj.is_file()True>>> filepathobj.exists()True

By default, NamedTemporaryFile deletes the file when closed (and will automatically close when no more references exist to it).


>>> del file>>> filepathobj.exists()False>>> filepathobj.is_file()False

If you dig into the implementation, though, you'll see that is_file uses try:


def is_file(self):    """    Whether this path is a regular file (also True for symlinks pointing    to regular files).    """    try:        return S_ISREG(self.stat().st_mode)    except OSError as e:        if e.errno not in (ENOENT, ENOTDIR):            raise        # Path doesn't exist or is a broken symlink        # (see https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/pathlib/issue/12/)        return False

Race Conditions: Why we like try

We like try because it avoids race conditions. With try, you simply attempt to read your file, expecting it to be there, and if not, you catch the exception and perform whatever fallback behavior makes sense.


If you want to check that a file exists before you attempt to read it, and you might be deleting it and then you might be using multiple threads or processes, or another program knows about that file and could delete it - you risk the chance of a race condition if you check it exists, because you are then racing to open it before its condition (its existence) changes.


Race conditions are very hard to debug because there's a very small window in which they can cause your program to fail.


But if this is your motivation, you can get the value of a try statement by using the suppress context manager.


Avoiding race conditions without a try statement: suppress

Python 3.4 gives us the suppress context manager (previously the ignore context manager), which does semantically exactly the same thing in fewer lines, while also (at least superficially) meeting the original ask to avoid a try statement:

Python 3.4为我们提供了压制上下文管理器(以前是忽略上下文管理器),它在更少的行中执行语义上完全相同的操作,同时(至少表面上)满足原始请求以避免尝试语句:

from contextlib import suppressfrom pathlib import Path



>>> with suppress(OSError), Path('doesnotexist').open() as f:...     for line in f:...         print(line)... >>>>>> with suppress(OSError):...     Path('doesnotexist').unlink()... >>> 

For earlier Pythons, you could roll your own suppress, but without a try will be more verbose than with. I do believe this actually is the only answer that doesn't use try at any level in the Python that can be applied to prior to Python 3.4 because it uses a context manager instead:

对于早期的python,您可以使用自己的方法来进行抑制,但是如果不尝试,就会比使用其他方法更加冗长。我相信这实际上是唯一一个不使用Python中任何级别的尝试的答案,因为它使用了上下文管理器来代替Python 3.4。

class suppress(object):    def __init__(self, *exceptions):        self.exceptions = exceptions    def __enter__(self):        return self    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):        if exc_type is not None:            return issubclass(exc_type, self.exceptions)

Perhaps easier with a try:


from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef suppress(*exceptions):    try:        yield    except exceptions:        pass

Other options that don't meet the ask for "without try":



import osos.path.isfile(path)

from the docs:




Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isfile() can be true for the same path.


But if you examine the source of this function, you'll see it actually does use a try statement:


# This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isdir() can be true# for the same path on systems that support symlinksdef isfile(path):    """Test whether a path is a regular file"""    try:        st = os.stat(path)    except os.error:        return False    return stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
>>> OSError is os.errorTrue

All it's doing is using the given path to see if it can get stats on it, catching OSError and then checking if it's a file if it didn't raise the exception.


If you intend to do something with the file, I would suggest directly attempting it with a try-except to avoid a race condition:


try:    with open(path) as f:        f.read()except OSError:    pass



Available for Unix and Windows is os.access, but to use you must pass flags, and it does not differentiate between files and directories. This is more used to test if the real invoking user has access in an elevated privilege environment:


import osos.access(path, os.F_OK)

It also suffers from the same race condition problems as isfile. From the docs:


Note: Using access() to check if a user is authorized to e.g. open a file before actually doing so using open() creates a security hole, because the user might exploit the short time interval between checking and opening the file to manipulate it. It’s preferable to use EAFP techniques. For example:


if os.access("myfile", os.R_OK):    with open("myfile") as fp:        return fp.read()return "some default data"

is better written as:


try:    fp = open("myfile")except IOError as e:    if e.errno == errno.EACCES:        return "some default data"    # Not a permission error.    raiseelse:    with fp:        return fp.read()

Avoid using os.access. It is a low level function that has more opportunities for user error than the higher level objects and functions discussed above.


