为什么Python没有“continue if”语句?

时间:2022-09-29 07:18:58

This is a pretty readable chunk of code I think,


for i in range(100):
    continue if i % 2 == 0

But it's not syntactically correct. We can do other nice things in Python like,


for i in things:
    total += 3 if i % 2 == 0 else 1

Or maybe,


return a if b > a else c

Why can't we do a continue if statement?


3 个解决方案



The flow:


for i in range(100):
    continue if i % 2 == 0

Would be equivalent to:


for i in range(1, 100, 2):

Or, more generically, to:


for i in range(100):
    if i % 2 == 0:

Python language designers have a history of voting against changes to the grammar which are only offering slightly different ways of doing the same thing ("There should be one obvious way to do it").


The type of one-liner construct which you've mentioned


x if cond else y

was an exception made, here. It was added to the language to offer a less error-prone way of achieving what many users were already attempting to achieve with and and or short-circuiting hacks (source: Guido). Code in the wild was using:


cond and x or y

Which is not logically equivalent, yet it's an easy mistake to make for users who were already familiar with the ternary cond ? : x : y syntax from C. A correct equivalent is:

这在逻辑上是不相同的,但对于已经熟悉三元cond的用户来说,这是一个容易犯的错误? :来自C的x:y语法。正确的等价物是:

(cond and [x] or [y])[0]

But, that's ugly. So, the rationale for the addition of an expression x if cond else y was stronger than a mere convenience.




Because x if cond else y is actually an expression. Expressions are statements which evaluate to a value, in this case, either x or y.

因为x if cond else y实际上是一个表达式。表达式是对值进行求值的语句,在本例中为x或y。

continue is not a value, so there's that. Also,


if cond:

is really not much harder or more "error prone" than continue if cond, whereas v = x if cond else y is probably better than

实际上并没有比cond更难或更容易出错,而v = x如果cond else y可能比

if cond:
    v = x
    v = y

There's also the fact that if we allowed continue if cond, we add a new way to use this _ if cond pattern, i.e. we allow it without an else.


For more info: https://docs.python.org/2.5/whatsnew/pep-308.html




Python does have such a thing, the syntax is just a bit different. Instead of the "if and "continue" being combined as one statement, they are separated into a conditional statement (if, while etc), and a control flow (continue, pass, break etc) if it evaluates to true. In your first code example, the syntax would be:


for i in range(100):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        #you could also add an else like this do something else if the 
        #number evaluated to odd

This will move on to the next iteration of the outer loop.There are also other helpful iteration tools like this, called "Control Flow Tools." I'll include a link to the Python docs that explain this. There's a ton of useful stuff there, so please do have a look.


Others here have also suggested a single-line syntax, which works too. It is, however, good to understand both approaches; this way you can keep your code as simple as possible, but you'll also have the ability to nest loops and conditions if your algorithm will benefit from it.


Happy coding!






The flow:


for i in range(100):
    continue if i % 2 == 0

Would be equivalent to:


for i in range(1, 100, 2):

Or, more generically, to:


for i in range(100):
    if i % 2 == 0:

Python language designers have a history of voting against changes to the grammar which are only offering slightly different ways of doing the same thing ("There should be one obvious way to do it").


The type of one-liner construct which you've mentioned


x if cond else y

was an exception made, here. It was added to the language to offer a less error-prone way of achieving what many users were already attempting to achieve with and and or short-circuiting hacks (source: Guido). Code in the wild was using:


cond and x or y

Which is not logically equivalent, yet it's an easy mistake to make for users who were already familiar with the ternary cond ? : x : y syntax from C. A correct equivalent is:

这在逻辑上是不相同的,但对于已经熟悉三元cond的用户来说,这是一个容易犯的错误? :来自C的x:y语法。正确的等价物是:

(cond and [x] or [y])[0]

But, that's ugly. So, the rationale for the addition of an expression x if cond else y was stronger than a mere convenience.




Because x if cond else y is actually an expression. Expressions are statements which evaluate to a value, in this case, either x or y.

因为x if cond else y实际上是一个表达式。表达式是对值进行求值的语句,在本例中为x或y。

continue is not a value, so there's that. Also,


if cond:

is really not much harder or more "error prone" than continue if cond, whereas v = x if cond else y is probably better than

实际上并没有比cond更难或更容易出错,而v = x如果cond else y可能比

if cond:
    v = x
    v = y

There's also the fact that if we allowed continue if cond, we add a new way to use this _ if cond pattern, i.e. we allow it without an else.


For more info: https://docs.python.org/2.5/whatsnew/pep-308.html




Python does have such a thing, the syntax is just a bit different. Instead of the "if and "continue" being combined as one statement, they are separated into a conditional statement (if, while etc), and a control flow (continue, pass, break etc) if it evaluates to true. In your first code example, the syntax would be:


for i in range(100):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        #you could also add an else like this do something else if the 
        #number evaluated to odd

This will move on to the next iteration of the outer loop.There are also other helpful iteration tools like this, called "Control Flow Tools." I'll include a link to the Python docs that explain this. There's a ton of useful stuff there, so please do have a look.


Others here have also suggested a single-line syntax, which works too. It is, however, good to understand both approaches; this way you can keep your code as simple as possible, but you'll also have the ability to nest loops and conditions if your algorithm will benefit from it.


Happy coding!