Criticism of another answer:

Another answer says this about os.access:


Personally, I prefer this one because under the hood, it calls native APIs (via "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodule.c"), but it also opens a gate for possible user errors, and it's not as Pythonic as other variants:

就我个人而言,我更喜欢这个,因为它在底层调用本地api(通过“${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}/Modules/posixmodu .c”),但是它也为可能的用户错误打开了一个大门,而且它不像其他变体那样具有python特性:

This answer says it prefers a non-Pythonic, error-prone method, with no justification. It seems to encourage users to use low-level APIs without understanding them.


It also creates a context manager which, by unconditionally returning True, allows all Exceptions (including KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit!) to pass silently, which is a good way to hide bugs.


This seems to encourage users to adopt poor practices.




import os#Your path here e.g. "C:\Program Files\text.txt"#For access purposes: "C:\\Program Files\\text.txt"if os.path.exists("C:\..."):       print "File found!"else:    print "File not found!"

Importing os makes it easier to navigate and perform standard actions with your operating system.


For reference also see How to check whether a file exists using Python?


If you need high-level operations, use shutil.




Testing for files and folders with os.path.isfile(), os.path.isdir() and os.path.exists()


Assuming that the "path" is a valid path, this table shows what is returned by each function for files and folders:



You can also test if a file is a certain type of file using os.path.splitext() to get the extension (if you don't already know it)


>>> import os>>> path = "path to a word document">>> os.path.isfile(path)True>>> os.path.splitext(path)[1] == ".docx" # test if the extension is .docxTrue



In 2016 the best way is still using os.path.isfile:


>>> os.path.isfile('/path/to/some/file.txt')

Or in Python 3 you can use pathlib:

或者在Python 3中,你可以使用pathlib:

import pathlibpath = pathlib.Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')if path.is_file():    ...



It doesn't seem like there's a meaningful functional difference between try/except and isfile(), so you should use which one makes sense.


If you want to read a file, if it exists, do


try:    f = open(filepath)except IOError:    print 'Oh dear.'

But if you just wanted to rename a file if it exists, and therefore don't need to open it, do


if os.path.isfile(filepath):    os.rename(filepath, filepath + '.old')

If you want to write to a file, if it doesn't exist, do


# python 2if not os.path.isfile(filepath):    f = open(filepath, 'w')# python 3, x opens for exclusive creation, failing if the file already existstry:    f = open(filepath, 'wx')except IOError:    print 'file already exists'

If you need file locking, that's a different matter.




You could try this (safer):


try:    # http://effbot.org/zone/python-with-statement.htm    # 'with' is safer to open a file    with open('whatever.txt') as fh:        # Do something with 'fh'except IOError as e:    print("({})".format(e))

The ouput would be:


([Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'whatever.txt')

([Errno 2]没有这样的文件或目录:'whatever.txt')

Then, depending on the result, your program can just keep running from there or you can code to stop it if you want.




Although I always recommend using try and except statements, here are a few possibilities for you (my personal favourite is using os.access):

虽然我总是推荐使用try and except语句,但这里有一些您可以使用的可能性(我个人最喜欢使用os.access):

  1. Try opening the file:


    Opening the file will always verify the existence of the file. You can make a function just like so:


    def File_Existence(filepath):    f = open(filepath)    return True

    If it's False, it will stop execution with an unhanded IOErroror OSError in later versions of Python. To catch the exception,you have to use a try except clause. Of course, you can alwaysuse a try except` statement like so (thanks to hsandtfor making me think):

    如果它是假的,那么它将在Python的后续版本中使用一个unhand IOErroror OSError停止执行。要捕获异常,必须使用try except子句。当然,你可以尝试一下,除了“so like so”(感谢hsandtfor让我思考):

    def File_Existence(filepath):    try:        f = open(filepath)    except IOError, OSError: # Note OSError is for later versions of Python        return False    return True
  2. Use os.path.exists(path):


    This will check the existence of what you specify. However, it checks for files and directories so beware about how you use it.


    import os.path>>> os.path.exists("this/is/a/directory")True>>> os.path.exists("this/is/a/file.txt")True>>> os.path.exists("not/a/directory")False
  3. Use os.access(path, mode):


    This will check whether you have access to the file. It will check for permissions. Based on the os.py documentation, typing in os.F_OK, it will check the existence of the path. However, using this will create a security hole, as someone can attack your file using the time between checking the permissions and opening the file. You should instead go directly to opening the file instead of checking its permissions. (EAFP vs LBYP). If you're not going to open the file afterwards, and only checking its existence, then you can use this.

    这将检查您是否能够访问该文件。它将检查权限。基于操作系统。py文档,输入os。F_OK,它将检查路径是否存在。但是,使用它将创建一个安全漏洞,因为有人可以使用检查权限和打开文件之间的时间来攻击您的文件。您应该直接打开文件,而不是检查它的权限。(EAFP vs LBYP)。如果您以后不打算打开文件,并且只检查它的存在,那么您可以使用它。

    Anyway, here:


    >>> import os>>> os.access("/is/a/file.txt", os.F_OK)True

I should also mention that there are two ways that you will not be able to verify the existence of a file. Either the issue will be permission denied or no such file or directory. If you catch an IOError, set the IOError as e (like my first option), and then type in print(e.args) so that you can hopefully determine your issue. I hope it helps! :)




Additionally, os.access():


if os.access("myfile", os.R_OK):    with open("myfile") as fp:        return fp.read()

Being R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK the flags to test for permissions (doc).




In Python 3.4 the language provides a new module to manage files:

在Python 3.4中,语言提供了一个管理文件的新模块:

import pathlibpath = pathlib.Path('path/to/file')if path.is_file(): # If you want to check a directory: path.is_dir()    # If it is true, return true on your code.



if os.path.isfile(path_to_file):    try:         open(path_to_file)            pass    except IOError as e:        print "Unable to open file"

Raising exceptions is considered to be an acceptable, and Pythonic, approach for flow control in your program. Consider handling missing files with IOErrors. In this situation, an IOError exception will be raised if the file exists but the user does not have read permissions.


SRC: http://www.pfinn.net/python-check-if-file-exists.html




You can write Brian's suggestion without the try:.


from contextlib import suppresswith suppress(IOError), open('filename'):    process()

suppress is part of Python 3.4. In older releases you can quickly write your own suppress:

suppress是Python 3.4的一部分。在旧版本中,您可以快速编写自己的抑制:

from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef suppress(*exceptions):    try:        yield    except exceptions:        pass



Here's a 1 line Python command for the Linux command line environment. I find this VERY HANDY since I'm not such a hot Bash guy.


python -c "import os.path; print os.path.isfile('/path_to/file.xxx')"

I hope this is helpful.




Adding one more slight variation which isn't exactly reflected in the other answers.


This will handle the case of the file_path being None or empty string.


def file_exists(file_path):    if not file_path:        return False    elif not os.path.isfile(file_path):        return False    else:        return True

Adding a variant based on suggestion from Shahbaz


def file_exists(file_path):    if not file_path:        return False    else:        return os.path.isfile(file_path)

Adding a variant based on suggestion from Peter Wood

根据Peter Wood的建议添加一个变体

def file_exists(file_path):    return file_path and os.path.isfile(file_path):



I'm the author of a package that's been around for about 10 years, and it has a function that addresses this question directly. Basically, if you are on a non-Windows system, it uses Popen to access find. However, if you are on Windows, it replicates find with an efficient filesystem walker.


The code itself does not use a try block… except in determining the operating system and thus steering you to the "Unix"-style find or the hand-buillt find. Timing tests showed that the try was faster in determining the OS, so I did use one there (but nowhere else).


>>> import pox>>> pox.find('*python*', type='file', root=pox.homedir(), recurse=False)['/Users/mmckerns/.python']

And the doc…


>>> print pox.find.__doc__find(patterns[,root,recurse,type]); Get path to a file or directory    patterns: name or partial name string of items to search for    root: path string of top-level directory to search    recurse: if True, recurse down from root directory    type: item filter; one of {None, file, dir, link, socket, block, char}    verbose: if True, be a little verbose about the search    On some OS, recursion can be specified by recursion depth (an integer).    patterns can be specified with basic pattern matching. Additionally,    multiple patterns can be specified by splitting patterns with a ';'    For example:        >>> find('pox*', root='..')        ['/Users/foo/pox/pox', '/Users/foo/pox/scripts/pox_launcher.py']        >>> find('*shutils*;*init*')        ['/Users/foo/pox/pox/shutils.py', '/Users/foo/pox/pox/__init__.py']>>>

The implementation, if you care to look, is here:https://github.com/uqfoundation/pox/blob/89f90fb308f285ca7a62eabe2c38acb87e89dad9/pox/shutils.py#L190

如果您愿意看的话,实现在这里:https://github.com/uqfoundation/pox/blob/89f90fb308f308f285ca7a62eabe2c38acb87e89dad9/pox/shutils.# L190



You can use the "OS" library of Python:


>>> import os>>> os.path.exists("C:\\Users\\####\\Desktop\\test.txt") True>>> os.path.exists("C:\\Users\\####\\Desktop\\test.tx")False



How do I check whether a file exists, without using the try statement?


In 2016, this is still arguably the easiest way to check if both a file exists and if it is a file:


import osos.path.isfile('./file.txt')    # Returns True if exists, else False

isfile is actually just a helper method that internally uses os.stat and stat.S_ISREG(mode) underneath. This os.stat is a lower-level method that will provide you with detailed information about files, directories, sockets, buffers, and more. More about os.stat here


Note: However, this approach will not lock the file in any way and therefore your code can become vulnerable to "time of check to time of use" (TOCTTOU) bugs.


So raising exceptions is considered to be an acceptable, and Pythonic, approach for flow control in your program. And one should consider handling missing files with IOErrors, rather than if statements (just an advice).






Every possible solution has been listed in other answers.


An intuitive and arguable way to check if a file exists is the following:


import osos.path.isfile('~/file.md')    # Returns True if exists, else Falseadditionaly check a diros.path.isdir('~/folder') # Returns True if the folder exists, else Falsecheck either a dir or a fileos.path.exists('~/file')

I made an exhaustive cheatsheet for your reference:


#os.path methods in exhaustive cheatsheet{'definition': ['dirname',               'basename',               'abspath',               'relpath',               'commonpath',               'normpath',               'realpath'],'operation': ['split', 'splitdrive', 'splitext',               'join', 'normcase'],'compare': ['samefile', 'sameopenfile', 'samestat'],'condition': ['isdir',              'isfile',              'exists',              'lexists'              'islink',              'isabs',              'ismount',], 'expand': ['expanduser',            'expandvars'], 'stat': ['getatime', 'getctime', 'getmtime',          'getsize']}



Check file or directory exists

You can follow these three ways:


Note1: The os.path.isfile used only for files


import os.pathos.path.isfile(filename) # True if file existsos.path.isfile(dirname) # False if directory exists

Note2: The os.path.exists used for both files and directories


import os.pathos.path.exists(filename) # True if file existsos.path.exists(dirname) #True if directory exists

The pathlib.Path method (included in Python 3+, installable with pip for Python 2)

pathlib。路径方法(包含在Python 3+中,用于Python 2的pip可安装)

from pathlib import PathPath(filename).exists()



import ospath = /path/to/dirroot,dirs,files = os.walk(path).next()if myfile in files:   print "yes it exists"

This is helpful when checking for several files. Or you want to do a set intersection/ subtraction with an existing list.




You can use the following open method to check if a file exists + readable:


open(inputFile, 'r')